
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Kỳ huyễn
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218 Chs

Breakfast At Sunflower Mansion

"Can you both stop filling up my plate?!" Eden yelled as Abidemi and Daisy froze from his sudden outburst. His face was red with embarrassment as his older sister and cousin looked at him oddly.

The three of them were in the dining room having breakfast. Daisy had come early and had woken up Abidemi and dragged her out of bed. Abidemi just put on a simple pink dress with a pink bow in her hair as Shyla and Kanene dressed her in something similar to Daisy. Expecting Daisy would wear something blue and her hair would be in a long blond braid. Of course, Daisy wore what was expected of her.

Then Daisy claimed that she was going to get Eden a day off until Abidemi mentioned that Eden was already here. Abidemi almost laughed as Daisy's red eyes sparkled as she dragged Abidemi to Eden's room. The poor guy didn't know what had hit him as Daisy went over to him and dragged him out of bed.

The maids dressed Eden in a light blue shirt, navy slacks, and a jacket. He was still half asleep as he blindly followed her to the dining room. The servants had already put many types of food out on the table. They told the servants that they were going to serve themselves. The servants nodded and left the room.

"But you're so thin."Daisy said while she frowned. Abidemi nodded her head. "You gotta eat more than what you're putting in." she said.

"But I can't eat all of this." Eden said as he pointed at his plate. It had a bunch of bacon, eggs, ten pancakes, three pieces of toast, and whatever else they gave him.

He sighed. Abidemi also did the same thing last night at dinner. Giving him extra pieces of food because she felt that he wasn't eating enough. Of course, Akeem found it really cute that Abidemi was really attentive to her younger brother. Their father didn't pay them any mind since he knew Abidemi had done this since she was little.

Mila and his mother just looked down as they ate their food quietly. Logan didn't say anything as he leered at his plate. Not even touching his dinner.

"Oh please. You ate more than that." Abidemi said while she grabbed the syrup. Eden mostly grumbled as he took the bottle from his sister's hands.. "Hey."

"Knowing you. You drown the food." Eden said as he poured the syrup. Abidemi only shrugged her shoulders as Daisy laughed.

Abidemi shook her head and looked at Daisy. "So Daisy, what's the latest news?" Abidemi asked as she started to fill her plate.

"Mmmm. Nothing much. I heard that someone was spotted with a certain masked man." Daisy teased as Abidemi stilled. Daisy covered her mouth as she laughed. " From my sources, the both of you were really close and he took you shopping."

"Ugh." Abidemi groaned. Daisy just smiled at her. " I should've known that those nosy nobles would be around. Lucky me."

"Well, you know how it is sometimes. There are already rumors that one vicious woman is in love and the mongrel is some kind of rich man." Daisy said with a smile. "They even said that Uncle might marry you off to him."

Abidemi rolled her eyes. "You know Father won't set up my marriage unless I wish for it." She whispered. "Plus I'm leaving in two days. It will be pointless for him to marry me off now."

Daisy shrugged as she reached to fill her plate. "Which made me wonder. Why hasn't Uncle tried to marry you off? Every noble I know has already found suitable partners for their sons and daughters. How come the Sealen family never did anything of the sort?"

Abidemi shrugged as she picked up her fork. " He said it had something to do with the agreement with my mother. Something like a deal. He won't tell me what it was and why he agreed. Then again the Sealen household doesn't really arrange a marriage for their child unless the child requested it. No one ever gave me a reason to request a marriage."

Daisy looked at Eden who had eaten half his food. She wanted to laugh. Eden had always been someone that eats fast and always eats a lot. It was like he had more than one stomach. It is even odder when he doesn't even gain a pound. It probably was an aftereffect of his magic since The Duke Of Sealen was the same way.

Daisy grinned at him. "Is that why our Eden doesn't have a fiance yet?"

Eden looked up at Daisy and Abidemi who looked at him. "What?"

"We're talking about marriage, Eden." Abidemi said to him. Eden cocked his head.

"Marriage." he asked as he swallowed his food. "Oh. I don't really have anyone suitable yet. I do know I don't want a proxy wife nor do I want to marry someone like my mother."

"What do you mean by suitable?" Daisy asked him.

Eden hummed to himself. "She has to at least understand both Valtis and Elov customs. Or be willing to be open to it. She also has to be smart and not so much of a conservative."

"Ah. Well, good luck finding a wife here. Almost all the nobles here are conservative. The ones that do not mostly have sons or their daughters marry off into another kingdom. Or they are related to you." Abidemi said to Eden.

Eden groaned. "Tell me about it."

"Maybe you'll find a wife in Elov." Daisy said.

"Maybe. Most young women down there are either already arranged to be married. Probably don't want a relationship with a man or probably hoping to marry the crown prince." Eden said.

"Ah. That's right. Prince Akeem isn't engaged to be married yet." Abidemi said while she eats.

"Since they don't follow the light custom. They are mostly looking for a suitable princess for him." Eden explained as he ate. "From what Prince Akeem told me so far. He had already had his heart set on someone."

"So he's in love. Huh. Interesting." Abidemi said while she ate some more.

Daisy sighed. "I hope who he's in love with is suitable. Our crown princess and prince…" Daisy paused for a few minutes before sighing. " I questioned things, our king and queen are reasonable but…" Daisy sighed. "Nevermind."

Eden laughed. "She's more than suitable. He just has to deal with somethings."

"Things like what?" Abidemi and Daisy asked him. Eden laughed at their curious stares. Hungry to get a bit more information about the Elovian Prince. Well, who could blame them.

No one in Valtis was able to talk to the prince let alone see him. Akeem only ever talked to him and his father.

Abidemi only knew him when he donned a mask.

"Just things. You know. Crown Prince stuff. I can't really tell you yet." Eden said while holding up his hands. Abidemi and Daisy deflated as Eden sighed.

"Ah. The life of a royal." Daisy said. Abidemi nodded her head in agreement. Daisy ate a little of her pancake and spoke up some more.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you more." he whispered.

"It's fine. Royal stuff and all that jazz." Abidemi said with a sigh.

Eden looked over to Daisy. "So cousin. What's on the schedule?"

"Oh. That's easy. Window shopping and we also need to stop by the temple as well." Daisy said to them. Eden and Abidemi cocked an eyebrow at Daisy. "Mother and Father wanted me to get my magic tested here. They also mentioned that it'll be a good idea for Abidemi to be tested too."

"Why?" Abidemi asked. Daisy shrugged her shoulders.

" Mother and Father think it would help my marriage prospects." Daisy said with a sigh. "Which is odd, they always arranged marriage for me despite it. I was hoping to do that when I entered my husband's family but I'll give it a try."

Eden looked at Daisy and Abidemi. "Do you two have any idea what your elemental magic, class, or level is?"

"Well." Daisy and Abidemi said at the same time.

"I have water and ice." Abidemi said.

Daisy let out a hum. "I have a fire but that's all we know."

"The priest and nuns didn't really say anything to us about it." Abidemi said.

"Also we were like ten at the time. They were forbidden to tell us about it until we were old enough." Daisy said.

Eden hummed and closed his eyes. "You are right. It is too young to read of your power." he said with a thought. Abidemi and Daisy only nodded their heads in agreement.

Abidemi smiled at Daisy, what do you say Daisy. "Wanna do it?"

"Sure why not. It'll be perfect for our last outing." Daisy said with a smile. The two laughed as they finished their food. Not noticing that Eden had slowed down and was now thinking. 'Can we ever have a normal outing?'