
Chapter 6054: Heavenly Punishment


 Among those giant beasts, there are giant dragons, black turtles, tigers, divine birds, and countless beasts that people have never seen before.

 They carry the aura of chaos, as if they have traveled from the chaotic era, and their killing intent is soaring to the sky.

 "Divine Emperor-level thunder beasts"

 people exclaimed. At that moment, the faces of the proud people of the myriad races who were full of confidence just now changed.

 These thunder beasts are too strong. They are surrounded by the aura of the emperor seedlings, and the power of the emperor is flowing. Their aura is comparable to that of the emperor.

 If they were just ordinary emperors, they would not take them seriously, but these thunder beasts are endless and come overwhelmingly. Even if they are strong at this level, if they are surrounded by too many thunder beasts, they will die on the spot.

 "Boom boom..."

 The thunder beasts roared and came, their killing intent was soaring to the sky. In their eyes, there was blood-colored lightning, and they were extremely fierce. Wherever their footsteps passed, the void kept exploding.


 someone roared, and the first one to kill was a demon clan strongman. A phantom appeared behind him, and he directly summoned a vision. "Puff!


 As a result, he had just knocked a thunder beast away with one punch, and a tiger bit off his arm. If there was no strong man from the same tribe to help, he would have been killed in one blow.

"What?" Someone screamed in horror. 

 "What kind of magical power is this?" The moment the giant tiger bit him, the man instinctively dodged, but even though he avoided it, he was still bitten on half of his body.

" Boom boom boom..." 

 Billions of thunder beasts roared in, and even the more than 7,000 people of the Dragon Blood Legion were like a lone boat in the raging sea. 

The strong men of other tribes were surrounded by endless thunder beasts and were immediately in danger. 

 Fortunately, these people were strong enough. When they put away their underestimation of the enemy and began to fight, they immediately stabilized the situation.

It 's just that there are too many thunder beasts, and these strong men find it quite difficult to kill them, while the Dragon Blood Legion seems to be at ease. After all, they have too much experience in resisting the heavenly tribulation. 

 Although these thunder beasts are powerful, the dragon blood warriors, once they spread out their formation, are like a giant meat grinder. As long as the thunder beasts come in, they will all be strangled. 

 Before, the dragon blood warriors had been fighting alone, but the tacit understanding between them had long been engraved in the depths of their souls. When there were enough enemies, they could still cooperate seamlessly. 

 "Buzz buzz buzz..." 

 As the beasts were strangled, endless thunder runes poured into their bodies, and the dragon blood warriors clearly felt that their bodies were rapidly becoming stronger.

The dragon souls in their bodies roared excitedly, and they were constantly getting stronger as they absorbed the power of the heavenly tribulation. 

 "The divine power and heavenly laws contained in this five-color divine thunder are stronger than I imagined. I hope the heavenly tribulation can last a little longer!" The woman of the scorching flame gluttonous clan prayed secretly while absorbing the power of thunder. 

 The stronger the body, the more thunder power is needed. Only with enough energy from heaven and earth can she perfectly advance to the human emperor. 


 Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the calamity cloud above the nine heavens trembled violently, and the calamity cloud suddenly shrank. 

 "The scope of the heavenly calamity has shrunk. Is it almost over?" People were shocked. If it was over, they would be doomed. Although there were many thunder beasts, with so many people sharing them, no one could achieve perfection. 

 Facts have proved that their worries were unnecessary. When the calamity cloud shrank, the fierce aura of the heavenly calamity instantly increased several times. 


The roar sounded again, and another group of thunder beasts roared in from the calamity cloud. The strong men who were worried that there were not enough thunder beasts just now cheered.

 However, when the thunder beast rushed in front of them, the cheers turned into exclamations: " The thunder beasts before

 the middle stage of the Divine Emperor were the existence of the early stage of the Divine Emperor. The thunder beasts now have reached the middle stage of the Divine Emperor, and their strength has skyrocketed several times compared to the previous thunder beasts. These thunder beasts can display various magical powers with amazing power. They just rushed down and instantly broke the balance of the original battlefield. "Puff" A strong man covered in armor was bitten into a blood mist by a demon beast. His proud defense was not enough in front of the magical power of the demon beast. "Be careful" "Puff" A demon clan strongman was hit by a lightning ball. The lightning ball was only the size of a fist and directly pierced his chest. The companion of the demon beast strongman was slapped and exploded by a giant thunder tiger before he could rescue him. "Narrow the circle, defend instead of attack..." "Back to back, stabilize first..." "Everyone can consider gathering and resist together..." When the second wave of thunder beasts attacked, the scene suddenly became chaotic. At this time, the gap can be seen. Tribes like the Blazing Taotie, Kunpeng, Golden Scale Mammoth, Rock Demon, and Nine-Eyed Lizard were very stable. When they paid enough attention to these thunder beasts, no one was injured. However, some people who were not strong in physical strength and did not have enough combat experience suffered a great loss. After all, these thunder beasts have no sense of pain, do not know how to dodge, and are not afraid of death. Conventional means are useless against them. People kept getting injured and dying. Some forces could not hold on, so they moved closer to the strong and sought shelter from others. "Puff" a demon force moved closer to the Rock Demon Clan, but a strong man in the Rock Demon Clan slashed with a sword, and a sword energy directly killed the strong man of the demon clan. "Get out of here" the strong man of the Rock Demon Clan shouted coldly. Even if they were from the same demon clan, they would not allow anyone to approach them, let alone help them. In this way, those relatively weaker races began to gather. After all, the more people there are, the less pressure there is, and there will be more living space. The strong men who were responsible for protecting the law outside could not help but bleed in their hearts when they saw their clansmen dying one by one in the heavenly tribulation. You know, those who can come here are the elites among the elites in their clans, otherwise, they would not come to kill Long Chen even though they knew that Long Chen was so powerful. However, they were anxious and there was nothing they could do. None of these forces knew each other. They came here for only one purpose, that is, to let the Tianjiao in the clan cut off Long Chen's head. Before, Long Chen was crazy about slaughtering the city, and his edge was too strong. Although many peerless Tianjiao appeared in the human race because of Long Chen later, no one could cover his edge. Long Chen has already shown a tendency to be the first of the younger generation of the human race. If anyone can kill Long Chen at this time, he can take away all the halos on Long Chen and truly become famous in one battle. However, they did not expect things to evolve to this point. This heavenly tribulation is not a heavenly tribulation, but a punishment from heaven. It is not to help the tribulation surviving person, but to kill the tribulation surviving person. "Boom!" At this moment, the calamity above the nine heavens suddenly shrank again, and then an even more terrifying pressure came. "Boom boom..." The second wave of thunder beasts was still raging wildly, and the third wave of even more terrifying thunder beasts had already poured down. At the moment of the "God Queen Stage" , the alien warriors screamed in fear.