

Nikilesh, a stubborn young god, is forced to take birth as a female child on Earth as punishment for his wrongdoing. There, he falls in love with his best friend and faces more troubles than he could have imagined. Meanwhile, due to his female birth, he is able to know the misdeeds happening in the divine kingdom and thus can solve a great mystery of the divine kingdom.

Nimna_Rathnasiri · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


This is the time when the whirlwinds begin for Tokyo. The sky was overcast, there was some lightning and some strong winds and all the people in the city had gone to their homes due to government warnings.

It started as a light rain which turned into a heavy downpour in less than a minute. In June, July, and August, the tropical cyclone, known as 'Typhoon', begins in Japan, and it is a weather condition that Tokyo residents look forward to every year. But today, as the premonitions of a more dangerous typhoon appeared, the Japanese government had warned the people of Tokyo to stay in their homes temporarily.

At this moment when all the people were at home and safe, only one person was lying in a very unsafe place in the city of Tokyo without any protection. His name is Nikhilesh. With a body as majestic as a lion, he was lying on top of the Sky Tree, the tallest tower in Tokyo. Lying on top of it, he rubbed his wet black hair and looked at the sky with a dark face. It looks like he's in trouble.

He was closing his eyes and a sudden flash of lightning opened his eyes which had been closed until now. It is an unusual eye with two colours. One of his eyes was black and the other was gray. The raindrops falling on his sad face gave him a tearful look. But he wasn't crying. He is surprised and saddened by something that happened at this time.

You may be wondering how I know so much about this young man. To tell you the truth, I'm talking about me the whole time. I wanted to tell you this story because the turning point of my life, which was almost a thousand years old, started here.

I, whose name is Nikilesh, live in a kingdom called O'dias, three hundred and ninety-one million miles from Earth. It's a very big world and you don't know that planet. According to your science, it is called…what..umm... I can't remember that word...

Wait.. until I look it up on Wikipedia.

"Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun

and the largest in the solar system

is the planet.

It's on all the other planets in the solar system

With more than two and a half times the mass

A gas giant and one-thousandth the mass of the Sun

A little less than.

Jupiter orbits around the Sun

At a distance of 5.20 AU (778.5 Gm) with an orbital period of 11.86 years.

Jupiter in Earth's night sky

It is the third brightest natural object after the Moon and Venus

It dates back to prehistoric times

has been observed. U.S

He was the main deity of the ancient Roman religion

Named after Jupiter."

Oh.. yeah it is called Jupiter.

For me, what is here is a bit difficult to understand. No matter how much I read, science is a bit difficult for me. However, the description I took from the internet is for your ease of understanding.

According to your Earth, this is a mere planet without life.

But it's truly a Divine Kingdom.


I am a god!

A god who is only a thousand years old!

I repeated this because I thought you didn't hear what I said last time. At this time, I was thinking about something that I never imagined would happen. But I do not know whether it is something to be happy, something to be sad, or something to be ashamed of. But I think this is not a good thing.

The fact that I am saddened to tell you is done by myself. A few years ago there was a violation of the laws of my kingdom for which I was punished. But I never thought that they would do something like this.

I will tell you shortly.

They have given birth to me as a girl on earth this time!!!

I must protect the human world and nature from demons, ghosts and inhuman forces. To fulfil that duty, I must take a normal birth as a human being on earth. For so long I was born on earth as a man. Because.. because I am not a goddess but a god. But this time they have bequeathed me a female birth.

How unfair!

I can't even imagine how they can punish me like this. Even though I knew that the O'dias kingdom was a very law-abiding state, I never thought that such a punishment would be given to me. In short, I didn't even know that such punishments existed. Although I did not feel angry, I felt an unbearable frustration. However, even though I am a god, karma is the root of everything. It is very clearly stated in the Buddha's teachings. So I'm still regretting it in a way. We should not be shaken by our teachings. It is the same dharma that is inherited not only by humans but also by deities.

Yes.. we all could get what we don't like. It is the nature of the universe.

However, I have to go to O'dias now and it has been almost two hours since the Leader of God called me. I had already pissed him off, so I didn't want to be late and piss him off more. So I prepared for my long journey. I haven't been there for almost seventy years and the last time I was there was not so auspicious. However, I had to go, so I disappeared with a flash of lightning that crashed into the SkyTree.

After a while, I emerged into the Northern Forest. It is a divine forest located north of the O'dias Kingdom and one of the four main entrances to the O'dias.

When I went to the stable at that place to get a horse, five or six servants started greeting me as soon as they saw me. "Mr. Nikhilesh. It's been a long time since you came here" said the head of the stable. But at that moment, my mind was not in a good state to give him a good response. It is something that the head of the stable also understood. So they gave me a very fast black mare, greeted me again and went about their work duties.

The mare quickly went to the Divine Realm. You may be wondering why I have travelled so many light-years in an instant and come this far. Our teleportation only works as far as the Northern Forest. It is because all the gods appearing in the same places can cause some inconvenience.

