
No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy. "Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!" "A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!" "Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!" Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem. "King of the Harem sounds troublesome" "Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!" "What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!" ---------- ---------- I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point. I hope you enjoy my work ---------- ---------- www. patreon.com / Bukaro For advanced chapters. ----------------- https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Bukaro · Tranh châm biếm
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404 Chs

Chapter 233: Another Daughter...

A day passed and the girls still couldn't complete the dungeon as the difficulty kept increasing.

Since this dungeon is all about traps and psychological damage, I brought Pekora to work alongside Miledi as this is an excellent opportunity for rabbit girl to learn how to use magic traps.

To make things more productive, I sent the angeloids as a second squad to try and complete the dungeon as they may be weapons of war, but they are too focused on large-scale attacks and lack strategies, situational analysis, and adaptability to unforeseen situations.

Daedalus was worried about her daughters, but I assured her that this will be harmless, they will only be very angry, but this will be beneficial for them as learning to deal with frustration is an important point during combat or stress causes mistakes.

To prevent the dungeon from being destroyed by the women's destructive abilities I first restricted their most destructive abilities as it will be a problem if Astrea and Chaos destroy half of this world in a fit of frustration.

This dungeon became a headache as Miledi and Pekora did excellent teamwork and to some extent, I started to worry that Yue and Shea would lose motivation as the humiliating and depressing traps increased because of Pekora's ideas.

Since Shea and Yue were losing patience, I promised them that I'll give them whatever gift they want as long as they don't give up on the dungeon trials.

I'm sure I'll regret this, but the speed of growth both girls have shown in just one day makes it worth it.

Yue learned to combine low power spells to generate higher power attacks, for example using basic wind magic to form a sphere saturated with oxygen, then using a small spark of fire to create an explosion.

On the other hand, Shea can now use her ability to see the future during combat and although she can only see a couple of seconds into the future and can't use that ability multiple times in a row, she can evade any potentially dangerous attack.

Both girls have a growth speed comparable to a protagonist and if they remain motivated, it is only a matter of time before they reach the destructive power of a country.

While they train, I'm going to get the rest of the formula fragments since Miledi gave me the location of the other dungeons.

With the help of System Goddess, I don't even need to complete the dungeons and in just one day I can complete the formula so I plan to move things forward to meet the students again.

Shion informed me that Kosaki, Nana, and other low-willed girls have started to develop trust issues as they are anxious about the possibility that I am dead.

Something also interesting is that yesterday Alva sent me some interesting reports.

After Ortro chewed off Alva's limbs, that god became totally submissive and I didn't even have to turn him into a puppet-like I did with Ehit.

I sent Alva back to the demon realm to make sure the demons were more violent in their attacks against humans as well as report any movement from Paradise to me.

Earlier, I handed Ehit several bottles of the third-best alcohol I had prepared to give to the supervisor sent by Paradise.

It is a fruit wine that uses peaches from a cultivation world, apples from the elves, and a touch of honey specially prepared by nature spirits.

To enhance the flavor, System Goddess prepared a spiritual matrix that modifies time to make the wine aged for a couple of millennia.

I prepared it in such a way that even a Higher Entity will get drunk after one drink and since it has no negative effects, the supervisor keeps getting drunk without stopping.

With Alva and Ehit's reports, I discovered that some heroes were blinded by selfishness and stupidity, which does not surprise me.

Twelve idiots contacted the demons on the condition of obtaining benefits which were mainly women from my harem.

Most of these idiots were the students who hated me the most so maybe they became generic villains because of my plot armor, but no matter the cause, I'm going to kill them.

The most interesting thing was the person leading this group of idiots is a girl named Eri Nakamura.

She is a girl who doesn't stand out too much and always shows a kind and shy attitude like a helpless rabbit, but in reality, she is a selfish and cruel woman who despises all people.

I remember her since the amount of madness and cruelty in her mind seemed interesting to me, but she seems to be obsessed with Kouki even without needing the plot armor. Then I'll figure out what to do with her.

I ordered Alva to support the traitorous heroes so that they can later launch an attack against the Heiligh Kingdom, but I gave him clear instructions not to do things in a hurry since the attack should only happen when I give the signal so that I can take the role of a noble hero.

I also gave resources to Alva so that he can transfer his consciousness to the king's body when I give him the order.

The idea is to have Ehit control Kouki's body while Alva controls the King so be justified in killing both idiots.

I really want to take it easy, but my stupid obsession with control and efficiency makes me unable to relax unless the whole situation is totally under my complete control so I'm going to collect Basic Concept Magic first to avoid possible accidents.

I sighed and stood up to head to the remaining dungeons.

"You're leaving now?" – Miledi asked me curiously.

She had her corpse stored in an ice coffin since she is a narcissistic girl and she wanted to preserve her body as a way to appreciate how beautiful she is. Because of that, it was easy to revive her after making minor adjustments to her body so that she would not be limited by the laws of this world.

