
No one can separate a child from his parents except the creator

Once two brothers lived in a forest. They lived happily ever after. One brother was a fisherman and the other brother was a farmer. The forest was very beautiful and fertile. No one knew about this jungle, not even about them. Because, they met all their needs in the jungle. So they also did not know that there is a beautiful world outside the jungle. They are about that tooI did not know. But they never regretted being here. One day two princesses came to visit the forest. And they were so fascinated by the beauty of this forest, they did not notice when night came. At one point they realized they were lost. It was so dark all around that the guards could not find them. The whole kingdom was in an uproar. What are you doing?Please don't come out. "Then the two brothers were sleeping. The princesses came forward and talked about all their problems. But they are also helpless. The two brothers do not know the way out of the jungle. WasNo, finding princesses was not easy. After a few months, the guards finally found the princesses. But the princesses would not return without their friends. So the brothers went to the palace with the princesses. The king saw them and asked where their parents were. They themselves did not know their real identities. So they could not give any answer. After a few days, it was the birthday of the princesses. Happy mood spread all over the kingdom. The king invited the kings of his neighboring kingdom. Many guests came at the invitation of the king.A friend of the king of another kingdom came. He said that at one time he was not childless. His two sons were lost in the jungle when they were young. Many of them could not be found. He assumed that they were no longer alive. The king was a little surprised to hear this. He guessed in his mind that the two boys must be the lost son of this king. Otherwise, where did these boys come from in that dense forest. Then the king discussed his thoughts with the king's friend. And seeing the boys, their father recognized them in an instant. Then oneThe father got back his lost children. In this way they started living happily in peace. Occasionally they would go for a walk in that forest.