

Remastered. This is a Novel I came up with while going through life. Please comment on my Patreon as I post what goes on actively there. Schedule = Wednesday

Auther_Uchiha · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Noble Character's Currently:

Harleen 'Harley' Rudreen: The first character you see has a tutor job and is known as the second most intelligent person in school. With a 'sick' and obese Father who she doesn't seem to hate but in fact, loves with sincere emotion is known for her brutality and has experienced the Dark Forest Incident. She's also on the front cover with pink eyes for an unexplained reason.

Harleen's Dad: Is 'sick' and is a big-boned alcohol addict. He seems to like Harleen though calls her rude names from time to time. Lacks further information.

Weemer Obtuse: Was actually a werewolf who didn't seem to hide it very much has a greyer sense of humour and is now deceased or presumed.

Cliche Emo guy: Appeared in the first chapter and likes to be mysterious and is most likely going to die though. Has an inferiority complex or just a lot of insecurity.

Lucille Afton: Harleen's self-proclaimed Nemesis is currently in the lead for most popularity, and seems to want to show herself as a protagonist for an unknown reason. Has a tendency to throw money at her problems which is also unknown due to her having no parents.

Chamille Afton: A cheerful girl who hates Thess for an unknown reason yet has posters of him in her room which is mysterious due to Thess being not only the best mathematician in school but also impossible to find without asking Harleen. Is known for breaking 3 pairs of genitals over an ice cream cone. Is called 'the guy who is actually a girl'.

Bunny 'Bunni' Clesh: Is somewhat friends with Thess and has either an obsession or is just more serious about friendship. Is also known for having the weirdest 'friends'.

Thess: An abnormally talented guy who loves chocolate and is called "Sniper" by angry kids and seems to have no knowledge of love or being nice. This is probably why three of the current cast hate him.

Caesar Blues: The quiet kid who is used by Lucille as her tutor because she hates Harleen is known as the bullied kid even though no one has the time to do that and is secretly a mafia member with unknown status.

Justus: One of Thess's friends is also a gun freak. Holds the position of 'Marcus'.

Linus: Thess's friend, with a family of Jacob his brother and Rosy his younger sister.

News Crew: Consisting Of Steve who's simply a guy trying to do his job. Maria is a veteran whose dream was to be a New reporter and achieved it. Cass is a rambunctious reporter who seeks to be like Louise Lane.

Mr.Hubbs: Is an old tailor who was thought to be an old millionaire but is currently away from his store and has a giant lizard inside his store. Is currently dead of a blood loss and multiple bite wounds.

Snake Mother Aria: A giant female snake whose age is unknown she has an interest and investment in Thess who she gave her Child. She comments on the unique smell one of the 'Squad' members have.

Snake Baby: A child that's currently in the care of Thess and has apparently been found by Harleen.

I'll be constantly adding stuff since there is a lot I hide from readers. Also subscribe to Patreon. Now.

Auther_Uchihacreators' thoughts