
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

CH.32 The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 2

In a world of secrets, a bottle holds the key, A man's betrayal, a life lost in tragedy. Will justice prevail, will the culprit be caught? Jack harnesses technology, his battle will be fought. As the pieces unfold, motives come to light, The truth hidden in shadows, ready for the fight. Who masterminded the poisoning's cruel plot? The answer awaits, soon to be unlocked. With perseverance and wit, Jack's quest shall unfold, Unveiling the truth, as the mysteries enfold. The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 2 The news of the assassination attempt on General Setka and the death of Taheri spread quickly among the soldiers. Suspicion and mistrust filled the air as the soldiers discussed the incident. They were neither scared nor running away; instead, they were suspicious of one another and found it hard to trust. Ramon expressed his thoughts to Kamil, saying, "I guess the enemies' plan worked." Kamil nodded in agreement, responding, "Yes, you're right. Even I didn't expect this." Realizing the need to move forward, Kamil suggested, "I guess we should proceed with the interrogations." They made their way towards the central fire where the soldiers had gathered. Kamil stepped up onto a large wooden log, raising his voice to address the crowd. "Attention, soldiers! Please calm down," he called out, trying to bring order to the chaos. "I ask the respected leaders of each group to come forth and follow me to the tent. We need to ask you some questions," Kamil declared, his voice carrying authority and determination. He assured the soldiers that they had a good lead and that they would catch the betrayer. The soldiers cheered and showed their support, expressing their confidence in Lieutenant Kamil. "Yes, Lieutenant Kamil, that's what we expected from you!" Out of the hundred soldiers, eleven leaders, donning their Armour, stepped forward. They followed Kamil and Ramon into the tent. The footsteps of the eleven soldiers echoed heavily as they entered the tent, bearing scars on their faces and wielding spears in their hands. Upon seeing General Setka, they bowed down in respect. "General, we are saddened to hear the news of Taheri's death. It was truly a tragic loss," they spoke in a sombre tone, their expressions reflecting their genuine sorrow. Setka reassured them, "Don't worry, soldiers. Please rise." Kamil took charge, addressing the group. "Alright, one of you, Yuisu, please come with us. The rest, wait outside and ensure no one goes anywhere." "Yes, Lieutenant Kamil," they replied in unison. The ten soldiers exited the tent, leaving Yuisu behind. Kamil gestured for Yuisu to follow him to the table, where Setka, Ramon, and Kamil stood with a burning anger in their eyes. It was not fuelled by mere revenge but a deep desire for justice. "Yuisu, we need to ask you some questions," Kamil said firmly, his voice filled with determination. Yuisu, feeling the weight of the situation, nodded silently, and prepared to answer their inquiries.At the Kitchen"Well, I guess we haven't found anything here," Kasib said in a disappointed voice. "Let's check somewhere else," Jack instructed, trying to ignite a glimmer of hope. "Fine," Kasib replied, his tone reflecting his lingering disappointment as he reluctantly followed Jack's command. Kasib exited the tent, closing the thick curtain behind him. Meanwhile, Jack looked around the tent one last time, hoping to spot any last-minute hints. But his efforts proved fruitless. With a resigned sigh, Jack turned to leave the tent. However, just as he was about to step outside, his leg became entangled in a rope, causing him to lose his balance. He stumbled forward, crashing into the table and sending everything in the kitchen into a cacophony of clattering cutlery. "Ahahah!" Jack exclaimed in pain and frustration, his voice echoing through the chaos.Kasib quickly rushed back into the tent, his voice filled with concern and shock. He looked at Jack, who was lying on the floor, covered from shoulder to toe in a chaotic jumble of kitchen cutlery. "What happened?" Kasib asked, his tone a mixture of worry and anger. "No problem here, I'm good," Jack replied, mustering a shaky voice as he managed to put his thumbs up. "What did you do?" Kasib questioned angrily; his frustration evident. Before Jack could respond, one of the rolling dishes in the commotion opened, revealing a bottle that began to roll out. Both Jack and Kasib's eyes followed the rolling bottle as it hit Kasib's foot and came to a stop. Back at the tent, the 5th soldier who had been interviewed stood up and walked out, his departure shrouded in a mysterious aura. Ramon keenly observed the unfolding situation, his eyes flickering with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Hmm," he pondered aloud, his voice filled with intrigue, "everyone is denying involvement, but they are also dropping subtle hints that point to Iliaz." Kamil, nodding in agreement, mirrored Ramon's thoughtful expression. "Indeed," he concurred, his voice tinged with a hint of suspicion, "there seems to be an undercurrent of jealousy directed