Passing by various types of divine trees and flowers in the northern forest, I finally entered a part of the trees known as Wardashi. This is the boundary between the Northern Forest and the Kingdom of O'dias. Then there is a long marble bridge that spans eleven thousand miles. Since the bridge was very high in the sky, it was covered by a heavy fog. Although it is a little dark, only until you cross this dark bridge.

The sound of rushing water could be heard, and the reason for this is that there is a very large reservoir under this marble bridge. Although it is similar to the great ocean of the earth, very large mountains have sunk here. The sound of the water crashing against the waterfalls is constantly heard when crossing this bridge. This bridge and its surroundings are not without opportunities to bring fear to someone.

Within another hour and a half, I entered the O'dias kingdom and after passing through several divine villages, also entered the O'dias palace which was built on the highest point, i.e. my home. And it is the same as before.

This is a kingdom first founded by the god Zeus, and after that several generations of gods spread their dominions here. The seventh god in the lineage of the supreme god Zeus, our current leader is a very solemn ruler and a very honest law-abiding ruler. Although he is a bit harsh to me, he is a very valuable ruler who rules from ten principles in Lord Buddha's teachings.

Constructed of sunlit marble stones and golden bricks, this vast palace is the home of the presiding deity of the O'dias. Surrounded by several beautiful gardens and a beautiful waterfall, it is unimaginably attractive to common people.

As soon as I entered the divine palace, the gods and goddesses for each function and excitement started bowing their heads as soon as they saw me.

"Where is the leader of God?" I asked them and they said he was still in his office. I hurriedly went to the hall where he was doing his office work. When I went there, the Leader of God and his eldest daughter Goddess Rubius were also engaged in a discussion with him and only Goddess Rubius got up and bowed to me when she saw my arrival. But at the same time, the Leader of God did not pay any attention to me. But the Goddess Rubius welcomed me very warmly.

"Your Highness. How are you"

"I'm fine Ruby" I started to say. "I hope you are fine too"

"That's right, Your Highness... My father and I are very well." She said this and looked at her father, but he did not give us any response. So Goddess Rubius and I exchanged a few more words. Seeing that, the Leader of God finally raised his voice to talk to us.

"Rubias! Enough talk. I have a personal talk with Nikhilesh. You can leave." His voice was harsh. Immediately, Goddess Rubius left the hall alone with me and the Leader of God, giving me a sad look and a slight smile. After she left, the Leader of God began to speak while he was sitting on the throne.

"I think you have had enough of your punishment," he said mockingly. "Your mistakes are unforgivable. You have disrespected the laws of God as well as the laws of O'dias! In short, Nikhilesh, you disrespected me, the one who raised you. Now the Divine Jury has decided to give you the appropriate punishment for that. Accordingly, as long as you get rid of your wrong and stubborn actions, you will have to be born and raised as a woman on earth."

I am well used to his sermons, so I listened patiently without saying anything.

"Nikhilesh..Nikhilesh... I raised you because of how much I love you. But you... what did you do? You have shattered my hopes and your parents'!" The Leader of God sighed and got up from his seat. "Nikhilesh, my son, what's done is done. I think if you are looking ahead and working now. You made the same mistake twice. But remember you don't get a third chance."

"Also do your duty well as before. Demon activities on Earth are greater than in other weak soul worlds. You know that from your long experience. So protect them. Team up with your protector Da Lan and your agent Tanya to protect the human world. Above all else, make the fulfilment of responsibility the first duty. You are a god... Personal advancement is something that has been removed from your life for a long time. So think about it. Don't let me be embarrassed again!"

After listening to his long sermon, I finally bowed and left.

I don't know why I became a god. When I was born in the human world before, I tried to increase my spiritual strength by helping people, so I died and was born as a god. I have already realized that becoming a god is much more serious than we think. You have to be a leader, you have to protect your subordinates... More than that, you have to think about responsibility.

Yes, responsibility!

Our lives are at stake or we must do our part. We have hand-to-hand servants, very sweet food to eat and drink, very luxurious clothes to wear... More than that, the spiritual power that comes with improving our minds. All these things are not something that common people can even dream of. But everything has both good and bad sides.

We should enjoy these divine pleasures and protect our subordinates from the inhabitants of the worlds such as demons, ghosts, asuras etc. without emotion. It's harder than you think.

In addition, you have to spend for the good of others without thinking about your happiness and well-being. Just like the duty of a doctor in the human world. You have to think about the life of the person who wants your service more than your own life.

Now I have become a god. It would be foolish for me to regret it any more.

In this tangle of thoughts, I walked down the corridor to the main entrance through the main assembly hall. But suddenly I remembered my chamber. I turned back and started climbing the stairs, because of the desire to see my chamber, which I had not seen for many years.