Although Miledi won't be able to become a Higher Entity due to Basic Concept Magic, with [Anti-Rasen] I sealed the time concept in her body so she won't age.

Side note: Yeah, the damn brat is now part of my harem, she's a pain in the head, but her wit, analytical skills, and mindset when it comes to making tough decisions made me appreciate her a little, just a little.

"Yes, I won't be long, you two keep managing the dungeon, but no deadly attacks" - I smiled wryly seeing Pekora laugh as she activated a trap that made Nymph fall into a hole with sticky mud that could resist physical attacks.

"Ha↗️Ha↘️Ha↗️Ha↘️!" – Pekora began to laugh when she saw Nymph's expression of absolute hatred.

This girl's laugh is a bit particular, but she's cute so it's fine.

I smiled wryly and headed to the other dungeons.

Although Miledi doesn't have the specific coordinates of the dungeons, I can calculate them myself with the information she gave me and a map of this world.

Since there are no entities capable of detecting my spatial abilities, it only took me four hours to visit each dungeon and obtain the rest of the formula.

It was ironic that Ehit's church headquarters was above one of the dungeons.

Perhaps this was designed as a form of taunt against the Liberators as Ehit did not take them seriously and therefore did not destroy the dungeons even though they were the hideouts of the rebels.

Pride causes the downfall of villains.

When I got all the shards I had System Goddess save a copy of the information and then I sent the formula to Seraph.

I thought it would take her a couple of days to get back to me, but she actually got back to me after a couple of seconds.

[Message from Seraph: Thank you hero, I know you have gone through many difficulties to send me this information and for that, I am very grateful. In the future, I will make sure to support you as you deserve.

Hero, to tell you the truth, I recently heard a strange rumor, apparently, an authority figure from Paradise has a conflict with a leader from Hell as they both search for the reincarnation of a Devourer in a region called Japan within the Gaia world.

I remember that you live in that country so I want to warn you to be very careful, I don't know how many there are, but there are several entities that are looking for this reincarnation so if the situation gets out of control you should prepare to escape since Gaia is known for remain neutral when negotiating with other entities and if the worst comes to pass, Japan can be destroyed.

I wish you the best Hero, if you need anything don't hesitate to contact me]


"Well, are we moving to Hawaii? I don't like the cold so it might be nice to live on the beach" – Arisa spoke wryly.

I massaged my head, I just want five minutes of peace...

"Why does Japan seem to be the center of the problems?" – Coco asked the same question I have in mind.

"Following the logic of the anime, Japan is where the anime originates so it's normal that it's the center of the problems" - Arisa smiled wryly.

"What about the comics? Those happen in the United States" – BB smiled with amusement. – "On the other hand growers get into fights that threaten to destroy the world so China is also the center of problems on a global scale"

"Right" - Arisa nodded. – "In short, the whole world can be destroyed, especially if it is a world based on Fate, that is synonymous with world destruction"

Fate is a game, anime, manga, and novel franchise that uses complex themes, or as Arisa says, 'Conceptual Garbage'.

Apparently, Beast VII belonged to that franchise before becoming a Higher Entity, in fact, several Outer Gods use appearances and names from that franchise.

The Outer Gods are born in their 'nightmare forms' so before humans they must first choose an appearance.

Upon perishing, various Outer Gods liked the character designs of the Fate franchise so they stole Gaia's records to adapt their appearances and names.

It can be said that the original characters were devoured by the Outer Gods to occupy their appearances and names.

This is why in Gaia there is a greater hostility against the Outer Gods compared to other worlds.

I ignored the conversation and headed to a human city, I need a drink…

It was easy to get into the city since I have a fake merchant ID plus my clothes and Ikaros's beautiful appearance made me look like a traveling nobleman.

When I entered the city, Ikaros's appearance drew a lot of attention, but since I look like a noble, people would get out of my way since in this world many nobles have a reputation for being arrogant jerks.

Sure, there's never a shortage of plot-convenient idiots who made stupid comments about taking advantage of Ikaros.

For those idiots, I just had to use spiritual intimidation to cause them PTSD that will make them unable to go back to sleep until despair finally drives them to suicide...

I got to a relatively decent bar and ordered a bottle of wine or whatever they drink in this ridiculous medieval fantasy world with Japanese vocabulary…

"Luis, although it's important that you relax a bit, I don't think it's a good idea to get drunk right now..." - Tsubaki sighed.

"It will only be two bottles" - I sighed and finished the first bottle.

Although this place is relatively luxurious, the drink tastes like cheap liquor… My favorite.

I drank the cheap liquor while Ikaros stood behind me. I'll ignore that I look like some kind of spoiled rich kid with a drinking problem.

When the waiter handed me the second bottle, I wanted to curse as hard as I could at the fucking asshole who unfolds my story.

