
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · Đông phương
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75 Chs

Wolf Or Werewolf,The Story

Among the Hebrews, wolves were a concrete manifestation of divine omnipotence. According to the biblical texts, God would have created the beasts that populate the earth in order to punish men who would be guilty of impiety: to the inhabitants of Jerusalem who had refused to convert, he would have sent "the wolf of the desert" for the devastating.

Later, the Christian church tried to take up this explanation. However, for the inhabitants of the countryside in a Europe in full demographic expansion and in the phase of massive land clearing, the wolf was seen more as an envoy of the Devil, and as it was one of the symbols of paganism, the religious authorities of the time, therefore, to demonize it and advocate its extermination.

However, St. Francis of Assisi considers Brother Wolf to be similar, while in contemporary times European scouting, whether or not of Christian spirituality, is very favorable to the wolf and the wolf cub. Thanks to the progress of agriculture, man always extended his cultivable lands and his livestock to the detriment of forest areas. Feudalism and recreational hunting diminished game, so wolves began to prey more on herds of sheep, which are easy prey in times of food shortage.

The wolf, in normal times, does not attack the man. Indeed, even hungry, he fears humans, especially if he is facing them in a standing position. Facing the man, the wolf moves away or flees.

However, wolves in the Middle Ages followed men when they wandered outside villages at night, but they always kept their distance. No doubt they were doing this for food, thinking the man was hunting and that they could recover game remains. These stories of wolves following men, sometimes alone, for tens of kilometers in the distance accentuated the phenomenon of fear of the wolf.

However, wolf attacks on humans are first reported towards the end of the Middle Ages during the Hundred Years War, these attacks are also correlated with epidemics of rabies which explain a behavioral change. At this time of famine, the wolf would have started to devour the corpses left behind by the armies. Wolves not rabid, but accustomed to human meat would thus have committed acts of predation towards weakened men. These cases of predation disappear around 1820 due to the absence of open-air mass graves from that time. There will nevertheless remain a few isolated attacks linked to rabies epidemics, but in this case, the cause is identified.

In the 18th century, some people were able to see in the beast that bloodied Gévaudan, a kind of divine punishment.

The wolf was more and more exterminated.

However, even after the rarefaction and disappearance of the species in many countries that it once occupied, the animal continued to fuel the imagination of peoples through linguistic expressions and tales.

while among the ancient Greeks, the wolf was called "Lycos" In the primitive Greek language, the two terms used to designate the light and the wolf were so close that they sometimes ended up being confused: Apollo Lycian, according to designates either the god of light or the wolf-god. The wolf is also the emblem of the sun god Apollo for his acts of justice.

Zeus the king of the gods married Hera daughter of the titans Cronus and Rhea, who is the goddess of fertility and marriage.

Jealous and cruel, she took revenge on whatever woman her husband was in love with and killed the children he would have had from these unions. Zeus had an affair with Leto. Latona, likened to Leto in Greek mythology, is the daughter of the titan Koios and the titanite Phoebe. she became the mistress of Jupiter who is Zeus, and she conceives with him two children, Diana known as Artemis and Apollo. When she learns of this pregnancy, Juno, who is none other than Hera, Jupiter's wife, flew into a rage.

When Zeus learned that Leto was pregnant with him, he, to protect Leto, transformed her into a wolf and took her to the island of Delos, where she gave birth to their two children: Apollo and Artemis.

Having a wolf for a mother, they were nicknamed Artemis Lycaea and Lycian Apollo. This is how the Supreme Wolf was born or the Wolf God, however, we cannot talk about the Supreme Wolf without introducing Fenrir one never works without the other, it is their destiny to always cross paths. Fenrir is the wolf of chaos and destruction with an insatiable hunger and a twisted, deranged mind like his father.

Some say he is a descendant of the Etruscans and Dacians, two people who claimed to be direct descendants of wolves.

No one knows the exact true story of Fenrir. But others say that Fenrir is the son of Loki and the giantess Angrobada who is the messenger of death.

