
Birthday gift

"Who told you that?" Mrs. Kings asked, glaring at him.

"That’s not important. I saw your lawyer the other day." Mason said.

"I am having second thoughts about the divorce after talking to your father. He is a changed man now and he doesn’t want a divorce." Mrs. Kings said.

"But you wanted to divorce him before, didn’t you? If you accept him back, mom, you are a coward." Mason said.

"Hold your horses. How dare you speak to me like that?" Mrs. Kings said, glaring at Mason. He clenched his fist and stared at his father.

"Alright, I won’t bother you and your husband anymore, but don’t come running to me when he decides to spend the night with his side chick or doesn’t show up for days." Mason said.

"I have broken up with Lily. She doesn’t love me, she just wants my money." Mr. Kings remarked.

"I don’t care, you don’t need to tell me her name," Mason said rudely, turning to the door. His eyes met with mine. I felt intimidated by the flames in his eyes as he walked over to me at the door.

"Mason! Mason!" His parents yelled his name. He grasped my hand and I thought we were going to go when he pulled me into the hospital room.

"What is she doing here?" Mrs. Kings asked, glaring at me. Mason smirked, slid his hands down mine, and held my hand, lifting our clasped hands so his parents could see. Their jaws dropped. He chuckled.

"I remember you asked me to look for a bride the other day to get engaged to. Well, this is the girl I chose." Mason said, glaring at them.

"Are you saying this to get back at me?" Mr. Kings asked.

"I am not saying this because of anyone. I meant what I just said, this lady standing next to me is the love of my life, the one I truly love and want to spend the rest of my life with," he said. My heart fluttered as I heard those words.

"You are in love with a black girl?" his parents chorused. I am not that black. I have brown skin, I thought, glaring at them.

"You can’t be serious. Tell us you are joking, son." Mr. Kings said.

"I am not. She is the one I love and will love to get married to in the future," he said.

"Married?!?" We all chorused, staring at him. He looked down at me and touched my nose.

"Why are you also surprised? I have thought of getting married to you." Mason said.

"You can’t get married to a black girl and that’s final." Mr. Kings said, clenching his fists.

"Who are you to decide that?" Mason said with a frown.

"How can you ask such a question when we are your parents?" Mrs. Kings answered.

"Parents? Give me a break. You guys don’t behave like my parents. I think my biological parents died ages ago." Mason said.

"Hey!" Mrs. Kings yelled.

"I am telling the truth. You are not the same parents that raised me." Mason protested.

"You know, black people are not allowed in our society; they are not loved. If you get married to her, your children will probably look like monsters or they are going to be black just like her!" Mrs. Kings ranted, pointing at Amber.

"I don’t care, they are still my children. I was a racist until I met her. She is a human like us. We just have a little difference that is visible." Mason shrugged.

"Stop this madness, son; you know the mayor is about to separate the people in this city, which means all the black people will have to leave." I gasped. So Daniel was telling the truth. They wanted to get rid of us.

"Now I know the reason why you threatened to kill the headteacher if he didn’t allow your black girlfriend to go back to school." Mr. Kings said.

"You did that for this thing?" Mrs. Kings remarked, glaring at Amber.

"She is not a thing. I came clean not because I want you to accept her or support me, which I know you can't. I just want to let you know before I tie the knot with her." Mason said.

"You guys are no longer my parents, from today onwards I am a orphan." Mason declared and got slapped across the face by his father, who was burning with fury.

He rubbed his cheek, which had turned red, and looked down at me. "Let’s get out of here," he declared, and started hauling me out of the room.

"Wait up son, if you walk out on us, consider yourself dead. We won't give you financial support anymore!" Mr. Kings yelled. I feel bad that I am the reason he just had a heated argument with his parents. If he goes against them, what will he eat?

"Don’t worry about me; they don’t keep to their words. I am their only son," he said. I always wanted to be an only child. Maybe having a brother isn’t a bad thing after all. Tomorrow is my birthday. I don’t know how to tell Mason. He is in a bad mood right now. 

Maybe I won’t tell him and will leave it to him to figure it out tomorrow. He opened the door of his car for me and I entered. He got into the car after me and fastened his seat belt. He leaned over and did mine, kissing me lightly on the lips before igniting the engine.

I sucked in my lips. He was being romantic at this hard time. I smirked and rested my head on the comfy chair. He turned on a love song as he drove to the university. things were awkward, we didn't have anything to say to each other.

He stopped the car in front of my hostel. I got out of the car and started walking toward the entrance when I heard the horn of his car and turned around to look at him.

"You forgot your bag," he said softly.

"Oh, silly me," I muttered, and shyly ran back to his car and grabbed my bag before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Go to bed early because you don’t want to be late for the lecture tomorrow." he told me.

"I will." I nodded, and he drove away.

The next day.

I was cuddled up in my quilt dreaming about Mason when the ringing tone of my phone woke me up from my dream.

"Argh!" I groaned and took my phone from the nightstand, putting it on my ear.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!!" I heard my family sing to me over the phone, I was overwhelmed with joy.

"Thank you guys!" I muttered.

"Happy birthday Amber. Bella wanted us to call you last night, but we wanted to let you have some rest." my mom said.

"I want to see your face," Daniel said, and cut the call. I got up from bed blushing. I remembered the birthdays I spent with my family. On these special days, they would give me whatever I wanted and even treat me to dinner.

My phone started ringing again. It was a video call. Gosh, I haven’t even showered yet. I ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face before picking up the call. I rested the phone in front of the mirror and started waving at them.

"I want to see," Bella said. She was trying to put her face on the screen, but Daniel wasn’t letting her. My mom turned the phone on her face.

"Hey mom." I said.

