
I am your father, the earth!

The weather was still hot in Ludong province in mid-September.

Although Stone Harbor was a small county city, it was the largest fishing port in northern China.

Jiang Xiao was rather familiar with this place.

Once upon a time, this was the hometown of one of his college roommates. During those beautiful years, his college roommate even invited Jiang Xiao to swim in his hometown.

Jiang Xiao was here. To be exact, the bait had arrived.

However, he was not here to swim, and he did not see any beautiful young ladies in cool clothes, because ...

The current Stone Harbor had already become one of the frontlines of the Chinese army.

The seventh Star descent Regiment, soul dance Legion, which was originally stationed in Ludong, received orders from their superiors. Under the leadership of Xia Yan and Han Jiangxue, a group of yin-yang Soul Warriors, white-faced dancers, paper, ink, and calligraphy souls followed the large Army and stationed there.