Fenrir is a gigantic wolf who was considered too powerful and dangerous by the gods. By trickery the latter managed to chain him, they free him during the battle of Ragnarok during which he swallowed Odin, the latter should shoot him down just after as the prophecy had predicted.

But this one, clever and cunning as he has always been, escaped, he took refuge on earth where he hid among humans. He learned to look like them and did everything like them. For this, he had to make a sacrifice from which stems his curse of transforming himself at each full moon into great suffering and abominable pain delivered to his primary instincts. with each full moon, he becomes more vicious and ferocious until he no longer controls his urge to kill. then, destruction and chaos become what he does best. Good and evil merge in his confused mind.

He lives for centuries hidden among them, wreaking havoc on the entire surface of the globe without ever being caught. He has been recognized by many names, such as the beast of Gévaudan, Perniciosius, the beast of Valais, etc... And many other names that tell of his misdeeds for some people and his exploits for others.

I want you to stop following me around like that, you start pissing me off and I no longer have the patience to bear your presence morning and evening, you stick to me like my tracksuits. It's not healthy, I'm sixteen.

Howie, you don't have to talk to me like that or any other tone for that matter, I want you to stop behaving like that with me and everyone else. since you left this room you have become a real thorn at our feet.

We've been patient enough with you as well, why don't you talk to us instead of pushing us away and treating us like nobodies.

And talking to me like that won't get things done, so stop bullshitting me right now.

Be the gentleman I raised this behavior doesn't suit you at all. It's not you.

I will stop when you stop, you give me my space and let me live my life as much as you.

Gentlemen, I think it's time we went home and let the Huckleburys settle their affairs in private, what do you think?

Alfred whispers to the twins who are stunned by the behavior of their friends.

Yeah, you're right to let's go home, and he's not the one I know anymore anyway, answers Aike, who still can't believe the way Howie has treated his father since that famous day.

Ayke on his side doesn't say anything, they've been dating for two months now and he's never seen Howie disrespect his father let alone treat them like they're worthless.

Today, he just walked on Aike's dream of the perfect family.

They all knew he wasn't on his plate, they were waiting for him to come to his senses, but with each passing day, he became more and more irritating. He kicks everything he finds in his way, he swears like a drunk or an old man, only can do it, and everything annoys him.

Even the dogs keep a good distance from him, and they are nervous in his presence so when he steps into the house through the main door, they run out through another door, as if they have the devil on their tail.

Even Ravi is scared of him as if he is possessed by something terrifying. He tries not to touch him anymore to reassure him because the poor pet is staring at him in fear like Aike has been doing for the past few days. But he always runs away to his father or Marc, to take refuge where he feels safe.

He has the impression that Aike is afraid of him, he looks away from him and avoids him more and more.

The image of Howie in front of that refrigerator keeps coming back to his head, it even follows him into his sleep. when he meets H's gaze all he sees is that image of him.

He got up from his chair, grabbed his backpack, and hurried out of the house, his brother running after him. Alfred apologized to Marc on behalf of the boys before he followed them outside.

But what's wrong with him, Aike shouted, why he always has to do everything to push people away, to make them uncomfortable. Holy fucking shit! How stupid he is! How stupid he is! Why can't he cherish and see what he's got, huh? Why? I would have liked to be able to tell him clearly what I think of him, but I think ignoring him is even paying too much attention to him.

Stop yelling like that, it won't help and he won't listen to you even if you wanted to talk to him. Right now, it's you you're doing wrong, get in the car, and we're going home.

Did you see how he talked to his dad, Ay? Yeah, I saw everything but it's none of our business, we'll stay out of it. Plus he's the only one who knows what he's going through. We are not going to add a layer to it too.

Come on, get in the car now.

Howie listens to them with his head resting against the French window of his room, he listens to them discussing, he perceives the pain that Aike feels at the moment which escapes his brother's vigilance, he sees it, he feels it is almost tangible.

