
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

Ch.29 Back to Egypt the journey with General Setka Part 3

Moves made in shadows, Anubis in disguise, A grand plan brewing, something that belies. The factions clash, relentless in their strife, The Merchants Guild seeks to claim their life.

Blackwood, the imposter from distant lands, A power-hungry puppeteer with cunning hands. But will his strength prove enough to prevail? The answer to this puzzle, time will unveil.

For now, the stage is set, the players in their place, Each with their agendas, ready to embrace. The secrets hidden deep within their hearts, Will shape the destiny, as the story imparts.

Patience, dear reader, for the tale unfolds, Intrigue and suspense, as the plot enfolds. The answers lie in the chapters yet untold, Where truth and deception intertwine, bold.

So let us journey on, through twists and turns, Discovering the fates, as each character yearns. For in this tapestry of mystery and fate, Lies a story that will captivate, ever so great.

Back to Egypt the journey with General Setka Part 3


The soldiers marched forward, following the path that led them through the grand palace doors. As they made their way through the bustling city of Thebes, a clear pathway was created for them, and the cheering of the people filled the air. General Setka was saluted and hailed for his bravery, while Lieutenant Kamil received admiration and expressions of love from a group of young girls.


Among the crowd, there were children who expressed their desire to join the army and be a part of the special unit. One of the soldiers responded with encouragement, telling them to work hard. Kasib, known for his strength and undefeated record, received praise from onlookers. However, he remained focused and continued to look ahead.


As the soldiers proceeded, people recognized Ramon and expressed their gratitude for his helpful nature. Some shared stories of his assistance in various situations, such as helping with groceries or rescuing a cat from a tree. Ramon smiled and waved back at the appreciative crowd.


Jack observed the interactions with a mixture of curiosity and awe. He marvelled at the connection between the soldiers and the people they protected,


The soldiers followed General Setka's lead, riding their horses forward with determination. They left the city behind and entered the vast expanse of the desert, where the scorching sun beat down upon them. As they rode further into the desert, the speed of their horses gradually began to decrease, matching the pace of General Setka.


Jack felt the change in momentum as the soldiers slowed down. He glanced around, taking in the sight of the seemingly endless desert stretching before them. The sand dunes rolled like waves in the distance, creating a mesmerizing yet daunting landscape.


General Setka, positioned at the front of the formation, kept a watchful eye on his soldiers. He knew that maintaining a steady pace and conserving their energy would be crucial for the long journey ahead. The soldiers followed his lead, their horses trotting steadily through the sandy terrain.


Jack, riding alongside Ramon and Kasib, felt a sense of anticipation mixed with uncertainty. The weight of their mission and the challenges that awaited them in the desert.


As the soldiers continued their journey through the desert, their conversations flowed amidst the rhythmic sounds of hooves and the swirling sands around them.


"Hey, I heard you have a horse of the same breed as the General. Must have cost you a fortune," one soldier remarked to his companion.


"Yeah, I saved up for it. Wanted a horse I could rely on," his friend replied with a hint of pride in his voice.


Meanwhile, another group of soldiers engaged in a discussion about their families.


"How are your children?" one of them asked.


"They're doing well. The little one just started talking," the soldier responded, his face lighting up with a smile.


General Setka, leading the formation, didn't intervene to quiet their conversations. He recognized that the soldiers were in good spirits and maintaining a steady pace, so he saw no need to disrupt their camaraderie.


Kasib turned to Ramon and asked, "How's Commander Menes?"


"Didn't you see him?" Ramon replied.


"No, I had to take a few days off for rest. The commander recommended it," Kasib explained.


Ramon shrugged. "Well, he's doing great, better than ever. I wouldn't be surprised if he's competing in an eating contest right now."


Back at the palace, Menes and Henu sat across from each other, engaged in an epic eating challenge.


"Henu, you can't beat me," Menes declared confidently, munching on pieces of bread.


"Oh, just you wait, Menes," Henu countered, stuffing his mouth with more bread, astonishing those around them, including the waitresses serving their food however what was more astonishing to them was that Henu was even here.

Back to the soldiers


Amidst the soldiers and the vast expanse of sand, one of the burly special unit soldiers called out to Jack, Ramon, and Kasib.


"Hey, you guys," he bellowed in a deep voice.


"Yes?" Jack, Ramon, and Kasib responded simultaneously; their curiosity piqued.


"The lieutenant wants to see you," the soldier informed them.


"What does Kamil want?" Ramon asked.


"Find out for yourselves. Now go," the soldier replied.


Ramon let out a sigh as he made his way through the ranks of the special unit soldiers, accidentally bumping into one of them. Startled, Ramon transformed into a cat and meowed apologetically "sorry my mistake".


