
Welcome to the KEITH'S house


(Lorraine and Gemma waits patiently to be attended to. A worker enters.)


WORKER: you are hired

LORRAINE: oh my god, thank you so much

WORKER: here's your pizza, you are to deliver everything before twelve noon

GEMMA: alright, thank you so much

(They pick up their pizza and exit excitedly)


(Lorraine and Gemma walks with their bag of pizza as they discuss)

LORRAINE: what are you going to do with that boy?

GEMMA: probably annihilate him

(Lorraine chuckles)

LORRAINE: that's intense

GEMMA: I'll have my revenge as usual. Those two boys are bones in the throat. I am gals I have you now because now there are two of them and two of us

LORRAINE: boys vs girls fight

GEMMA: yeah. They trashed my room last summer, I haven't gotten my revenge yet

LORRAINE: do you have a plan?

(Xavier walks up to the girls exhaling heavily)

GEMMA: you are wheezing like you are eighty. Did you have to run though?

XAVIER: I came to propose to Lorraine

(Lorraine stares at him furrowing her brows)

LORRAINE: how did you know my name?

XAVIER: excuse me? I am the most handsome, richest and smartest boy in school, I know everything and everyone

LORRAINE: congratulations

GEMMA: I am becoming a third wheel. Catch up with you later

(Gemma exits leaving the two to chat)

LORRAINE: I have to go. As you can see, I am working

XAVIER: I can help

LORRAINE: thanks but no thanks

XAVIER: will you be my girlfriend?

LORRAINE: aren't you dating Shannon?

XAVIER: yeah but she is old news. I have eyes only for you

LORRAINE: last I checked, you ate a play boy who dates everyone in school amd outside school amd then break up with them. What's your gain?

XAVIER: they weren't meant for me

LORRAINE: and I am?

XAVIER: yeah, the very first day

LORRAINE: I would love to be your friend but I'll pass

(Lorraine exits leaving Xavier behind in defeat)

XAVIER: they can't win the bet. I ajbe to persuade her more

(Chad and Trevor enters jeering at Xavier.)

CHAD: it seems we are winning the bet

XAVIER: it isn't over yet and, stop following me

TREVOR: just let us win and pay us. Your father is a billionaire

XAVIER: I am not worried about the money. I don't want my reputation yo get ruined, I don't want my record to be broken. I'll date her and then break up with her. That's a deal. If you need money, you can just ask

CHAD: no way, bro. We want money for winning something

XAVIER: then this will be tough

TREVOR: so tough

XAVIER: I'll see you guys later. I have to go study

CHAD: yeah, go rock star

TREVOR: see you at school on Monday

(Xavier exits waving his friends goodbye)

CHAD: that boy is tough as a nail

TREVOR: don't be scared, the girl is also tough.


(Jayden and Ray sits on the couch playing chess when Gemma and Lorraine enters)

GEMMA: I am so tired

LORRAINE: you speak my language.

JAYDEN: hey, here comes the girls

RAY: where you at Daniel's house?

(Gemma raises her voice for her mother to hear)

GEMMA: mom, Slate amd Flint are bothering me

JAYDEN: Gemma and Daniel sitting on a tree


(Both burst out laughing)

LORRAINE: aren't you guys tired to teasing us?

JAYDEN: hey, cuz, we saw a green mamba in your room

RAY: it is so long, and tiny and greenish and poisonous

GEMMA: why didn't you get it out?

JAYDEN: because we don't want to

RAY: we are busy playing chess

(Gemma stares at Lorraine and they both walk up to the table and throws the chess board on the floor)

JAYDEN: why did you do that? I was already winning

GEMMA: tit for tat

RAY: I was gonna win

JAYDEN: no, I was gonna win

RAY: you don't know how to play chess

JAYDEN: neither do you

LORRAINE: pipe down, "cuz"

(Gemma amd Lorraine exit laughing happily)



(The prince walks around the garden admiring different types of roses)

HENRY: I wish I could...

(A beautiful tall blonde enters)

HARPER: parents, huh?

HENRY: you have no idea

HARPER: the ball is tonight, are you ready to pick a bride?

HENRY: yeah, I'll pick these lilies. They are beautiful, aren't they?

HARPER: you know what I am talking about

(Henry sighs in frustration)

HENRY: can we just forget about the ball? The only good thing happening in this palace is the garden view. I feel peace here

HARPER: pick me

HENRY: yeah, everything is so beautiful... wait, what?

HARPER: pick me and it will be the end of your problem

(Henry chuckles nervously)

HENRY: I don't want to get married now, I am eighteen.

HARPER: I mean, let's act the drama with your parents as well

HENRY: what?

(Henry stares at Harper happily)



(Lorraine paces around the room trying to reach her father on phone)

LORRAINE: come on, dad. Pick up the phone

TOM (S.O): hello, Rain. How have you been?

LORRAINE: I have been lonely, dad. You didn't call

TOM: I did. You m didn't tell you?

LORRAINE: no, she didn't

TOM: maybe she was busy. I miss you, Rain

LORRAINE: yeah, me too

TOM: I'll try my best to visit during summer

(A smile sneak up Lorraine's cheeks)

LORRAINE: I'll hold you up on it

TOM: alright, dear, I have to go. Talk later

LORRAINE: alright, dad, take care

(Lorraine hangs up feeling disappointed)

LORRAINE: I miss you more, dad

(Brie enters)

BRIE: hey

LORRAINE: you didn't even dim it fit to let me know that dad called

BRIE: oh, that skipped my mind. I came to tell you

LORRAINE: well, I spoke to him

BRIE: and?

LORRAINE: and nothing. You guys are not together anymore so stop asking about each other. If you want to know how he is Colin then call him and ask. Just swallow your ego

BRIE: that's no way to talk to your mom

(Lorraine sighs sadly)

LORRAINE: I am sorry mom, I am just sad

BRIE: about what?

(Gemma was about entering when she heard voices)

LORRAINE: I don't wanted to come here, I don't like it here. I told you I hate my cousins

BRIE: like I said before, you don't hate them, you just haven't gotten time to know them

LORRAINE: I miss our family, I miss dad. I don't like it here

(Gemma is hurt by Lorraine's word, she exit angrily)

BRIE: you'll get to know and also love them sooner than later

LORRAINE: I know and love them already but I still miss dad. Thanks to Gemma, everything has been going smoothly. She is my best friend

BRIE: see? I told you you don't hate them

LORRAINE: I did before because I didn't know them but now, I love them

BRIE: that's good to hear. How was school?

LORRAINE: well, school was... Gemma made it fun

BRIE: Gemma is a good kid. I hope your grandma doesn't hear us

(Lorraine burst out laughing)


(Gemma sits on her bead holding a magazine in her hand while deep in thought. Lorraine enters)

LORRAINE: hey, sis

GEMMA: what are you doing here?

(Lorraine furrows her brows)

LORRAINE: what do you mean

GEMMA: I hate you too, Slate and Flint also hate you. You can move back without getting stopped by us

(Gemma exits angriling leaving Lorraine behind in confusion)