
Wicked competitors

Lucas rested his back on the wall and rubbed his temples, looking up at Daniel. 

"I don’t know how all this happened, but I am glad she is alright. I need her to wake up. She is the backbone of the company. She needs to tell me the next move to make. I am lost." Lucas said with a sad expression. 

"What about her assistant?" Daniel inquired. 

"He is still at the company, monitoring the work of the other employees," Lucas said. 

"Don’t worry too much. I will take care of her. I am her brother, after all." Daniel assured with a smile. 

"I know you will. I trust you. That’s why I brought her here," Lucas said and moved closer to Daniel.; 

"I want to know something. Why is your sister always grumpy?" Lucas inquired. Daniel chuckled. 

"She is not grumpy. She used to be a cheerful girl who was very innocent and naïve, but now she is the exact opposite. Sometimes I forget how she used to be." Daniel said, staring into thin air.

"Maybe it’s because she owns a business now, but to be honest, I like your sister a lot, but she is too bossy." Lucas whispered. Daniel put his hand around his shoulder.

"I know you do, it’s obvious from the way you behave and always stalk her, but she finds it annoying." Daniel said.

"What do you think I need to do that will make her like me?" he asked flatly. 

"It’s easy; you just have to be there for her at all times and always show her your good side by being willing to take care of her." Daniel said. 

"I will try that," Lucas said with a smirk. 

"Make sure you stick around her all the time, give her your honest opinion on things, if all these doesn’t work just leave her for another girl so she will get jealous." Daniel said. He wasn't sure what he was saying because, as far as he knows, Amber hasn't shown interest in other guys since Mason and doesn't associate with anyone other than her family.

Lucas scratched his head, and Daniel removed his hand from his shoulder. 

"I don’t think she likes me; she doesn’t show it. I think she is asexual." Lucas said, and Daniel opened his eyes wide in shock. 

"A...Asexual? Why would you say something like that? Do you even know the meaning?" Daniel ranted, clenching his fists into tight balls. 

"Yes, in sexuality, it means a person that doesn’t feel attracted to the opposite sex. It’s either they are gay, or they don’t find interest in sex, or get aroused by the opposite sex." Lucas replied. 

"My sister is not asexual. She has ex-boyfriends. For now, she is just focusing on her career." Daniel said with his head held high when a nurse ran to them and started tugging on his coat. He turned to look at her. 

"What’s up?" Daniel inquired, raising a brow. 

"There is an emergency in ward B. A patient just fainted." the nurse said with a creaky voice. Daniel’s heart started beating rapidly, as if the person was related to him. 

"I am on my way," he assured, still looking at Lucas. 

"I am sorry for calling her asexual. I didn’t think before I speak." Lucas apologized. 

"It’s alright. I understand." Daniel said, and ran away at great speed to the ward where he was needed. 

Lucas stood in front of Amber’s room for several minutes, drumming his hand on her door. He was starting to get impatient. He took out his phone from his pocket and called her lawyer.

"I can’t come to the hospital right now; I am in the company already." the lawyer said. 

"Who called you?" he asked. 

"Miss Amber’s assistant, he said she needed my help. We want to sue the competitors for stealing our ideas." the lawyer replied. 

"That’s a good idea. Stay here and listen to what he has to say. I will be back with Miss Amber before you know it." Lucas assured through clenched teeth, scared that he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise since Amber wasn’t awake. 

"Okay," she said, and hung up. He knocked on the door of her room, and a nurse opened the door for him. 

"What are you doing here? You aren’t allowed to be here," the nurse said. Lucas tried to force his way into the room. 

"You can’t force me out? How is she doing? Is she conscious?" Lucas inquired. 

"Who are you to her?" the nurse asked, giving him a cold glare. 

"I am her husband," he said, touching his chest. She rolled her eyes and opened the door for him. He staggered into the room and saw Amber laying on the bed. Her face looked pale and she looked weak as she lay there. 

"She will wake up soon; she just needs to get some rest," the nurse said. 