He sat down on the windowsill against the cushions that were arranged there. a cozy little corner, where it can have a full view of the courtyard and outside.

He took his phone out of his black leather jacket with his earphones which he connects, he looks for music that goes with the mood of the beaten dog in which he bathes at the moment, and closes his eyes to drive out any noise around him.

He fights against his inner self alone, he tries to stifle the beast within him, which wants to come out at any cost. He is not ready to cause pain, or desolation in a world that has already had its share of disasters.

Aike is one of the people who make him lose the little control he has over his dark side. when he's with him it's a total blackout he can't remember what he's said or done all he feels is disorientation he feels like a lost traveler in the desert with no water or compass or landmark.

He got up from the window and changed his outfit for something more suitable for running, he can't stay in place anymore he wants to run or his head will explode.

He went from a black outfit to another as black as the previous one with a cap of the same color. Since the evening, he no longer wears any eye-catching color.

He left the house without saying a single word to his father who was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner for him. Marc wiped his hands and hurried out to catch up with him, to his amazement he found no sign of him, it was as if he had vanished into thin air.

He activates his senses to hunt him down, his smell comes to him in all directions.

Marc curses the day he was born and the day he found himself saddled with such responsibilities.

Raising a child is not an easy task, and it is ten times worse with a complicated child who shows all the symptoms of an attention deficit disorder. And having a werewolf under your arms who's a teenager who's only just figured out who he really is, is another thing. he always knew he was not normal but he never understood how much. he knows the history of his family but he has not yet had the time to experience their complexity as he should.

But how did he cover his tracks? This boy has always been way too smart for me. It is certain that his life will not take a good turn at all with this devastating cub that has arrived.

in their family, the wolves appear at three years of age but there are some who need their stimulus to wake them from their sleep, their stimulus is always of the same species as them. If their inner does not manifest within two weeks of the child's three-year birthday, the host it carries turns out to be an ancient entity that already existed long before the world existed or centuries ago. before this child is born. These children are called "the deorum electi".

If the host in question is dangerous, they are killed by sending him back to the world he comes from during a purification ceremony. But the process gives good results when the child is very young before his adolescence, otherwise, he must be killed. When Howie was five years old they decided to keep him away from anyone who could influence him or who could become his stimulus.

That's how he found himself far from home with Marc a beta and trusted general of his father King Phillip. despite the fact that this one is also a wolf but he does not have the capacities required to be his stimulus. he's not pure like Howie, he's been bitten.

His identity has been concealed from the public away from his subjects and anyone else of bad faith. He could have sent him to boarding school but then again it was risky all the king wanted was to protect his son against some evil entity. Days months years passed without him showing a single sign of change.

Until he was ten years old when these crises started, he spent days locked up like a bear in hibernation. If someone has had the misfortune to interfere in the process, he will increasingly sink into the abyss dreaming of frightening things that make him scream in his sleep.

These two months spent with the boys were the only days of complete rest he had in ages, peaceful without nightmares and sleepwalking.

He fought against his host from a very young age, he doesn't let himself be taken so easily, Howie is someone to determine even his subconscious tried to keep him away from any unwanted influence, and even today he continues to fight to keep control even if the latter can no longer stay in his cage when Aike is around.

Marc had the mission and duty to keep Prince William out of reach and away from any supernatural species capable of representing a danger to him. But who would have known that the danger he was so afraid of was just two humans? two mere humans with complexity beyond human comprehension, of course.

When his crisis began he was in Ireland, the king was looking for a safe place to keep him protected from prying and malevolent eyes who only seek to take advantage of the moment to jeopardize the kingdom and the life of his son. He was especially afraid of the prophecy which tells of Fenrir's return, many wolves were just waiting for this to come out of their lair. as much as the host is powerful and old it will take time to adapt to its new vessel.

and Prince William had all the symptoms of a receiver from a host as powerful as Fenrir. King Phillip knew he could prevent the unstoppable from happening by trying in vain to hide his son from the world of lycanthropes. Today, everything he fought for is being reduced to nothing like this without warning.

