
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

CH.17 In the Presence of Power : Jacks Sterling's Past

The queen with power and a palace so grand, But the people suffer in a struggling land. Egypt's stark contrast between rich and poor, The nomad seeks the chronotex to explore.

Is it coincidence or fate that brought him here, Will he be guided to the truth, with nothing to fear? Only time will reveal how he will proceed, The journey ahead, he'll have to lead.

Will the quest be bearable or too much to endure, As the nomad unravels the mystery, that's for sure. His determination to find the truth will prevail, And the chronotex's secrets he shall unveil.

With each step, the story unfolds, As the nomad's journey takes ahold. Will he succeed, or will he fail, Only time and fate shall tell the tale.



In the Presence of Power : Jacks Sterling's Past


"Commander Menes!" a guard shouted as he ran towards the group.


The Queen, gasping for breath, said, "The Queen is waiting for you. She's angry that you left without notice." Menes let out a tired sigh and muttered, "Fine. I will meet her." As they made their way towards the palace, the atmosphere around them started to shift. The buildings became grander and the people they passed seemed to be of higher status. Soon, they arrived at a large, closed gate with two guards standing at the front. They demanded, "State your names."


"You stupid people! I am your commander; you should know my name!" exclaimed Menes in frustration. The old man beside Jack calmly stated, "My name is Marcus," and Ayman followed, "And my name is Ayman."


Jack was lost and confused. Should he state his name? He took a deep breath and decided to do so. As soon as he opened his mouth, a woman's voice came from inside the palace, "Let them in." As they entered the grand room, Jack's eyes were met with a breath-taking sight. The room was vast, with high ceilings that seemed to stretch up to the heavens. The walls were adorned with intricate paintings, depicting various scenes of royalty and religious ceremonies. The air was heavy with the scent of incense and perfume, which was likely used to mask the smell of the hot and humid Egyptian weather.


In the Centre of the room stood an enormous throne made of gold and encrusted with jewels. The throne was flanked by two large statues of Lions, and the walls behind it were decorated with hieroglyphics that told the stories of ancient pharaohs. As they approached the throne, they noticed the queen sitting on it, her regal figure draped in luxurious silk and adorned with sparkling jewellery. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties, with piercing dark eyes that seemed to bore into their souls. Her expression was stern, and her body language indicated that she was not pleased.


The guard who had led them to the throne bowed down, as did Ayman and the old man. Menes hesitated for a moment before bowing, but the queen's piercing gaze quickly made him comply. As they all rose to their feet, the queen spoke in a commanding tone, "You dare to leave without informing me? Do you not understand the severity of the situation?" Menes opened his mouth to speak, but the queen cut him off, "I do not wish to hear your excuses. You will ensure that this does not happen again. Now leave me, I have matters to attend to."


With that, the group bowed and quickly left the room, the weight of the queen's words heavy on their minds.


"I don't know why she's annoyed about that," Commander Menes said in an angry tone, but the old man warned him not to question the Queen's anger.


They walked through a long hallway and entered another room. Jack looked around, taking in the opulent surroundings. The dining room was just as grand, with a long table that could seat twenty people, laden with exotic fruits, meats, and wine.


Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted Jack's thoughts. It was Ayman, limping slightly but still looking determined.


"I owe you my life, Commander Menes and Jack," Ayman said, looking at them gratefully.


Menes waved it off. "Don't mention it. We're a family; we look out for each other."


The old man looked at Ayman's injured leg and said, "Let me take a look at that." He examined the wound, nodding in approval at the bandaging job Menes had done.


"Looks like you did a decent job, Menes. It's healing well, but you'll need to take it easy for a while." Ayman nodded, grateful for the attention.


"So, why did you bring us here, Menes?" asked the old man.


"I wanted to treat you all to a meal. We've been through a lot, and I thought we could use a break," Commander Menes replied with a smile.


The dining table was laid with a variety of dishes, showcasing the culinary traditions of ancient Egypt. There were platters of roasted quail, tender lamb chops seasoned with a blend of spices, and grilled fish cooked to perfection. A large bowl of freshly prepared hummus made from chickpeas and tahini was placed in the Centre of the table, along with a basket of warm, freshly baked pita bread.

There were also several side dishes, including a fragrant rice pilaf seasoned with cumin and coriander, and a colorful salad made with tomatoes, cucumbers, and fresh herbs. A bowl of tangy pickled vegetables added a burst of flavor to the meal. There were bowls of juicy dates and figs, as well as platters of honey cakes and sesame candy. A large pitcher of chilled hibiscus tea, a popular drink in ancient Egypt, was also available for guests to quench their thirst.

Each dish was carefully prepared with the finest ingredients, and the flavors were a testament to the skill of the royal chefs. The mix of savory and sweet dishes, paired with the refreshing tea, made for a truly satisfying and memorable meal. The food was delicious, and they ate heartily, enjoying the break from their work. They talked about their families, their hopes, and their fears.


