
No Counter

A mysterious man with a mask that covers all parts of his face. He was the only person with the abilities he currently had. It made him the strongest in the entire universe. However, it bore him instead because he was the strongest in the entire universe. However, he gets a piece of advice from an asmodian that makes him find a way to experience the fun of fighting.

DioLevestan · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

A Man With Myth-Type Abilities

There are two people who are overwhelmed against one person. The two people against that one person were a man and a woman. The woman is seen wearing the clothes of a ninja, and the man is seen wearing martial arts clothes.

The person they were fighting against, was also a man. He wears a white open robe and white pants, and is without any clothes so that his abs can be seen.

The ninja woman, moving at an unseen speed, towards the white-robed man. She took out his katana, and used her fire magic to turn the blade into a fiery blade.

The ninja woman then slashed with her fire-bladed katana sword and let out a fire slash. The white-robed man dodged backwards easily. However, the slashes of fire that came from the ninja woman's katana sword, started to explode. The white-robed man quickly jumped back to dodge it. Meanwhile, the explosion of the slash of fire occurred.

From behind the explosion, the ninja woman emerged at high speed, towards the white-robed man. The white-robed man who saw it, he landed, then punched the ground with his hand. It pulled out plant roots from the ground and aimed at the ninja woman.

"Fire Ninja Dance: Circular Flame Slash!" The ninja woman slashed all the roots of the plant with her fire slash.

As the ninja woman approached the white-robed man, she slashed vertically with a fire slash. But the white-robed man jumped to the side to dodge.

The ninja woman's slash of fire, hit the ground and caused a fire explosion. Meanwhile, the ninja woman who saw the white-robed man jumped to the side, throwing several kunai that were aimed at the white-robed man. The kunais turned into fiery kunais.

The white-robed man landed and punched the ground once more to eject the wall from the ground. The flaming kunai stuck to the wall.

However, the wall was destroyed by the female ninja's slash of fire. The man in the white robe let out a gust of wind to push the ninja woman and jump away from the ninja woman.

"Don't expect you to run from me!" The ninja woman chased after the robed man once again.

The white-robed man, took out the plant roots once again, but this time, he also let out streams of water to block the ninja woman who was chasing after him.

The ninja woman nimbly dodged all the streams of water and slashed all the plant roots with her fire slash. The ninja woman then threw herself to approach the white-robed man.

The white-robed man let out fireballs in the air and aimed them at the ninja woman. The fireballs continued to aim at the ninja woman and detonated a large explosion of fire. But none of them managed to hit the ninja woman. The white-robed man who saw it, shielded himself with walls of earth surrounding him.

The ninja woman destroyed it with a slash of fire. However, when the earth wall was shattered, there were a lot of plant roots expelled by the white-robed man. The ninja woman who saw it was surprised.

The roots of the plant point to the ninja woman. But luckily, the man in the martial arts suit kicked back the roots of the plant with a water kick. It let out a jet of water that destroyed all the roots of the plant and hit the white-robed man away.

"Ugh!!" The white-robed man who was hit by the jet of water, was pushed far back. However, he held onto the jet of water and gripped it tightly. It destroyed the jet of water. The man landed and sighed with exhaustion.

"Matsuri, are you okay?" The man in the martial suit asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How about your leg?" The ninja woman asked back.

Meanwhile, Lisa who was on the roof asked, "Itadori, what's the name of the white-robed man's ability?"

Itadori replied, "I think that man's ability is Owner of The Planet or Owner of The Elements."

"'Owner of the Planet'? 'Owner of The Elements'? What kind of ability is that?" Kira asked.

"I'll explain both. As the name suggests, Owner of The Planet is an ability that can control a planet. The user must be on a planet for this ability to work. Meanwhile, Owner of The Elements, is an ability that can use various magical elements. For example, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, etc. Unlike Owner of The Planet, the user of this ability doesn't have to be on a planet."

"I see. Who do you think is the most powerful? Owner of The Planet, or Owner of The Elements?" said Kira.

"The two are balanced. However, if you look at it from the other side, the Owner of The Elements is stronger. Because there is a magic element called the Sun Element. Owner of the Elements users may lose if they use other magic elements, but if the user uses the Sun Element, then of course the Owner of The Elements will win. The owner of the Planet doesn't have this Solar Element. However, if this man..."

The white-robed man down there said, "You guys... are really troublesome. However, it seems there is no other choice but to use that."