"Can I touch her?" Lucas inquired. 

"Yes," the nurse replied. Lucas slowly walked over to Amber on the bed and cupped her face with his hand.

"Wake up soon. I know the chemical was dangerous, but you are bigger than that. You have to wake up and get your revenge." Lucas said with a smile. He slid his hand down her arm and held her hand. 

 "We need to teach them a lesson so they go out of business and we will be the only ones the customers will have eyes on. Just wake up our Amber, we need you." He said stroking her hair, she sniffed his hand and inhaled his cologne. She held tightly to his hand and felt a spark in their hands as he pulled his hand from her grip. 

"You're awake, get up, we need to get out of here," Lucas said, placing his hand on her back as she sat up on the bed and wrinkled her nose; she shook her body, and he immediately removed his hand from her back. She ran her finger through her hair and lifted her chin, looking up at him. 

"What happened? Where am I?" she inquired. 

"You are at the hospital; you collapsed in your office." he replied. 

"How did that happen? What did the doctor say caused it?" Amber asked, nudging him aside as she looked at the nurse standing close to the door. 

"I am talking to you. What did the doctor say that made me faint?" Amber inquired. Lucas smirked and put his hand on her shoulder. 

"Your brother is the doctor that attended to you. He said you fainted after inhaling a chemical that was dangerous to your health." Lucas said. 

"Chemical?" Amber said and jumped down from the bed. He held her hand from behind. 

"Don’t go, you can’t get out of bed just yet." He said, pulling her back to the bed, but Amber pressed her weight on the floor, so he couldn’t lift her. 

"The chemical was in the perfume of our opponent you ordered. They used dangerous chemicals in their product to save money because they weren’t ready to buy the original one that was expensive." Lucas explained. 

"That explains why I fainted. Why would they produce something so dangerous, do you know what their boss looks like? Is he black or white?" Amber inquired and pulled her hand from his grip, turning back to look at him. 

"I don’t know," Lucas said. 

"I want you to gather information about him and look into their other products. If they also use dangerous chemicals or it’s just this one, do they want people using this new perfume to die?" Amber inquired. 

"It’s against the law. I have already called your lawyer. She is at the company talking to your assistant. We can sue them for copying our product." Lucas said. 

"That is the most dumbest idea I have ever had. How can you prove that the ideas are ours when they were the first to make it and launch it?" Amber asked, rolling her eyes. 

"Get my clothes." Amber commanded, staring at the nurse who walked out of the room to get her clothes. 

"You are right, we don’t have proof and I am not sure if the man we arrested will be willing to blow their cover." Lucas said looking down with his hands clasped together. 

"We need to spy on the competitors as one of their own and record the shady acts they have been doing. Are you in?" Amber asked, extending her hand to him. He wanted to hug and shake her continuously. Amber pulled her hand from his grip and sauntered out of the room with her hospital clothes. 

Minutes later,

Amber sat in the driver’s seat of the car and sped up the car, "Don’t tell me you drove at full speed because you wanted to take me to the hospital." Amber whined, stealing a glance at Lucas, who was eating snacks. 

"Yes I did, it was an emergency." he halt shrugged and continued eating his snacks. 

"What if the police come after us now? What will you say? You should learn how to be careful around here." Amber scolded him. He rolled his eyes, facing the window. 

"You have to learn to be more responsible." Amber whined and sped up the car. 

Mason finished attending to all his patients and left the rest for his employees, he started walking out of the hospital and his assistant followed him, running after him with his briefcase and the lunch box Lily bought for him. 

He opened the door of his car and sat inside, waiting for his assistant to catch up with him. 

"You took a lot of time to get here." Mason whined, staring at his wristwatch before taking the briefcase from him. 

"I am sorry sir, it’s just that it’s been long since I ran." he apologized. Mason kept the briefcase on the seat next to him and fired the engine. 

"Wait!! Wait! Sir, what about this?" His assistant inquired. 

