
Chapter 6013: Entering the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory

 The Nine Peaks Dragon Territory is a world composed of nine divine peaks. Now it has moved out of the cracks in space and appeared in a mountain in the Emperor's Heaven.

 The nine divine peaks are like nine giant dragons entrenched, roaring to the sky, and the divine peaks pierce the sky.

 According to the Lord of the Territory, the Chaos Dragon Emperor disappeared, the entire Dragon Territory was torn apart, and the major forces began to divide the resources

 of the Dragon Territory. The Nine Peaks Dragon Territory took action earlier, so it obtained a lot of resources from the Dragon Territory, but because they took action late and were not insidious enough, they only picked up some resources that others didn't want.

 Therefore, this side is poor and almost can't open the pot, but the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory can have fish and meat, rich.

 However, such a wealthy Dragon Territory actually covets the talent resources of the Buried Demon Abyss and wants to plunder directly. It can be seen that greed is not a unique bad root of the human race. The

 Nine Peaks Dragon Territory is surrounded by mountains, but these mountains are as small as grass in front of the Nine Peaks. The Nine Peaks Dragon Territory can be seen from a long distance.

 "Boom boom..."

 Endless dragon nests broke through the air, and the huge roar shook the earth, and countless birds and beasts fled in fear.

 Tens of millions of dragon nests lined up and rushed straight towards the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory. In the first Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, the Dragon Blood Warriors and the top geniuses of the Dragon Territory were all excited and excited. They felt their blood was hot. The

 high-level people in the Dragon Territory, including the Lord of the Territory, were worried, but they didn't say a word at this time. Since they handed the Dragon Territory to Long Chen, they would let it go completely and would not regret it whether they died or not.

 Long Chen was in the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, quietly watching the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory getting closer and closer. At this time, he was extremely calm, the calmest he had ever been. Now, he

 understood what he needed to do more than ever, and he firmly believed that he could do it and must do it.

 "Boss, what is the battle plan?" Guo Ran said.

 "After entering, behead directly, mainly kill the emperor-level strongmen, and those below the emperor can be killed or not!" Long Chen said.


 The domain master couldn't help but exclaimed. They couldn't believe their ears. Carrying out beheading in the Dragon Domain was too crazy. You know, in the Dragon Domain, when the Fortune God Pond is activated, the strength of these Dragon Domain's emperors will soar to an unimaginable level. The reason

 why they would rather be humiliated than use the Fortune God Pond was because they didn't want to cause their children to be out of food in the future because of their impulse.

 But the Nine Peaks Dragon Domain didn't have such scruples. They thought that Long Chen and others would control their Fortune God Pond and the Dragon Vein Land when they entered the Nine Peaks Dragon Domain, so that they would be afraid to act rashly and force them to sit down and negotiate in the end.

 "Will this work? There are more than twenty emperors in the Nine Peaks Dragon Domain. Their real strength is far beyond our reach. We should outsmart them..." The ancestor of the Red Dragon Clan finally couldn't help but speak.

 "Put your heart in your stomach, leave everything to me, believe me!" Long Chen said confidently.

 "But, their ancestor is likely to be the real emperor!" The ancestor of the Red Dragon Clan still said with concern.

 "It doesn't matter. We have the strength to fight even if it's a real emperor."

 Long Chen looked at the Red Dragon Clan's ancestors, the Territory Lord and others, and said seriously: "In fact, we have been forced into a desperate situation. Only by seizing the opportunity of the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory can we have a place in the next wave of competition.

 So this time, we must take the Nine Peaks Dragon Territory. This is related to our life and death."

 "Long Chen, since we have handed the Dragon Territory to you, you should let it go. We are old, short-sighted, and corrupt. We can't see that far.

 This era belongs to you, and we old guys just need to cooperate with you." said the Lord of the Territory.

 Long Chen nodded: "Jiufeng Dragon Territory has always wanted to annex us. They were the first to attack us. We are just fighting back. There is no need to have any psychological burden.

 However, Jiufeng Dragon Territory and we are of the same clan, and not everyone deserves to die. They annexed us, which was basically the decision of the top leaders.

 In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, we must fight quickly and kill the emperor-level strongmen as quickly as possible to shock the scene.

 Only in this way will there be no large-scale battles. We must not only preserve our own strength, but also try to preserve the strength of Jiufeng Dragon Territory. "

 Long Chen turned his head and looked at Chi Wufeng, Mo Yang and others and said:

 "When the war starts, Jiufeng Dragon Territory will inevitably be in chaos. At that time, you will have to work hard and try your best to resist those emperor seedling strongmen. If you can leave them a way to live, try to keep them alive. Of course, this is to ensure your own safety. "


 Chi Wufeng and the others nodded. They knew that the Dragon Blood Legion would be the main attacker, and it would not be their turn to fight against the Emperor-level warriors for the time being.

 Although they were somewhat unwilling in their hearts, Long Chen's arrangement of them meant that they were not yet capable of fighting against the Emperor-level warriors.

 "Lord Domain Lord, you cooperate with Wufeng, Mo Yang and others to suppress the enemy, and try to minimize casualties." Long Chen said. After

 Long Chen made such an arrangement, the ancestor of the Red Dragon clan immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Why can't we take the main attack? We are also Emperor-level warriors. Are we really too old to be used?"

 Although other ancestors pulled him back, the ancestor of the Red Dragon clan still had a hot temper and finally insisted on finishing his words.

 Long Chen smiled and said, "Ancestor, you misunderstood. You are old and strong, how could you be useless?

 It's just that you haven't taken action for so many years. Once you take action, it's a fight between your own people. Your hands are stained with the blood of your own people. You must be sad in your heart.

 We, the Dragon Blood Corps, are different. On the one hand, we are human beings. Although we have dragon blood flowing in our bodies, in our eyes, there are only enemies and friends, but no concept of fellow races. Therefore, we kill without restraint.

 On the other hand, I am afraid that you will not have the heart to kill at the critical moment, and the other party will take advantage of your sympathy. Then you will be in danger. We, the Dragon Blood Warriors, spend most of our lives killing, and will never make such a mistake.

 Besides, it is not easy to arrange this task for you. You have to protect your own people as well as the people on the other side. The balance and control in the middle is not something that ordinary people can do, so I can only ask you to do it. "

 Originally, the Red Dragon Clan's ancestor complained, which made the other ancestors and the Domain Lord very embarrassed. It was very taboo to question Long Chen, the commander, in this way.

 Fortunately, Long Chen did not care about him. He saved his face and explained the reason. In the end, he also praised him. Not only the Red Dragon Clan's ancestor, but also the other ancestors felt much more comfortable.

 After all, they were also powerful emperors, and they didn't even have the qualifications to go to the main battlefield. Only they knew how uncomfortable the feeling of loss was.

 "Long Chen is the supreme commander, and no one can disobey his orders!" The Domain Lord said sternly. This sentence was said to all the high-level officials in the Dragon Domain.

 If someone came to question, Long Chen would have to explain, then everything would be messed up. It is necessary to give Long Chen enough majesty to intimidate these old guys.

 "Get ready!"


 At this moment, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest crashed into the barrier of the Nine Peaks Dragon Domain, but the divine light on the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest trembled, and it just passed through the barrier. At that moment, exclamations rang out in the Nine Peaks Dragon Domain.