towards Iliaz among the soldiers." Before anyone could respond, Setka interjected, his tone carrying a sense of scepticism. "Well, let's not overlook the fact that Iliaz has suddenly come into possession of a substantial amount of money. That alone raises suspicions. After all, it's highly unlikely for a soldier to earn such a fortune." Kamil took a moment to let Setka's words sink in, contemplating the gravity of the situation. His brow furrowed as he weighed the possibilities. "I believe it's high time we confront Iliaz directly," he asserted, a determined resolve in his voice. "We can no longer afford to waste precious time on speculation. By facing him head-on, we may finally uncover the truth behind the poisoning And," he added optimistically, "let's hope that Jack has unearthed some concrete evidence by now. It could be the missing piece we desperately need." Back at the Kitchen A surge of excitement permeated the air, crackling with anticipation, as Jack emerged from the sea of cutlery that had nearly swallowed him whole. With a triumphant tone that resonated with triumph, he couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he exclaimed to Kasib, his voice ringing with excitement, "Wait, that's it!" Kasib, his eyes wide with curiosity, reached out instinctively to touch the bottle but quickly pulled back as Jack's urgent warning reached his ears. He realized the gravity of the situation and took a step back, allowing Jack to handle the potentially dangerous evidence with caution. Fully aware of the significance of his discovery, Jack stood up, his mind racing with a newfound determination. He swiftly grabbed a cloth nearby, careful not to leave any fingerprints, and delicately wrapped the ominous bottle within its protective folds. Intrigued by the contents within, Kasib couldn't help but voice his curiosity. Peering over Jack's shoulder, he asked in a hushed tone, "So, what poison is it?" Jack met Kasib's gaze, a mix of seriousness and urgency in his eyes. "It's aconite," he revealed, his voice tinged with a touch of unease, "also known as Wolf's bane. It's a flower that can be found in abundance, but its lethal properties are no less deadly." Taking a moment to let the gravity of the situation sink in, Jack securely tucked the wrapped bottle into his pocket, ensuring its safety. With a resolute expression, he turned to Kasib, his voice brimming with determination. "Kasib, guide me to the lab that Kamil mentioned," he instructed, his words laced with purpose. "We can't waste another moment. It's at the back of the tents. Once we're there, we'll carefully examine this evidence and await the results that will shed light on the truth. And," he added, his tone emphasizing the importance of their next steps, "please inform Kamil that we've found the vital evidence and are eagerly awaiting the outcomes. Additionally, let him know that any suspects should be closely monitored from this point forward. We can't afford to let them slip through our fingers." Guided by Kasib, Jack swiftly navigated through the sprawling camp, their hurried footsteps echoing in the cool night air. The rows of white tents stretched out before them, their windows emanating a soft, warm glow that contrasted with the gathering chill. As they neared the heart of the camp, a subtle change in the atmosphere became palpable—the air grew colder, and a gust of wind rustled through the surroundings, adding an eerie edge to their mission. Meanwhile, amidst the labyrinth of tents, Kamil emerged alongside Setka and Ramon, their expressions determined and resolute. Their presence commanded attention, and soon the soldiers began to gather, their weariness etched upon their faces. An undercurrent of anxiety pulsed through the group, their eyes darting in anticipation of the forthcoming revelations."Do you want to talk to the rest of us?" one of the leaders asked. Setka, the embodiment of authority, stepped forward, his response resolute and unwavering. "No," he declared firmly, his voice carrying a weight that brooked no dissent. "Just follow US, men." His words held an unspoken command, and the soldiers fell in line, obediently trailing behind Setka, Ramon and Kamil. Led by Setka's unyielding determination, the group made their way toward a flickering bonfire where the soldiers had congregated, their fatigue etched upon their faces. An air of anticipation mingled with weariness, as if the flickering flames held the answers they desperately sought. Taking charge, Kamil ascended a prominent wooden log, ensuring his words would carry to every corner of the gathering. His authoritative voice boomed across the camp, cutting through the silence. "Iliaz, come forth!" he commanded, his tone brooking no disobedience. The soldiers eagerly scanned the crowd, their eyes trained to spot any sign of movement. Soon, a hand emerged from the sea of faces, reaching skyward to indicate the presence of Iliaz. A member from the special unit stepped forward, firmly gripping Iliaz's neck as he brought him to the forefront, marking him as the centre of attention. Setka's fury, like a tempest brewing within, was palpable as he commanded, his voice laced with restrained anger, "So, Iliaz, speak!"