Then, a yellow colored aura began to overflow from the white-robed man's body and began to grow in size.

"I see. This white-robed man... his ability is not Owner of The Planet, but Owner of The Elements. He is capable of using the Elements of the Sun." said Itadori. "Lisa, Kira, come on down! We're going to fight too!"

"Okay!" The three of them then jumped down. They land and detonate a dust explosion. The ninja woman, the white-robed man, and the man in martial arts clothes who saw it were shocked.

"You three... who are you?" asked the ninja woman.

Itadori replied, "Forgive us, but we can't reveal our identities."

"You... are you The Beelzebub?!" The man in the martial suit was surprised.

"Hohoo? You know me?"

"Yes... you are... a person-"

"Don't said that!" Itadori gave off his high-pressure red-black aura. "Or I'll kill you!"

The ninja woman and the man in the martial arts suit who sensed it, became slightly suppressed.

"A-Alright, I'm sorry!" said the man in martial arts suit. Itadori who heard it, canceled his red-black aura.

"Alright..." Itadori turned his gaze to the white-robed man. "You! What's your name?"

"My name? You're asking about my name?" asked the white-robed man.

"Yes! So, what's your name?"

"My name is Azuyo Mazoku! You are The Beelzebub, right?"

"Yeah! Then one more question, why did you attack the city?"

The white-robed man (Azuyo) who heard this smirked, and replied, "You ask 'why'? That's because... I will rule over the entire world!! I will show the world that I can rule this world!!!"

Right after Azuyo answered, Itadori was suddenly right beside Azuyo. "Then... me and my friends, will stop you!" Itadori then grabbed Azuyo's head, took a step forward, and threw him very hard.

'Ugh!! Powerful throw!' Azuyo thought to himself, then he smirked. 'Then... this is my chance to show the world, that I can rule the world!!'

Azuyo pulled out spikes from the ground. He then pointed all the spikes at Itadori. However, there are some plant roots that hold all the spikes. Those are plant roots that come from Lisa.

Itadori who saw it, took out his Two-Sword Dagger and slashed all the spikes without cutting Lisa's plant roots. Meanwhile, Azuyo let out several fireballs in the air and aimed them at Itadori.

"Ice Magic: The Dancing Ocean" But all those fireballs were slashed with water slashes from Kira's Ice Sword.

Azuyo who saw him land, turned one of his hands into a hand of fire, and threw himself with lightning magic elements at Itadori.

Azuyo withdrew his hand, and punched Itadori. It produced a very large explosion. "What a beautiful explosion, isn't it?" Unexpectedly, Itadori turned out to be behind Azuyo.

Azuyo who saw it was slightly surprised. He spun around, and punched the wind with his fiery fist towards Itadori. From his hand, a huge burst of fire shot out towards Itadori.

"The Beelzebub!" shouted Kira who saw it.

"Muahahahaha!" Azuyo who saw him laugh, became convinced because he thought Itadori would die to dust. "Try to beat me! You won't be able to take away my power!"

However, the unexpected thing happened, Itadori held back the burst of fire, only... with... bare hands. "Do I look like I need your power?"

"What?!" Azuyo who saw it was surprised.

Itadori walked forward, pushed away the flames and punched him. Again, only... with... bare hands. The flames turned towards Azuyo and hit him.

"Ugh!!" Azuyo who was hit by her own burst of flames, was thrown far back and rolled on the ground. He tried to stand up and got back up. "Cough! Cough!"

Meanwhile, Lisa's plant roots tied Azuyo and then lifted him up. Itadori, Lisa, and Kira gathered, approaching Azuyo, but also keeping their distance. They will interrogate him.

"Ugh... cough! Cough!"

"Alright, it's over. But before that, I want to ask you." Itadori asked Azuyo two questions at once. "Who told you to do all this? And who is your master?"

"Still... not yet..." Azuyo said in a pained voice.


"I said... it's... still not over!" Azuyo raised her head. His eyes glowed purple. He untied Lisa's plant roots and floated away. All parts of his body, including his eyes, glowed purple. Everything around him, was sucked in towards him and orbited him as if he was a powerful center of gravity.

Everything that orbited him, emitted strong gusts of wind like a raging hurricane.

'I see. I forgot something about the Owner of The Elements. The Owner of the Elements' Strongest Magic Element, not just one, but two elements. Namely, the Sun Element, and... the Black Hole Element.'