
Nocturne's Night

In a world where the boundaries between life and death blur, where the echoes of ancient deities reverberate through the fabric of reality, one man finds himself thrust into a realm teeming with mythical creatures, formidable adversaries, and the promise of redemption. (Nocturne's Night) unfolds as a gripping tale of one man's journey across the vast expanse of a new world, where the line between hero and villain, justice and vengeance, blurs amidst the tapestry of chaos and wonder. Yura, a figure shrouded in mystery and driven by a relentless pursuit of justice, emerges as the unlikely protagonist in this epic saga. Cast adrift in the abyss between worlds, he is summoned by a goddess of death, tasked with a mission that transcends the boundaries of mortality. As Yura navigates the treacherous landscapes of his new reality, he grapples with the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. With each step, he confronts adversaries both mundane and fantastical, unravels the mysteries of a world steeped in lore and legend, and discovers the true extent of his own power. From the opulent halls of ancient cities to the shadowy depths of forbidden realms, (Nocturne's Night) weaves a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. As Yura's quest unfolds, he must confront the darkness within himself and forge alliances with unlikely allies, all while facing the looming specter of an ancient evil that threatens to consume the world. Driven by a cast of richly drawn characters, each with their own secrets and motivations, (Nocturne's Night) explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the nature of power. With its blend of high-stakes action, poignant emotion, and tantalizing mystery, this novel promises to captivate readers until the final page is turned, leaving them eagerly awaiting the next installment in this enthralling series.

mikoerien · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Grassy Plains and Salmons