His son, the Crown Prince has woken up, his fight, his fierce struggle to keep him alive is quenching his thirst, and sooner or later he will have to make the hardest decision of his life. A decision that involves his two primary responsibilities as King and Alpha. so, farewell to his duty as a father, it's time he cared a little more about his kingdom and his subjects, and even the rest of the world. It has been ten centuries since Fenrir last appeared.

he doesn't need a drawing to explain the chaos the world will find itself in forever if he lets him merge with his host. As good as the host may be, he will eventually resemble him and adopt all these quirks. All that makes Fenrir happy is chaos, nothing but chaos. Not to mention all his fanatics waiting for his return lurking in the shadows, who are fed up with the laws that King Philipe Five and his predecessors before him had reacted to for a good cohabitation with human beings.

Humans once had a refined and tamed species of us. what more would they need to show them our willingness to cohabit in peace with them? they call us monsters, they never miss an opportunity to put us on a laboratory table to dissect us like rats. They call us monsters but still use our cells to make drugs to keep them alive. They hunt us for everything we represent, strength, speed, cunning, our furs, our blood, our cells. They sell us on the black market and why can't we return the favor, huh? We are predators, hunting is our reason for being.

Your laws do not protect us on the contrary they make us weak and vulnerable, and if only these laws were known to all they would even take advantage of them as an excuse to persecute us. if a wolf comes into conflict with a human, the human will surely win in the name of what exactly?

Because they are too weak and fragile to stand up to us. and that's what still makes us the aggressor even if that's not the case. We don't need those damn laws.

It was their protests for years and years without having what they wanted, to protect themselves also from humans, and others who wanted to have the right to hunt as they saw fit whether it was humans or game.

On full moon nights, they would like to be able to run to let off steam instead of being chained to avoid damage in the human camp, not all of them are aware of the presence of the wolves but those who know it takes full advantage of it. Only wolves know that their Alpha is also their king, it has always been so for centuries, many of them are nobles, dukes, duchesses, earls, etc… English high society was against the law but at some point they calmed down when the prophecy was announced years ago.

This does not prevent them from engaging in activities prohibited by law. It is for this reason that the king had to hide his son far from his kingdom somewhere where he is just a normal boy.

But reality will always catch up with you no matter how hard you try to hide it, the true nature of things or people always comes to the surface.

Philip was not yet born, at that time his father King Philip V Howie's grandfather was the one who ruled the kingdom when the prophecy of Fenrir's return spread. He only continues to maintain the balance that his ancestors before him killed themselves to create. and for that, he will not let anyone jeopardize these years of hard work.

And in the name of this balance he will have to make a great sacrifice, that of separating forever from his son, the one and only son he has. he will not be the one who will lead the world to its ruin. Disputes that erupted around the world claimed countless lives for centuries because of Fenrir. Famine, drought, desolation, he doesn't want to be responsible for that. And even less caused by the apple of his eye, he prefers to kill him with his own hands. He has spent years suffering without rest, it is time for him to deliver him from all this struggle he is waging alone.

This is how Prince William found himself in New York among these people who have nothing to do with him but who think they are better than him. His identity should remain secret, it is for this reason that his father preferred that he live discreetly like ordinary mortals. They took care of her comfort without too much extravagance and found a job that matched the capacity of Marc, an absent mother. Marc is indeed a trustworthy childhood friend of Philipe whom he met when he was at boarding school, unknown to the world that Philipe comes from, this was the best option for him to keep his son away from turbulence and of the poisonous influence of his species.

This little brat is really starting to get on my nerves since when was he so disrespectful?

Marc begins to think about the possibilities that could cause H to react in this way. Then as if he had a lighting moment, he cried, his senses! Yes, yes that's right, he may have heard us. Lord, what have I done? No, he can't be that, he didn't hear us. He's just in his crisis period: adolescent crisis and psychotic crisis. but not that, because he didn't listen to us by triggering his senses, please heaven?

