
No Escaping (A little bit of british speaking)

Astrid is a young girl whose parents got killed. She was then sent to a boarding school that her grandfather said was 'safe'. She was never comfortable after she entered the school. She always had to watch her back, unless she had some friends.

Mikalson_queen · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Chapter One

I wake up to the loud scream. My mother's scream. I jolt out of bed and downstairs to see my mom being dragged out of the house and my dad being dragged out with gun wounds around his heart. "Dad!" I scream and the men dragging them stop and turn their heads to me. "They didn't say there was a kid?" one man asks the other. "It's alright boys just finish the job I'll take care of her" my grandfather says and they leave. He walks over to me as I stand on the 2nd to last stair. "What are you doing?" I ask "Your parents are very bad people Astrid" he states. "They're your children!" I yell and a guard looking guy steps toward me. "It's alright Svenson" he says and the guard backs up. "Your gonna go to this school, where you'll be safe from people like your parents." he says and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. "People like my parents, my parents didn't do anything, and what's so safe about a school" I would like to say but no I wouldn't dare talk back to my grandfather even if he just had my parents killed. I just nod and he grabs my arm and leads me to his car. I get in and buckle the seat belt. He drives down the road and I drift to sleep.