
Ninety-nine desert nights

Isabel has stage four cancer somewhere in her guts, so she has packed her bag and went to Raven's Cove, a beach resort owned by the Raven family. The resort offers a retirement plan for terminally ill patients. And one thing that attracted Isabel to sign up is the fulfillment of her bucket list. Many sorts of things happened in the resort that made Isabel's southward life into a rollercoaster. (Cover picture credits to the owner, we do not own the photo)

Marikit · Kỳ huyễn
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Everything was is in not in order.

Despite the chaos inside the site, Isabel found solace in one corner that overlooked the outside world, the birds are happily singing, not affected by the war that was happening around them.

Hugh was talking to the birds. Telling them what he had experienced last night and how it was still not over. Isabel hugged her son.

She could have transported him back to the other side and they could live with everything behind. But Hash and Hugh wouldn't be even possible without Novalia. Aside from that, she already took the responsibility of a princess, so she must address the concern as a princess.

They broke her peaceful trance when Nina showed her the footage from the drone. One palace servant passed out.

"Oh, my god! No!"

These people are regular citizens there should not be involved in military operations.

And automatically Hash ordered everyone to shoot the Vego army until half of them were killed.