He talked like that to himself while pacing, he doesn't know where he screwed up, and he can't tell if Howie has started to recover his senses, if his predatory instincts are really awake or not. It's getting harder and harder to figure it out. He calmed down and began to think of a plan to find out if he had indeed recovered his senses. If his animal instinct surfaced.

Shit! He did that again, you know what, I'm the master here as long as I don't decide to let you out, you won't come out, so stop playing tricks on me, I'm tired of your leaks.

Howie looked up for a sign so he could locate himself. Everything here seems unfamiliar to him with a hint of familiarity that strikes him, he stares intently trying to remember where and when he saw this place but nothing comes to mind. It's strange, he said, I've had this feeling for the past two weeks, everything I watch pushes me towards this feeling of deja vu.

This smell, I know it, he said, sniffing deeply like a dog. He walked following the scent in question, when he looked up he came face to face with a sign indicating the private property of the Morgensterns. He jumped back and started walking backward, how did I get this far?

Ah, those accursed Morgensterns! He grumbled through gritted teeth. And why did you bring me here, what the hell is wrong with you, stupid animal?

He walked over to the aluminum gate, peeking through the bars. A wide alley embroidered with small trees and flowers opened before his eyes, which winds up to a sloping two-story house, literally made of tempered glass with a large swimming pool, which he can only distinguish thanks to its superhuman vision. Strangely he felt that he wanted to announce his presence while a part of him fought against this desire which he found stupid.

It's as I imagined, they have tasted at least those. He said with a smirk.

He pulled up his hoodie and ran wildly, he felt his body float in the wind, he experienced for the first time what it was like to run with the senses of his wolf side, he felt free. He ran without taking a break or slowing down, he jumped over everything in his way, from bicycles arranged on the sidewalk, from benches to bus stops, everything without exception that he finds on his way without any difficulty and with such precision and flexibility that it feels like it is flying.

people look at him, they whisper and comment on today's youth but he doesn't care. All that counts is this sensation that transports him. He ran like this with a joy that is frankly unknown to him. What makes me so happy? He took advantage of the falling night to test his night vision, he can't believe it, seeing through the eyes of his inner is completely irrational.

He performs a double jump, sparing two little girls and a postman. The girls were running to meet their mother when he jumped in front of them in a moment of inattention, something caught his attention on the other side of the road, he felt like he was being followed. And the postman suddenly stopped to pick up a package that slipped out of his hands just behind the girls.

He was shocked to see how fast he was and on the reflex side, he really rocks. He uttered a cry of joy while slowing down his run, at the same time he realizes that he is letting himself be tempted by the devil.

What are you doing H? You realize what you are doing, if you take pleasure in this little sensation, you will soon let yourself go to your true nature. And soon you'll be dead, really dead. Your dads just talk about it, and they're planning your fucking kill! And what do you do, hm, you have fun giving him freedom. He continues to speak like this, taking his head in his hand, tears of sadness and frustration flowing down his wind-reddened cheeks. He wiped them away with the back of his hand like a child.

The arrogant and austere boy that he had become disappeared in that simple gesture. He seems so vulnerable that anyone who noticed him in this state would have liked to hug him.

He goes to a café, he opens the door and suddenly a sweet smell invades his nostrils to such an extent that he almost suffocates from shock. He was there, at a table with his brother and Oleck. He doesn't look happy, just as Howie was about to turn around to leave. Aike lifted his head and met his gaze.

Their gaze connects for a moment a small discreet smile appeared on Aike's lips, without knowing why and how Howie finds himself smiling back at him. He shook his head and closed the door as he walked backward out of the cafe. He took out his phone and changed his PlayList to something less emotional.

Don't leave yet, come inside with us for a while.