To get to my chamber, I had to climb four floors past the Generals' Training Hall and the Ancient Ancestor Hall, and a few minutes later I was standing in front of my spacious chamber. There is a large wooden gate. In the centre is a carving of a large wolf. It was surrounded by several scrolls and in addition, there was a carving. It is a very precious piece of carving and has been created since the time of the Greek Gods. When I opened it and went inside, I saw three maids cleaning it. Seeing the sudden arrival of the owner of the chamber, they greeted with embarrassment and quickly left, hiding their faces shyly. This expression of the maids is now normal for me. This is the reaction of every young woman when she sees me, a handsome young god. (Yeah. I'm bragging of myself)

However, after the maids left, I stretched myself out on my dark blue velvet bed. It is a very comfortable bed. So I closed my eyes and started reflecting on old memories.

On the very first day of my arrival in O'dias, this chamber was prepared for me by the leader of God. He took care of me as his own child very lovingly and trained me to become the next Head of the Universe. When I say this, you must have a question mark on your face. Aren't I the son of O'dias's God Leader?

I am not a member of O'dias. I apologize for misleading you from the beginning. I was the only child of Enceladus, the leader of the divine kingdom called Alcyoneus, and also the former Head of the Universe. Unfortunately, my parents died in the final battle between God and the Devil. In the meantime, many parties were trying to take care of me alone. According to the law, I have the right to be the next Head of the Universe, but until I reach the proper age, my guardian will receive the position of the Head of the Universe temporarily, so many people were waiting to take my guardianship.

But luckily for me, my parents arranged a marriage between the Leader of God's eldest daughter and me before they died. So the Divine Jury temporarily appointed the Leader of God of O'dias as my guardian and the next Head of the Universe. Now the next question that comes to you is whether I got engaged to Rubius. Initially, I was engaged to Ceridwen, the eldest daughter of the Leader of God. Unfortunately, she was kidnapped and killed by a demon.

However, because the Leader of God had to fulfil his promise to my parents, the marriage contract was changed for me and Goddess Rubius. So that's the story that explains how I got here in the first place.

While I was swimming through some memories, I heard footsteps and felt that someone had entered my chamber. Immediately my eyes were opened.

Standing next to me was a god with a handsome body no less than seven feet tall. He was wearing red and gold armour. He has long black hair and it was tied on top of his head like a horse's tail. I knew who he was just by looking at his handsome face. 'This is him, isn't he?' I thought.

I looked at him and asked, "General Huang?"

The young general smiled. "Then you remember me, don't you, Your Highness." He said this while bowing. He was a first-rank special General and currently, I was a lower rank than him. Even so, since I am the next heir to the Universal Throne, except the Leader of God, all the other Gods bow to me and greet me.

I also started to greet him, but I didn't do it from the heart. This general in front of me was someone I hated.

"What do you want?" I asked rashly.

"Heard you came. Is it wrong to come to see your beautiful face, Your Highness?"

"There is nothing wrong with that, General, but it would be better if you were more careful when you use words," I said and prepared to leave. "I have been here for a long time. General, it is time for me to return to Earth. Until then see you next time."

"I can't let you go now. I'm sorry," said the General, while grabbing my arm and pushing me towards the wall. Then I got hit by the wall roughly. Although it was not a strong attack, my body started to hurt a lot. Without even thinking about 'what was going on', he tied my arms behind my back and started pressing my body against the wall again. There was nothing I could do, I was numb with all my energy being completely like it was absorbed by someone.

'What's going on'... 'What's going on'... 'What's going on'

I started thinking like a mantra.

I tried to scream but no sound came out. A strong arm of the General was tightly binding my hands. His other arm slowly touched my chest. And I got chills all over my body. No one dared to touch me like that!

Moreover, slowly the arm began to move to my lower body. 'no! no! I can't let this happen!' But there was nothing I could do. The body was completely numb!

Then General Huang started to speak."Lord, you know very well that I have feelings for you, yet you always avoid me. I'm sorry, I can't let you escape today," he said while relaxing his hands to turn me around.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I threw a punch at him, but, surprisingly, my body's strength was not enough for it. Seeing that I was weak, he smirked, but I was not ready to give up. I tried to attack again with full strength, but before that he hit me in the abdominal area, causing severe pain in the whole body. As I fell to the floor, he grabbed my head, pulled me with all his strength and threw me on the bed.




"I-let me go t-t-t-give," I said with difficulty. "You-u a-are hurting m-me!"

"Nikhilesh! Get up, ma boy!"

I slowly opened my eyes when someone shook me. Through the blurred vision, I saw my best friend. Before even thinking, I hugged him like a small child hugged his father. "Da-Da Lan"

Only then did I feel that my whole body was wet with sweat. Da Lan looked at me in surprise.

"Nikhilesh! Are you okay?"

It was with these words that Da Lan said that I realized that the terrible event I saw before was a dream.

"Was I asleep?" I said with a trembling voice. My friend nods.

"You want me to take you to the Divine Healer?"

"No need Da Lan", I said. "It's just a dream!"