

I was deeply buried into my blankets while reading the last few pages of a very interesting novel when i heard a thud from downstairs. I was home alone since my mom was out to buy groceries and my brother was still at football practice, so I went downstairs to check what the noise came from. As i was walking down the stairs, I just thought that maybe mom came back home and dropped something by accident. I went into the kitchen assuming my mom would be there but she wasn't, so i called out 'mom, are you home?'. Hearing my voice, Denny, my dog came running to me but no sign of my mom.

I wasn't very worried because i knew that mom would be back any second now but i still went around the house to see what might have caused the 'thud'. First of all, i checked if the all the doors were locked and both the back door and the front door was locked so i knew that nobody had the chance to come inside the house by using the door. So then i checked if all the windows were locked and i noticed something very odd. My mom always secured the attics window with a rope because it often flew open and racoons used to get inside the house. i was very sure that my mom would never in a million years, untie that rope. But on that day, there was no sight of the rope anywhere.

I was starting to panic so i quickly grabbed my phone and locked myself in the bathroom and rang 'Janet'. Janet has been my best friend since middle school and she was the only one I could call for help because she lived right next door. I called her and not even giving her some time to say something, I told her to go to the market to get my mom and call 911. I didn't just want to tell Janet to come over knowing that someone might be in my house.