A voice shouted behind him. Despite the music, he hears it perfectly clear as if he had whispered these words in his ear. He pretends not to hear him, he puts the phone back in its place. He was about to pull away from him when he grabbed his elbow.

Aike took off one of his earbuds which he kept in his hand, which forced Howie to look at him.

What do you want? Ask him this one, in a gruff, neutral tone.

Nothing answers him Aike cheerfully, I would like you to come with me, what do you say?

I say no. And besides, why did you follow me here?

Because I want to, is there a problem?

Don't you think you two are too clingy?

And you, did you just realize it now? Aike responds harshly.

Howie was surprised that Aike had delivered the same indifferent tone as him without appearing to be offended by the latter's words.

Oh, dear! Said Howie clicking his tongue, the frightened little mouse is getting its bearings… I rather like that air of defiance that you display sunshine.

I feel all excited right now. He slowly approached Aike while saying these words. lost in the sensual movement of his lips and his bewitching gaze Aike did not notice that he was face to face with him, his head raised towards H who dominates him by his height.

What, Howie asks him, do you want to kiss me again, to run away after that, hmm? Howie asks him teasingly.

Aike swallowed hard, he cleared his throat and took a step back to put some space between them. No, I have no desire to repeat this failed experience, I just wanted you to come and have a tea with us or whatever you want, there are cupcakes and many sweet things that you may like, but hey, it seems that you're too full of your person to accept the invitation.

Good-bye then

Without waiting for him to answer, he turned on his heels and headed for the double-leaf door, which he pushed without a backward glance. Howie stared at the door for a moment, smirking.

I can't believe it, Aike has really gained confidence, it seems.

He shook his head in disbelief as he repeated Aike's words all over. He was about to leave when he realized that the latter had not given him back his headset.

Damn you Aike! He groaned as he clenched his teeth, he clenched them so hard that he tasted the blood in his mouth. His heart leaped in his chest as he tested the taste of blood. He froze, then his heart started galloping like a mad horse.

He tore off the left auricle, which he still kept in his ear, and crushed it under his fingers as if it were made of flour. Then he started running like hell again, leaving behind him what was left of the headset.

He almost regained his composure when he reached the limits of his house, he collected all his seriousness when he remembered that he had left without telling his father where he was going.

He walked calmly to the gate of his house. He felt his father lurking in the shadows, he heard him breathing as if he had just run. He pushed open the door and entered as if everything was ok.

he had barely crossed a few meters when he felt an object flying towards his head. He does not dodge it or demonstrate that he has spotted it. And the object in question comes directly to hit him in the head.

He uttered a cry of surprise before turning abruptly into a combat position.

Marc came out of his hiding place with a sigh of relief.

Finally, you're back, would you mind telling me what's going through your mind to run away like this without letting me know? What else have you done with the tracker I put on your phone?

What will I have to do with you?

And why don't you answer when I call you? The phone is made for that Howie. Do you want me dead, is that right brat?

Which of all these questions do you want me to answer first?

Let it go, Marc replies in a weary tone, you know what, I'm going to let you learn some principles for survival on your own and we'll see how you'll get out of it.

It was time Marc… so my father agrees that you leave me a little freedom?

What do you mean, if he agrees, Marc replies defensively.

He's the one telling you what to do, isn't he?

Ah that, yes, yes… no, no we don't have any… I haven't spoken to him yet, I wanted to be sure before.

And why that, didn't I make myself understood Marc? Or at least my word is already worth nothing to you now, is that it?

What do you mean by that Howie…?

You know what, never mind.

Howie wait, don't turn your back on me like that?

Otherwise what? H asks him defiantly. He left Marc to plant in the yard as he angrily walked towards the house where he disappeared.

Luckily he doesn't know much sighed Marc.

If his senses were already working he would have seen me and sensed my presence even before stepping through the portal.

Marc stopped abruptly but...

Howie has good reflexes without needing his inner, why didn't he dodge the ball?

Did he do it on purpose to deceive me?

Tá mé fucked suas! he shouted by kicking in the grass