
No love or peace just war

In a world without peace and love , a Constant battle between the non-human and human, who will win or who will stop this dreadful war Only time will tell

KingOfKing77 · Quân đội
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Everything started as a regular day nothing bad was to be expected. Even the weather was said to be perfect. I started the day like a normal one I got up at 7 am. Took a nice hot shower to fully wake up from my beauty sleep. I got out of the shower and put on a white undershirt, navy blue polo shirt, black pants, and blue and white Nike shoes. I walk down the steps that led to my kitchen. I started cooking eggs, bacon, and toast with butter. I finished eating and walked back upstairs to get my bag. I grab it and walk to the front door. I exit the door and began walking to my bus stop. After what felt like 20 minutes of sitting at the bus stop the bus stops in front of me and I hop on it. I pull my id outside and swipe then walked toward the middle of the bus and take a seat. My stop is coming up so I get up and walk toward the front and I get off. After walking for 15 minutes I appear to be in front of tall buildings. Let's get this day started I say to myself. I walk in and swipe my id again on the scanner that leads to the elevator. I press the button that said 10 on it. After 5 minutes I was on the 10th floor. I get off a walk towards my office not too far from the elevator. I go in, and sit-down then pulls my laptop out, and start working. After working for 5 hours straight I go on my lunch break. I leave out my office and walk back to the elevator. I get on and press the 1st-floor button. 5 minutes later, I reach the 1st floor and walk towards the exit. Now that I am outside I start thinking about what I want to eat then I have an idea. I'm going to that new cafe that opened yesterday. I walked down the street and now I'm in front of the cafe. I walk in they take me to a table and ask me what would I like after looking at the menu. I ordered 2 grilled cheeses, tomato sauce as a side also apple juice for a drink. I began to eat and think to myself [this is good why don't I eat here for now on at my lunch break]. I finished eating and go back to my office to continue working for the last 6 hours of my shift. I walk out of the building and it is dark outside. After walking to my bus stop I turn around for a second I don't know why but I did and I see a blackish red portal and something step out. It was a-


Man man man y'all been hit with a cliffhanger.

Naw but for real though how are y'all doing today? And also I hope y'all enjoy the chapter of this new book.

Peace out