

I was in my room about to take a nap when Sam called me. Before I could say anything, she told me to get her mom from the market and call the police so I rushed to the market and told them to announce that I am looking for Sam's mom - Ms.Mitchell. Mitchell and Sams's dad are divorced so Sam always refused to tell me even a single detail about him. I waited for Mitchell to come to the announcement room but she never did and I knew Sam was in trouble so I had to do something quickly.

I called 911 and told them everything that I knew and as it wasn't confirmed that Sam was really in trouble, they could only send two officers. I was told by 911 control room not to go anywhere near Sam's house but I noticed that there were no lights to be turned on at her place. I knew something was seriously wrong so I grabbed a knife and marched straight to her house. I always knew how to get into Sam's house from all the sneaking in and out but every door and window was locked. I went to the back of the house and tried to break in through the back door but then I saw something strange..

I saw Mitchell standing near the kitchen sink. I assumed she came back from the store by the time I went there so I was making my way back to the front door to talk to Mitchell when I heard sirens. Me and the officers went to talk to Sam but Mitchell told us that she wasn't home.. she acted very strange which made me want to search the house for Sam but I didn't want Mitchell to know that I suspect her.