[System Notification: The objective of the rescue mission obtained by the ability 'Motherfucker Dimensional' has been found]

"Hey Listen! Go get your new daughter to be told you Oto-san kimochi!"


Beneath this city is a network of tunnels for traffickers to move various contraband items including demihuman slaves.

There were women, old men, and children of different races being beaten in the tunnels, but I ignored it as I just want to relax a bit, but the damn plot won't leave me alone...

The warehouse under this restaurant is connected to the tunnels and at this moment a couple of smugglers have just arrived carrying a cage where they have a 4-year-old girl locked up.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki spoke with a slight bitterness, she still has a kind heart and although she doesn't force me to help all the weak people, she hopes that I can still give a hand to the innocent even if it's only for my own benefit.

I sighed heavily and stood up while my hand held the bottle.

"Is something wrong sir?" – The waiter looked at me with doubt since my expression is one of annoyance and tiredness.

I took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to him. – "I want to see the products in the basement"

The man's pupils contracted as the hidden guards prepared to attack me.

I sighed, these idiots should have accepted the money quietly, I even offered much more money than a demihuman slave is worth...

Ikaros's eyes turned red as she recognized the guards' hostility so I gestured for her to stay still or she will wipe out the entire city in an instant.

I used spiritual pressure to destroy the minds of the idiots making them fall to the ground while foam came out of their mouths and their eyes shed tears of blood.

Spiritual pressure is different according to each person's temperament and since I'm in a bad mood, a bit of [Reader's Madness] mixed with my spiritual pressure.

I sighed and went down to the basement.

I only attacked the people in the bar so the smugglers were unharmed, I only threw silver needles at their foreheads causing their bodies to freeze as their hearts began to slow down. They have 2 minutes left to live.

"Brat" - I sighed when I saw the brat inside the cage who was looking at me with fear. – "I am going to take you to your mother so do not make too much noise, I am not in the mood to deal with nonsense"

Entities with the power to erase universes are making efforts to find me and my existence may be the cause of Japan's destruction...

It's going to be a fucking headache to fix this shit, I really need a vacation.

The brat was still scared, but she managed to calm down when I mentioned her mother.

I broke the cage door and carried the brat since her body was weak.

She was a brat from the mermaid race, although in this world they are called merfolk… Whatever, I'll call them mermaids.

"Myu is Myu" – The brat introduced herself in the third person. – "Are you mom's friend?"

"Hey Listen! This idiot is your daddy since your mother belongs to him! Now tell him, Oto-san daisuki kimo…!


[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' has been disabled]

I sighed as Navi fell to the ground. – "Ignore that thing, although in a certain way I am your stepfather…"

I still don't know the mother of this brat, but the Contract was clear, that woman will be part of my harem.

Myu showed to be a little girl capable of adapting to strange situations so she hugged me with a big smile. - "Daddy!"

….. I still can't get used to the idea of being a father...…

I sighed as several guards surrounded the bar.

The one who runs this town seems to be corrupt since the guards started to drive away the citizens telling them that an assassin had attacked the bar and now they are about to capture him, but the truth is that they plan to assassinate me to prevent the information about the slaves from spreading.

I sighed and headed to one of the tunnels to leave the city in peace.

"I thought that senpai would destroy the city" – BB spoke with disappointment.

I sighed internally. – "I do not want this brat to see intestines flying everywhere, she already has enough traumas"

I had to put down the liquor bottle as Myu seemed disgusted by the smell of the drink even though she tried hard not to show it for fear of disgusting me, what an adorable brat she is.

I used [Mythomania] to simulate using a cleansing spell, then I took out a cookie and gave it to Myu since she seemed to be hungry.

Myu ate the cookie happily to which I patted her head.

I let out some black blood for Ortro to take care of killing the smugglers and slaves inside the tunnel so Myu wouldn't be scared to see other people.

Even though I was able to rescue more slaves, I just want to get out of this stupid place.

So we keep going through the tunnels without encountering problems until we finally get out of the city, sadly I did not keep bottles of that cheap liquor which is a tragedy since all the alcohol I prepare is of the highest quality and honestly, I prefer the cheap drink of questionable provenance...

I sighed and gave Myuu another cookie since the brat had been hungry for a long time and it's important for children to have a good diet, so the cookies I make have the best nutrients without artificial garbage.

"You hardly know her and you already take care of her as if she were your daughter" - System Goddess sighed with irony. – "Alcohol not only brings out your inner demons, but it may also help you connect with your paternal side"



I lost the mood to drink so I went back to Miledi's dungeon.

"You left to kidnap a loli?!" – Miledi shouted in shock when she saw me. – "Why did you have to make a kidnapping when I'm already here?! Since you gave me back my body then it's your duty to release me! Though now that I think about it, I'm still a virgin... I'm a 2000-year-old virgin maiden! You should revere me and pamper me!"


Great, Navi infected her with his stupidity… My migraine only gets worse.

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