
See you at the final

The list of the top four for the World Cup individual competition was finally out. It could be seen that it was worthy of being the home ground of the will country, and Europeans occupied half of the top four ...

One of them was Marda Merida from the apinen Peninsula country, and the other was the host, Jack from the country of will. The contestant from the country of will was no longer the shield of Europe, but an assassin hiding in the shadows.

The other half was, of course, occupied by the two buzzcut men in China ...

The list of the top four had just been released, and it could be said to have caused an uproar.

Europe VS China?

Two agility-type fighters and two assassins, as well as two supports?

What kind of configuration was this?

The big shield that the will nation was proud of had been eliminated early on, leaving only a thorn warrior as a cover.