
You're what?!



"I'm pregnant."

There's a minute of complete science. When Margaux didn't hear a reaction from him, she turned. He was smiling and frozen.

"Hey! did you hear what I said?"


Her beauty enthralled him. He was dumbstruck, not listening to what she said.

"I'm pregnant, Idiot!"


Still smiling and unable to believe the situation. Margaux was so disappointed he pushed him and got off the bed and put back his clothes.

"Wait! honey, where are you going."

It's the time he was pulled from the clouds and realized what she just said.

"Honey, you said what?!"

Margaux glared at him, rolled her eyes, and turned to leave. Aris was too quick and hugged her back.

"You didn't tell me earlier I was rough on you."

His nakedness was still emanating heat through her clothes.

"You're getting dumb."

"I know."

He grinned and playfully blew the hair from her nape.