After a month spent navigating the dense woods, Yura finally emerged into the expansive grassy plains, the verdant landscape stretching out before him. The air was fresher here, and the sky above was an endless azure, dotted with wisps of white clouds that drifted lazily by. The transition from the claustrophobic forest to this open expanse was a welcome relief, though it came with its own set of challenges.As he trudged along, Yura's eyes lit up at the sight of well-worn roads cutting through the grasslands. The deep ruts left by the constant passage of carts and horses were a clear indication of civilization—or at least, the proximity to it. He could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of encountering a town or settlement after weeks of solitary travel. Yet, even as his spirits soared, his stomach rumbled in protest, a stark reminder of his growing hunger.The grassy plains were bereft of the wildlife he had become accustomed to, and the only sources of sustenance seemed to be the rivers and ponds scattered throughout the area. "Well, let's see if I can put these waters to good use," Yura mused, making a wooden spear and heading towards the nearest river.The process of spear fishing was both meditative and methodical. As he stood on the riverbank, the calm waters stretched out before him, offering a clear view of the road and any potential travelers. His eyes scanned the horizon, ensuring he remained aware of his surroundings while he focused on his task.With practiced precision, Yura poised his spear and cast it into the water. The spear tip sliced through the surface with a practiced flick of his wrist, piercing the fish with a satisfying, muted thud. His efforts paid off handsomely; by the end of the day, he had captured a bounty of ten fish.Returning to his campsite, he set about preparing his catch. The fish, reminiscent of the salmon from his world with their striking reddish-orange and silver patterns, were about two feet in length. Their bodies bore a resemblance to the arapaima, giving them a robust and meaty appearance.Yura built a modest fire and laid the fish across a makeshift grill of stones. As the fish roasted, their skin sizzled and crackled, releasing a tantalizing aroma that danced through the air. "Ah, nothing quite like a fresh meal after days of foraging," he said to himself, his stomach eagerly anticipating the feast.As the fish cooked, he admired the scenery around him. The river's gentle flow and the expansive plains created a serene atmosphere, a stark contrast to the chaos he had left behind. His thoughts drifted towards the road and the hope that it might lead him to a settlement where he could trade his wares and perhaps even find some new supplies.With his meal ready, Yura sat back and enjoyed his well-earned feast, savoring each bite of the tender fish. The quiet of the plains and the rhythmic crackling of the fire provided a comforting backdrop to his solitary dinner. "Here's to finding new paths and new opportunities," he toasted to the stars above, grateful for the tranquility and the promise of what lay ahead.As night fell and the first stars began to appear in the darkening sky, Yura felt a renewed sense of optimism. The road was close, and with it, the potential for discovery and new adventures. The journey was far from over, but for now, he was content to rest and enjoy the peace of the open plains.As the morning sun climbed higher into the sky, casting a warm glow over the grassy plains, the peaceful sounds of the river and the gentle rustle of the wind through the tall grass were Yura's only companions. He remained nestled in his slumber, wrapped in the comfort of his makeshift bedding. The day was serene, and for the first time in weeks, the tranquility was almost palpable.However, his peaceful rest was abruptly interrupted by the distinct sound of a horse's gallop and the clattering of wheels. Yura jolted awake, his senses sharpening instantly. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and rose swiftly, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and caution. "What's this now?" he murmured, pushing himself up and scanning the surroundings.Through the gaps in the foliage, he spotted the source of the commotion: a horse-drawn carriage making its way along the road. The carriage was laden with an impressive array of goods—vegetables, fruits, and various assortments of supplies, indicative of a trader's load. The driver, a burly man with a weathered face, seemed to be navigating the road with practiced ease, guiding his steed with firm reins.Yura's mind raced with possibilities. "Finally!, a human," he thought, a mix of relief and anticipation flooding him. The sight of the trader's carriage was a beacon of hope; it meant civilization was nearby. Yet, he faced a decision: Should he approach the trader directly and request assistance or follow him discreetly to uncover the destination of this valuable cargo?The latter option seemed more prudent. "If I approach him, I risk alerting him to my presence and might not get the chance to learn more about the nearest settlement," he reasoned. "But if I follow him, I could discover exactly where he's heading and perhaps find a proper city or settlement."With a determined nod, Yura decided to tail the trader. He slipped silently into the cover of the trees, moving with practiced stealth. The carriage rolled along the road at a steady pace, and Yura kept a safe distance, just within view but out of earshot. The rhythmic sound of the horse's hooves on the road and the occasional creak of the carriage wheels were his only guides as he trailed the vehicle.The day wore on, and the sun climbed higher, casting long shadows across the landscape. As the afternoon sun began its descent, Yura remained vigilant, carefully tracking the progress of the carriage. He marveled at the sight of the road widening and becoming more well-trodden, a clear sign that he was drawing closer to a larger settlement.The journey seemed interminable, but Yura's persistence paid off. As the sun dipped toward the horizon, the distant outline of a settlement began to materialize. The road grew more populated, with other travelers and merchants becoming visible. Buildings, some modest and others more substantial, came into view, their silhouettes standing out against the twilight sky."This must be it," Yura thought, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. The settlement was larger than he had anticipated, with signs of bustling activity even as evening approached. He had made the right choice in following the trader.As the carriage approached the edge of the City, Yura observed from a concealed vantage point, noting the layout and key landmarks. He saw the trader pull up to what appeared to be a market area, the stall-lined streets brimming with life."Time to find my own way in," Yura mused, considering his next steps. The City's presence was a welcome sign, offering the promise of supplies, new information, and perhaps even a chance to rest and recuperate. The prospect of interaction with its inhabitants filled him with a cautious optimism.Yura marveled at the bustling City, its lively streets and array of shops promising a wealth of resources and opportunities. As he observed from his concealed position, his attention was drawn to the wisps of smoke rising from the forested area beyond. Not just one, but several campfires scattered across the terrain.Curiosity piqued, Yura decided to investigate these sites. He moved with practiced stealth, slipping into the dense underbrush near the trees to keep himself concealed. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and caution. The unknown campfires could belong to traders, travelers, or even something less welcoming. He needed to approach with care.Peering through the foliage, Yura spotted a cluster of figures around a series of smoldering campfires. Three humans—two adults and an elderly man—and a dwarf were gathered near the fires. "A dwarf? This truly is like a fantasy world," Yura thought with a hint of amusement. His eyes narrowed as he continued to observe, marveling at the unexpected sight.As Yura listened intently, he realized with a start that he could understand their conversation. "I can understand them? How is that possible?" he wondered, astonished. He had struggled to decipher the speech of the creatures he had encountered, but these humans and the dwarf spoke in a language he comprehended perfectly. "Thank Goddess of Death, if you have something to do with this, I appreciate it."The dwarf, stout and grizzled, was animatedly discussing something with the humans. The elder, with a beard that suggested a life of wisdom and experience, listened intently while the younger adults, seemingly full of excitement, engaged in the conversation."I tell you," the dwarf proclaimed, his voice rich with enthusiasm, "this new liquor we've crafted is going to revolutionize drinking as we know it. It's not just any brew—it's a blend that'll make even the finest ales and beers seem mundane in comparison."The elder raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Revolutionary, you say? How so?"The younger man chimed in, his eyes gleaming with pride. "It's all about the infusion process. We've perfected a way to mix various herbs and rare fruits that not only enhances the flavor but also offers a unique experience—one that changes with each sip. Imagine a drink that evolves on your palate!"The dwarf nodded vigorously. "Exactly! It'll be the talk of every tavern and feast. We're already getting requests from far and wide. People won't just drink it—they'll savor the experience, discovering new notes with every taste."Yura couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. "I never thought I'd hear such an enthusiastic discussion about liquor," he mused. The exotic nature of their conversation seemed to add an extra layer of intrigue to the encounter.As he continued to listen, the conversation shifted to more somber news. "Have you heard about the orc encampments that were destroyed?" one of the younger adults asked, a note of concern in their voice.The elder's expression grew serious. "I did. It seems that an adventurer came across one of the camps and raised it to the ground. Quite the bold move, if true."The dwarf leaned in, his face thoughtful. "Aye, I heard the same. They say it was a spectacular sight—flames reaching high into the sky. I wouldn't want to be the one to cross paths with whoever did that."The younger man nodded in agreement. "There's talk of it being a message or a warning. But from what I've heard, it's not just one encampment. There's an orc champion, a particularly fearsome leader, rallying the orcs and threatening to raze entire settlements to the ground. Those encampments are likely a part of his plan to gather strength and strike out."The elder's brow furrowed in concern. "An orc champion? That's troubling news indeed. If true, it means we're on the brink of something much larger than we've faced before."The dwarf grunted in agreement. "Aye, and with the way things are, we need to be prepared. These orcs aren't just mindless marauders—they have a purpose, and that makes them all the more dangerous."Yura's mind raced as he absorbed the information. "So, it's not just one orc camp but a larger threat looming over the region," he thought. "This could change everything. I need to be cautious and gather as much information as I can."He remained hidden, listening to the rest of the conversation. The knowledge of the orc champion and the potential for widespread conflict painted a vivid picture of the dangers that lay ahead. As the discussion wound down, Yura decided it was time to move on, his thoughts already turning to how he might navigate the new threats and opportunities that this world presented.Emerging from the forest, Yura made his way back toward the City, his mind abuzz with the newfound information. The prospect of exploring this new realm and uncovering its mysteries was exhilarating. With a final glance at the distant campfires and the voices fading behind him, Yura stepped forward into the bustling life of the City, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.