
Ninja War God: Reborn with SSS Rank Cheats

While trying to test out the Naruto game he made, Kira dies and transmigrates to the naruto world with the game system that he created for his game. It didn't take him too long to realize that this was real life and not a mere game. With a same age of Kakashi, Obito, and the others, he shares a class with them, but this also meant that he'd have to participate in the third and the fourth great ninja wars. With death looming over his head, he plans on using everything at his disposal to climb to the top! A/N: This will be an alternate universe since there are too many inconsistencies about Kakashi's graduation, his age and his achievements. There's other stuff too, so I'll just make things simple in this book.

Potaatoo · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Sparring The Hyuga

[Extra chapter 1. Two more to go.. I really didn't expect 3 reviews in just a few hours.]

"You're late." The Uchiha team leader said as he glared at Kira, but Kira simply shrugged in response. 

He then shook his head and said, "No, you're the one who's early. I'm right on time."

"Hmm. Anyways, from today onwards you'll be in my team and this means that you must listen to my orders no matter what happens." The Uchiha said, his voice stern as he placed his hand on the Hyuga girl's hair and pulled out a Kikaichu.

She looked at the bug and then turned around before staring daggers at Kira, who gave out a sheepish smile after getting caught. 

"Your pranks aside, you can just call me by my name. It's Uchiha Raichi. As for these two who'll be your teammates, introduce yourselves."

Kira nodded, "I'm Kira Aburame from the Aburame Clan and I'm seven years old. I'm proficient in scouting and I'm also good at taijutsu and ninjutsu. I'll also be acting as the team's healer. Oh yeah, I became a genin yesterday."

The Hyuga girl introduced herself next, "I'm Sachi Hyuga and I specialise in taijutsu and I can use my clan's gentle fist. I can also take care of the scouting operations. I'm... ten years old and I'm a genin."

The third guy didn't say much, "Taka, orphan. Good at Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu. Eleven years, Chunin."

Kira nodded and looked at them one more time. The team leader looked like a middle aged man and like most Uchiha, did not have an approachable face. It wasn't that he wasn't good looking. No, it's just that he frowned all the time like he was pissed off at something that doesn't exist.

As for Sachi, she one of the more cuter girls he had seen in Konoha till date. She was taller than him by quite a bit, but he was confident that once his growth spurt hits, he'll be able to grow taller than her. 

Taka on the other hand, wore a scarf around his neck and was actually pretty handsome. He also looked approachable and Kira just had a good feeling about him. He also had a sheathed blade tied to to his back.

Kira looked up at his team captain and asked one thing that he was curious about. 

"Sir Raichi, why does our team have a mix of chunin and genin? I thought that it was a normal thing to only team up genins or just chunins."

Raichi nodded, "Good question. It's normal to do that with genins, but things change after chunin exams or when accidents occur. Sachi's teammates were ambushed and killed a few weeks ago during a mission. 

As for Taka, he passed the chunin exams but his teammates were really bad and didn't improve much. Due to this, and from the hokage's orders you were also added into the team."

"Oh okay. Is there no need for me to take a test or something? Like I heard that people who want to get into a team, must take tests from the team leader and stuff." Kira said, appearing as if he was asking a normal question, but in reality, he simply wanted to test himself in battle.

Raichi stared at Kira for a few seconds with his usual frown before turning to look at the other two kids in his team. 

"Sachi, you're a genin too so you'll be fighting him. Let's go to the training grounds first and Sachi, show no mercy."

Sachi nodded and the three of them followed Raichi to the academy's training grounds. 

Kira skipped over to Sachi and began speaking to her, "Hey Sachi, I heard that you can block people's chakra points to make them unable to fight. Can you block one of my chakra points in my arm? I want to test something out."

She gave him a confused look, but nodded at the end when she noticed that her team leader wasn't stopping them. She activated her byakugan and nerves bulged from the corner of her eyes. 

Kira obediently stretched his hand and within a fraction of a second, she stuck him like a snake pouncing at a snake. 

"Damn, you're fast." he said as he used his other hand and touched the place where she hit him. Chakra flowed from the tip of his finger and easily removed the chakra blockage. 

Once he was done, he flexed his hand like nothing had happened and then looked at Sachi who had her mouth wide open in shock. 

"That was scary. How good are you with the gentle fist style?" he asked innocently and Sachi proudly answered. 

"I can do the eight trigrams sixteen palms."

Kira saw the proud smile on her face and nodded, "That's scary actually."

Taka glanced at Sachi and shook his head silently.

Once they reached the training grounds, Kira and Sachi stood facing each other while keeping a ten meter distance. 

Raichi glanced at the two of them to make sure they were ready and then gave them the signal to start. 


Kira instantly put his hand into his waist bag and grabbed a few kunai before throwing them into the ground, making Raichi's frown even more deep.

Sachi on the other hand, watched the kunai get stuck to the ground and laughed, "You don't know how to throw kunai?"

"Oh, I do." Kira replied and grabbed some regular kunai from his bag and threw them at Sachi with extreme precision, which made her activate her byakugan before using the power of her eye to deflect all six kunai that flew towards her. 

"Impressive." he commented as he took out six shuriken and did the same thing again, but this time, he also made a few hand seals while they were still in the air.

Instantly, the number of shuriken flying at Sachi increased from 6 to 120.