
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Respecting as Equals

Magnus Astor's assertive demeanor had already commanded everyone's attention in the hall.

As he faced the awe and respect of William Wong, a distinguished figure in Avaloria, Astor remained poised.

Wong's sudden, respectful bow to Astor was a profound gesture that startled many, including Gideon Astor and his children, Emeric and Elowen.

Before Astor could react, Wong praised his prodigious talent and urged him to take the seat of honor.

Despite the controversy surrounding his victory, Astor's exceptional poem, "Bring in the Wine," had clearly made a significant impact.

Phone Lincoln, flustered and unable to refute the accolades bestowed upon Astor, met a comical fate.

In his attempt to retreat from Astor's dominating presence, Lincoln accidentally stumbled and tumbled down the stairs, his cries echoing comically throughout the hall.

Astor, slightly taken aback by Lincoln's dramatic exit, turned to the crowd with an innocent expression, disavowing any involvement in Lincoln's fall.

Wong, meanwhile, dismissed Lincoln's plight as inconsequential, focusing instead on ushering Astor to the most prestigious seat at the table, where he was seated with all due respect.

The atmosphere in the hall shifted palpably as Astor, now seated in the place of honor, radiated an air of undeniable authority and respect, marking a significant turning point in the evening's events.

Magnus Astor found himself in an unexpected position of reverence, with William Wong, the respected minister, treating him with the utmost respect, akin to a student admiring a teacher.

This surprising turn of events left Astor feeling awkward yet secretly pleased.

"The burdens of talent," he mused inwardly, "Who knew being so gifted could draw such attention?"

Wong, meanwhile, reflected on Astor's past at Avaloria National Academy.

He remembered Astor's rebellious demeanor and disruptive behavior, which he had initially attributed to youthful arrogance and privilege.

However, Wong now realized that Astor's exceptional intellect and literary prowess had made conventional learning redundant.

Who among the faculty could have matched his extraordinary talent?

Filled with a mix of admiration, envy, and astonishment, Wong acknowledged his underestimation of Astor's genius. "Your talents were hidden in plain sight, my Lord," Wong said, raising his cup in a toast to Astor. "I failed to recognize your true capabilities, and for that, I apologize."

Astor, trying to shift the focus, downplayed his achievements with a modest chuckle. "It was just my luck today to compose a couple of decent poems," he replied casually.

Wong, however, wasn't convinced. Such brilliance couldn't be chalked up to mere luck.

"What are your thoughts on the National Academy?" he suddenly inquired, seizing the opportunity to learn more about Astor's perspective.

"The National Academy? It's excellent, of course," Astor responded without hesitation.

Intrigued by Astor's positive impression of the academy, Wong's eyes sparkled with an idea. "Would you consider rejoining the National Academy, my Lord?" he asked eagerly, hoping to retain such a remarkable talent within its walls.

Magnus Astor was taken aback by William Wong's unexpected proposition, and the surprise was shared by everyone in the room.

Knowing Astor's history with the Avaloria National Academy, it was almost inconceivable that he was now being invited back, not as a student, but as an instructor.

"Uh... Mr. Wong, the Academy is indeed excellent, but as you know..." Astor began, attempting to craft an excuse, but Wong interrupted him with a hearty laugh.

"Lord Astor, you misunderstand," Wong clarified, still chuckling. "I'm not suggesting you return as a student. Who would dare teach someone of your caliber?"

"Then... what are you suggesting?"

Astor asked, visibly confused, mirroring the perplexity of the others present.

Wong's explanation came with a tone of admiration: "With your exceptional talent, I propose you join as a faculty member to teach at the Academy."

"A teacher!" Astor exclaimed, truly astonished this time. It was an offer he had never anticipated, turning him from a former student into a potential mentor.

The guests, including Gideon Astor, the powerful king himself, were equally surprised.

The Avaloria National Academy was a cornerstone of education in Avaloria Country, shaping the brightest minds, including future military strategists.

Being a faculty member there wasn't just an honor; it required profound expertise and a track record of significant literary contributions.

This invitation reflected the high esteem in which Astor's recent displays of brilliance were held, marking a turning point that none had foreseen.

The proposal from William Wong to have Magnus Astor join the Avaloria National Academy as an instructor was met with incredulity. The Academy, renowned for its stringent selection criteria for faculty members, sought individuals with extensive learning, impeccable lineage, and decades of experience. This offer to Astor, therefore, was nothing short of extraordinary.

"How about it, Lord Astor? Just agree, and I'll handle all the formalities," Wong urged, eager for a positive response.

Astor, feeling overwhelmed and cautious of overstepping bounds due to his age, hesitated. "Mr. Wong, my age seems a bit... unconventional for an Academy instructor, doesn't it?"

Wong waved the concern away, emphasizing that the Academy valued knowledge over age. "The rules are set by people. You, Lord Astor, with your profound knowledge, are undoubtedly qualified to be an instructor. I implore you to accept."

Turning to his father, Gideon Astor, for guidance, Magnus said, "This is a significant decision, Mr. Wong. Perhaps you should consult my father."

Wong, realizing his oversight in the presence of the king, quickly turned to Gideon Astor with a respectful gesture. "Your Majesty, I apologize for my earlier impetuousness. Regarding Lord Astor's potential position as an instructor, may I ask for your opinion?"

Gideon Astor, maintaining his composure, subtly declined the proposal, stating Magnus's youth and limited experience as reasons. "Magnus is still young and relatively inexperienced for such a position. Let's revisit this matter in the future."

Wong, understanding the slim chances after Gideon's intervention, still clung to hope. "Your Majesty, if not as a full instructor, what about a guest lecturer at the Academy?"

The prospect of Magnus Astor, a young noble with recently revealed exceptional literary talent, becoming involved in the Avaloria National Academy in any capacity continued to stir excitement and speculation among the gathered guests.