"Throw it away," Mason instructed. He knew the food would have turned sour because he didn’t eat it. His assistant watched him go, waving him as he drove off. Mason parked his car in the driveway and walked into his house. He saw his parents and Lily sitting at the dining table. They were all eating and chatting at the same time.

Mrs. Kings rubbed Lily on the back, who looked sad as she bit into the chicken wing in her hand. 

"What’s the matter, honey? You look pale." Mrs. Kings said, and moved closer to her a little. 

"Did Mason mistreat you?" Mr. Kings asked, with his eyebrows slightly raised. 

"No! no! He didn’t." Lily said. 

"I don’t believe you. Are you scared of him? You know, you can tell us anything." Mrs. Kings assured. 

"He didn’t mistreat me. I am just sad that he hasn’t arrived home yet. I wonder what he is doing at work all day. He never has time for me when he comes back. He will always say he is exhausted." Lily complained. 

Mrs. Kings cuddled Lily. "I am sorry, darling. That’s how all businessmen behave. They are always busy with their business and don’t have time for their wives." Mrs. Kings assured. 

"He should take some days off because of me. I feel lonely at home all day." Lily said, looking down. 

"Don’t worry honey, your wish is my command. I will talk to him." Mrs. Kings assured. 

"Hey! Mason get your butt on this chair where I can see you." Mrs. Kings yelled, pointing at the chair. Mason let go of the handrail of the stairs and grumbled. He walked over to the table and sat next to his mother. 

"Why are you avoiding Lily? She has told me all the things you are doing to her. You can’t overwork yourself. You are the owner of that hospital. Don’t tell me your doctors can’t run the hospital one day without you." Mrs. Kings ranted. 

Mason grabbed a spoon from the table and stared at his mom. 

"Let me get things straight. You are talking to me in that manner in front of this lowlife?" Mason said, rudely glaring at Lily. 

"She is not a low-life, she is your wife!" Mrs. kings stated.

"Yes, she is my wife I completely forgot you had to remind me." Mason said sarcastically and rose from the chair. He slammed his spoon on the table and shot a cold glare at Lily before walking over to her on the table. He grabbed her hand and started leading her to the stairs. 

"Where are you taking her? Can’t you see that we are having dinner? You should join us." Mrs. kings said. 

"Let them go. It seems he wants to take our advice and spend time with her. I can’t wait to see my grandchild." Mr. kings said with a bright smile. 

Mason slammed the door of his room and threw Lily to the bed, where she lay with her legs wide open, trying to remove her underwear when Mason jumped on the bed and laid across her, holding her two hands and pinning her to the bed, gazing into her eyes. Her eyes began to shake as she stared into his terrifying green eyes.

"What do you think? that if you tell my parents about what is going on within our marriage, they will be able to help? They can’t help because they aren’t doctors, and you also know I am a busy man at the hospital, and you still want me to play with you when I get back from work. But you have forgotten that our marriage was nothing special. It was not based on love. It was an 

arranged marriage and you are infertile, you can’t give birth no matter how hard you try. If you ever say bad things about me to my parents, mark my words, I won’t mind if you get taken to a mental asylum or you get admitted to the hospital for another emotional break down. Even worse, I will get a second wife." Mason said, with a poker face, that she felt intimidated and swayed in his hand. 

"Do you understand?!?" Mason yelled in her face as his saliva fell on her face. 

"Y-yes," she stuttered, with her lips trembling.

"Good," Mason said and rose from the bed. He took off his suit jacket and tossed it on Lily’s face on the bed before walking into the bathroom. 

Amber and Lucas got down from his car, and she started running to the entrance of the company when they bumped into her lawyer on the way. 

"How are you?" Amber asked. 

"I am fine ma’am. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Your assistant hasn’t been giving me good answers to the questions I am asking." The lawyer complained. 

"Don’t worry, I am here. Come with me. We need to sue those bastards, but we need evidence." Amber said, walking majestically toward the door of the company, and then walked inside with the lawyer. Her assistant ran to her, holding a file.