However, when it was Jack's turn, he felt a bit hesitant. "So, what about your family, Jack?" the old man asked.

"I don't know," Jack said, pausing for a moment. "The only family I remember was a dead father, a depressing orphanage and some folks from my time."

"What do you mean, Jack?" asked Ayman.

"I entered this world without a mother and was raised by my father, Edward Sterling, in a charming and spacious house on the outskirts of a city. The lush green grass and stunning scenery that surrounded us were captivating, and the memories of it still linger in my mind's eye to this day. My father and I were inseparable; we cherished every moment we spent together, from eating ice cream together to conducting science experiments that helped shape my intellect. Those memories are precious to me and will forever hold a special place in my heart.


However, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and my childhood euphoria was tragically cut short. It was a stormy and nightmare-inducing evening on October 29th, 2004. The rain and thunder relentlessly pounded the house, keeping me awake. Fearful, I tiptoed to my father's room and peeked inside, only to see a masked intruder holding a knife while rummaging through my father's safe where he kept his scientific research.


Trembling with fear, I whispered to my father, asking if he was in the room. The masked man turned his gaze towards me, and his eyes glinted with a vicious malice, making my blood run cold. My teddy bear dropped to the ground as I saw the knife in his hand, and my heart momentarily stopped beating when he raised it. The flashing lightning illuminated the room and revealed the gruesome scene. My father lay lifeless, his neck and hands severed by the intruder.


Horrified, I let out a blood-curdling scream as the murderer turned his attention towards me, brandishing the same knife that had taken my father's life. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, escaping the house to find a hiding place atop a hill near my home, a place I had hiked countless times before. The rain poured relentlessly as I lay in the open, pondering my fate.


When dawn broke, I saw police cars swarming my home, and I dashed down the hill to seek help. However, my experience with the authorities was worse than torture. It was then that a man named Ivanov came to me, convincing the authorities to send me to his orphanage, where I would be safe. However, it wasn't any better. The children there were lifeless and spoke nothing.


Anyhow, in 2015 when I was 18 years old, Ivanov, the man who took me in, offered me the opportunity to become a spy and work for his own organization. I agreed and started training straight away.


For two long years, I dedicated my every waking moment to the rigorous training required to pass the spy entrance exam. The days stretched into nights as I poured over books, absorbed information, and honed my mental faculties to a razor-sharp edge. Despite my efforts, combat training was notably absent from my curriculum, much to my initial surprise.


However, my mentors insisted that my intense focus on acquiring knowledge was paramount to my future success. They groomed me to be a highly skilled scientist, honing my mental acuity and teaching me valuable critical thinking skills. The fruits of their labor quickly became evident, and I was quickly nicknamed the "uncrowned scientist" within the organization.


While I may not have had any formal combat training, my deep knowledge of science proved to be my most potent weapon. From analyzing complex data to decoding intricate encryption, I was able to provide invaluable assistance to the organization, always remaining one step ahead of the enemy. And that's when Ivanov gave me my first-ever mission outside the organization's cage, to go to Pakistan and research the Chronotex".


The group fell silent for a moment, and then Ayman spoke up. "Well, you have a family now, Jack. We're your family." Jack smiled, feeling a sense of warmth, and belonging. It was the first time in a long time that he had felt like he had a true family. The feeling was overwhelming, and he basked in the sense of comfort and camaraderie that surrounded him.


Menes asked Jack about his goals and plans, "What's your goal now? What are you going to do here?"


"Well, the old man invited me to work at his shop. I wouldn't mind living this life, but it would feel like I'm losing all my potential. However, I have something else in mind which I really want to do, but I would need your permission, Marcus," Jack explained.


Marcus replied, "Yes, go ahead," while cleaning his teeth with a toothpick.


"I want to know the history of the Chronotex - how it functions, its users, its capabilities and all its secrets. I want to know it all. Will you allow me to leave the shop in order to research the Chronotex?" Jack asked.


"Hmm, we did make a deal, Jack, but since you helped to save Ayman and showed me your bravery, I will allow you as I trust you," the old man said with a smile.


"Thank you so much!" Jack exclaimed in excitement.


Menes, concerned, asked Jack, "But where will you get the money, food, and other resources from? You don't even know anyone here, do you, Jack?"


"You're right, Commander Menes," Jack admitted.


"So, what's your full name?" Menes inquired.


"It's Dr. Jack Sterling," Jack proudly proclaimed.


Menes got up from the bench and offered Jack a proposition, "So, Jack Sterling, Would You Like TO Join The Royal Army And Work Under My Command As A Soldier!!!?"


"Ahhhhh!" Jack screamed, taken aback by the offer.