
Moving Out

Quickly exiting the room, Ava saw the three girls waiting for her and let out a smile before saying, "Do you'll want to head over first? Or bring some stuff over while we're at it."

While Lily and Haley were still hesitating, Ahri spoke up and said, "I think we should go over and check, clean up a little while we're at it if we have to. It'd be a shame if we brought our items over and didn't have anywhere to place them.

Listening to Ahri's logic, Haley and Lily nodded in agreement like little chicks, and Ava, of course, had no disagreements, so they went towards the back entrance and left, following Ava.

As Ava had been growing older, she had been getting more and more lecherous looks from the clientèle at the Foxes Respite. Although it was quite annoying, there wasn't really much she could do about it, as at the end of the day, the Foxes Respite, on the surface, at least operated as a brothel. So, after one certain client got a little bit too touchy when she was going to find Lily, and Ava habitually brought a blade to his throat, Ava decided it was probably time for her to find another place to live.

Of course, neither the Madam nor the girls cared about the client. After all, the Foxes Respite was a place of standards, and the girls had their own choices. Although it was a brothel, with the exception of a few girls, very few really went beyond anything on a surface level. The only problem was cleaning up the man's piss off the floor after the fact, which had been a rather unpleasant process.

When Ava had first brought up the idea, she had received a rather violent rejection as Lily burst out in tears promising to go cut off a certain bastard's dick, but after a little bit of comforting and a mention that Lily could just come with her, the initial rejection was quickly forgotten.

After that, it had been a rather exciting conversation about what Ava planned on doing. After thinking about it for a little while, Ava mentioned that she might just become a hunter and set up a game store. Over the last three years, her training with Vaylah had gone smoothly, and she had gone on quite a few hunting trips and managed to bag quite a bit of game. Eventually, Ava started going out on her own, taking day-long or week-long trips to the nearby forest to hone her archery and enjoy some fresh meat while she was at it.

Because of this habit, at times, it did seem like she spent more time outside of the Foxes Respite as opposed to in it, so it wasn't without basis that she had thought of moving and had instead been something she had been considering for awhile. After all, while the Madam had kept some of the 'traded-in currency' that she had gotten from selling the gems, Ava highly doubted she had taken a sizable share, and since then, while she couldn't be considered a slacker, she didn't really do anything constructive either. She just trained, hunted, and lived. No matter how she looked at it, room and board cost money, much less the somewhat exorbitant amount Ava could eat in a single meal.

Anyways, it wasn't like Ava was poor. With her initial chuck of change, she had gotten from the Rat, she already had enough money to live her entire life comfortably if her requirements weren't very high, and after trading in the gems, she could be considered a small tycoon, as one of the gems had been purchased at an extremely high price by the Baron's wife, leaving Ava with more money then she knew what do with.

If she wanted to go and buy out a house and buy her own food, it wasn't like the Madam had any reason to stop her. After the plan had been set in motion, of course, Ahri and Haley soon heard about it. Ahri, who had always been practicing to be a doctor, had long since had plans to move out but had hesitated in doing so as she was worried about the girls in the Foxes Respite, but knowing that Ava would only be living across town, as long as she checked in every week or so, she would be able to check in on all the girl's health.

As for Haley… Ever since the incident a few years ago, she had never really felt as enthusiastic about her work out front, but in the end, she didn't really have anything else to do and continued on in a somewhat languid manner. When she heard that three of her friends were planning to move out and how relaxed about it all Ava was, she had the urge to ask to join in, but in the end, had taken over two weeks to finally muster up the courage to ask Ava, who had simply nodded her head and clasped her hand with a smile.

Of course, Ava had known about Haley's intentions for a little while, as she wasn't great at hiding her thoughts, but in the end didn't say anything, wanting to let Haley step up and ask for herself. Although she didn't know if this was the right thing to do, her own experiences in life taught her that if she wanted something, she couldn't wait for others to hand it to her.

Unlike Ahri, who was very pragmatic and could ask for favor with a straight face, and Lily, who was simply a husky and didn't think too much about worldly problems and didn't think about the burden it might put on Ava if she followed behind, Haley was smart enough to realize that even if she contributed all of her earnings, she wouldn't be anywhere near able to buy a quarter of a house in the town and couldn't help but feel hesitant asking such a large favor from Ava.

Of course, Ava didn't think that this was a flaw. It was good to be conscious of one's actions. Even the firmest friendship could be worn down by time and inconsideration, but at times it was also important to just say what you were thinking and lay things out on the table.

But in the end, it had been decided the four of them would move out of the Foxes Respite to the East side of town, close to where the range and the forest were. Ava had found a somewhat large plot of land and a four-story building that had been left unoccupied for quite a while and, after a bit of thought, bought up the entire property. It wasn't a bad idea to set up some training armaments for herself in the back, while the four floors would ensure that everyone had some space to play around.

Anyways, the property was cheap because it had been left unoccupied for quite a few years, and Ava had the money.