"How are you, hun? I hope those white kids aren’t bullying you anymore," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"They don’t mom; Mason was their boss, but since he is my boyfriend now, no one bullies me," I replied.

"Can you believe her? She is the first girl I have seen on this earth that is dating her bully." Daniel remarked.

"Are you guys here to tease me or wish me a happy birthday," I said, glaring at them.

"We already wish you." My mom said,

"Do it again, now that I can see your face," I said.

"Geez, fine." Daniel groaned and they started singing to me again. I banged my head listening to the sweet melody.

"Can you keep it down there!!" Linda yelled from the bedroom.

"Who is that?" Daniel asked.

"My roommate, I got to go love you guys." I said, blowing kisses at them and hanging up. I took a quick shower and started going through my clothes to look for something to wear, something beautiful and not too revealing. I decided to wear my white suit. I put it on and combed my hair in the mirror. They refused to grow longer; they are just short and curly.

"Girl Is it your birthday?" Linda inquired.

"Yes," I answered.

"Wow, and you didn’t tell me you were so ungrateful," Linda said as she walked over to me.

"I haven’t told anyone in college yet, not even my boyfriend. I am just going to give him riddles to solve." I said.

"What’s the big deal about telling him? Anyway, happy birthday." Linda said, gazing at my clothes.

"What!" I asked.

"You want to wear this today? Come on, it’s your birthday; you need to look good," she said and walked over to the closet, going through her clothes.

"You need to look sexy and breathtaking. You are the school goddess anyway," she said.

"That doesn’t mean I have to dress naked," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up Amber, I am going to give you a beautiful dress as your birthday gift and a wig to go with." she said. I am not dressing up for anyone, am I?

Minutes later.

She wore me a waist-high split hot dress. This outfit is bold and seductive. I looked sexy and this would surely make Mason want to have sex with me. Gosh. I groaned looking at the dress. It was smoothing my curves.

"You look like a Greek goddess," she said, putting her hand on her cheek as she removed the strand of hair that was on my face.

"Your boyfriend is going to go crazy when he sees you," she giggled. My phone beeped; it was a text from Mason.

"Where are you? lecture just started." was the content of the text. He didn’t even tell me good morning.

"Let’s go to class!!" Linda beamed.

I was walking to class with Linda, who offered to walk me to class. I felt like a model. All eyes were on me.

"She is really the school goddess," a guy said.

"I love her skin. It’s so spotless." a girl commented.

"How can she wear such a thing to school? Is that even legal?" A girl complained, glaring at me because her boyfriend was staring at me. I waved at him and he smirked. Gosh, I can’t believe I nearly looked for attention.

Linda walked me to the front of the class and walked away. I walked into the class, the teacher was already teaching, and all eyes were on me, including Xavier, who was staring at me with his eyes wide open. He is so dramatic.

Mason didn't see me; he was looking at something under his desk.

"Sit with me," a guy said, asking a girl wearing glasses to leave her chair for me. There was an empty seat next to Mason.

I walked over to him and sat next to him. "Bro, look at your babe." his friend said, touching him. He raised his head and looked at me. His eyes traveled down my body and rested on my boobs before looking at me in the face.

"Damn, who is this damsel," he said, drooling over me.

"It’ me, Amber." I said, staring at him.

"Wow, I almost didn’t recognize you. I didn’t know you were so sexy. Just look at you. Even the teacher can’t take his eyes off you." Mason said, staring at the teacher who cleared his throat.

"Guys, look up. Where were we before that damsel walked into the class?" the teacher asked.

Linda is the cost of this. It was my birthday. My skin was glowing as the sun shone into the room. Mason held my hand under the desk, smiling at me. He is so cute.

"We are going on a date tonight." he said, and rested his hand on my lap.

"Hey! You there, answer the next question." the teacher said, pointing at me.

"Me?" I asked, placing my hand on my chest.

"Of course," he answered.

"I will answer the question for her," Xavier said. The teacher couldn’t object to his decision and allowed him to answer.

After class, I went to the cafeteria with Mason. We were both eating when a guy walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder before handing me a letter and a chocolate bar.

"What’s this for?" I asked, staring at him. He blushed and dropped it beside me on the desk because I refused to take it.

Mason slammed his hand on the table and stared at a group of guys in the cafeteria who were eating alone.

He put his leg on his chair, pointing at them.

"From today, no one has the right to look at my girlfriend or give her letters and flowers." he said and grabbed the letter. I quickly grasped the chocolate bar. He tore the letter as he spoke.

"The same way I tore this letter is the same way I am going to plunk out the eyes of any bonehead that looks at my girlfriend." Mason said, extending his hand to me. I knew he was asking me to give him the chocolate bar.

"Can I at least have the chocolate bar?" I asked, battling my lashes and making puppy dog eyes.

He snatched it from me and tossed it to the floor. "I will get another one for you." He said and sat down, digging into his food. He is so handsome when he is jealous. I smirked, watching him eat.

"I wish all black girls were as beautiful as her," a student said, I turned to look at him.

"All black girls are beautiful. You just fail to notice because of your hatred for the colour of our skin." I told him.

"Don’t talk to the guys!" Mason exclaimed. "Okay." I half shrugged.

I was walking in the field with Linda, who was so excited about organizing a party at the nightclub to celebrate my birthday. I wanted to tell Mason about my birthday, but I haven’t seen him since he left the cafeteria. Maybe he is dealing with his parents' stuff once again. Elsa’s friend walked over to us and stood in front of me, killing me with their eyes.

"You are so heartless Elsa is bedridden because of you." one of them barked and raised her hand to slap me, but Linda caught her hand in the air and pushed her backward.

"Who says you can bully my friend?" she asked.