
No Matter How Much You Hate Me.

H5NR25 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

How the First Day for me on Earth Started

It was a cold winter day and I just made it to the planet "Earth". It was extremely cold and it burned my skin when snow hit my skin. Good thing most of my body was covered I walked around the planets surface in a forest for minutes and minutes on end. The only sound that could be heard on the harsh cold weather was snow crunching and crushing under my footsteps. I looked up and saw a house in the forest. Without even realizing it my feet took over themselves and dashed towards the door. It turned out it was locked then I noticed the chimney. The strength and need to get away from the cold substance falling down upon me. My body moving up towards the chimney I made it there and yelled yes see that it was just fire down there and nothing cold that's really good for me.