
I have something to say ...

Jiang Xiao arrived at the MU black market and had a good dinner before being dragged back to his room for a meeting by the coaches.

Not only did they have a meeting, but the Beijing Star Warriors team of four also reviewed the rules of the competition under the guidance of Assistant Instructor Bai Yin.

A kind person would see the good in everything, but the world was not beautiful. The Huaxia leaders were not paranoid, because those disgusting people and things really existed.

In fact, the opponents of this kimchi team in the previous round, the team from the arpany Republic, were still protesting and complaining to the organizers of the competition ...

The fate of the Republic of aping was really rough. In the Star Warriors world Cup, it actually repeated what it had encountered in the Football World Cup.

On the Chinese internet, some netizens left interesting comments. "I've seen this episode before. It was in 2002 ..."