Finally, they reached the front of the formation, standing behind General Setka and beside Lieutenant Kamil.


"Hey, Kamil," greeted Ramon.


"Hi, Ramon," Kamil replied with a nod.


Jack and Kasib emerged from the crowd, joining Ramon at the front. They were met with the endless stretch of sand and the rolling hills that dominated the landscape.


"So, you're Kasib and Jack Sterling," Kamil acknowledged.


"Yes, that's us," Kasib and Jack replied.


"Jack Sterling, you don't look like much of a soldier," Kamil remarked playfully.


"Well, I'm new, so I still have room for improvement," Jack responded.


Kamil paused for a few seconds, his eyes fixed on the brown coat Jack was wearing. Suspicion crept into his voice as he asked, "What's that brown thing you're wearing? We don't see that a lot here."


"Oh, it's from my hometown. My, uh, aunt made it for me," Jack quickly fabricated an explanation.


"She did a nice job, didn't she?" Kamil replied, still suspicious with Jacks answer.


"Yeah!" Jack affirmed.


Before further conversation could ensue, General Setka interjected, commanding Kamil to provide reports on various matters.


"Yes, General," Kamil complied, his tone shifting to a more serious demeanour.


"Indeed, the Anubis's recent decrease in activity is concerning," Kamil stated with confidence. "I believe he is a formidable opponent, perhaps on par with my own capabilities. It seems he is being cautious and likely planning something significant."


General Setka nodded in agreement. "I am well aware of the Anubis's goals and aspirations. He is a formidable adversary, and his plans are undoubtedly grand in scale."


Kamil continued, sharing his insights. "Additionally, we have noticed a surge in activity within the Merchants Guild. Their actions range from robberies to murders. Blackwood, their leader, seems relentless. What's more, we have received intelligence indicating that they have obtained some Chronotex, which means they now have individuals under their command with formidable abilities."


"However," Kamil emphasized, "within the royal army, we currently only have three to four individuals who possess the power of the Chronotex, including Jack Sterling here. If we were to engage in combat with any of these factions now, we would be at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, we do have an advantage in terms of dark energy. Commander Menes, the master of dark energy, is among us, along with Henu Safir, a formidable warrior. Additionally, we have Kasib, Ramon, and me. But our army is still relatively weak at the moment. To establish true dominance over this land, we must expand our forces."

As the conversation continued, General Setka expressed his concern about the situation. Kamil then turned his attention to Jack Sterling.


"Jack Sterling," Kamil called out.


"Yes?" Jack responded.


"Where is your Chronotex?" Kamil inquired.


Before Jack could answer, General Setka intervened, attempting to defend him. "Don't worry, Kamil. Jack showed it to me, and it has great potential." He said trying to hide the facts that Jack doesn't require a physical Chronotex.


"Okay, General," Kamil replied, still harbouring some suspicion about Jacks Chronotex.


Curious, Kamil proceeded to ask Jack about his ability. "What is your ability, Jack Sterling?"


"It's called Chrono-Arachnid," Jack confidently replied.


"That's a nice name. What does it do?" Kamil further inquired.


"Well, at level 1, it grants me heightened senses like that of a spider. I can see things up close and sense the presence of living beings around me. As for level 2, it might allow me to fight more effectively by giving me spider-like claws," Jack explained.


Curious about the source of this information, Kamil asked, "How did you come up with this theory?"


"Well, we had gathered some information. For example, when Jack was in a near-death state, he exhibited incredible abilities. The Anubis's men attacked him, but they were swiftly dispatched. Additionally, during a fight with Kasib, we witnessed spider-like claws emerging from Jack's back," Ramon interjected.


Kamil looked at Kasib in surprise, while Kasib felt slightly embarrassed and averted his gaze. Ramon continued, "Based on these observations, we formulated the theory."

"well we had some information on him for example when he is in a death state or near death he is too dangerous this happened with the Anubis's men when they nearly killed jack however they all got cut up in a blink of an eye hen when jack was fighting Kasib" Kamil interrupted Ramon and said "oh wow" as he looked at Kasib while Kasib was embarrassed and looked away Ramon continued we saw claws like a spider coming from his back so this why we came up with the theory.


Kamil, curious about the source of the theory, asked, "Who is 'we'?"


Ramon responded, "Oh, it was me and Commander Menes who came up with the theory."


"I see," Kamil murmured. "As much as I know, you don't have the brain capacity for that, so it was most likely Commander Menes," Kamil jokingly remarked.


Ramon, not one to back down, retorted, "Shut up, Kamil! Just because you're the smartest in the army doesn't mean I'm not smart."


Kamil chuckled in response to Ramon's retort, acknowledging the banter between them.