
Nighty Apocalypse

A zombie apocalypse where zombies only came out at night time because it is scared of the sun.

KLUX · Kinh dị ma quái
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5 Chs

The story now begins

[ See you at the school ]

[ See you ]

[ Goodnight, I love you ]

[ Goodnight, I love you too ]

In the morning, the alarm starts ringing in the room, there, a man is streching his body his body has a good physical appearance, After stretching he goes to the alarm and turn it off He is Tommy our mc.

Getting out from his messy room and going straight to the kitchen, there his father Roger is eating sandwich. "Good morning, sunshine." he said, teasing his son.

"Shut up, dad." said as he sat down on the chair and took a bite from the sandwich prepared for him, "By the way, I'll be get back late we have a problem at work and we need to fix it"

"Is that so? then is it okay to watch here with my Ashley?"

"Like it's the first time you ever brought her here without my permission, it doesn't matter, it's fine as long as you ask her parents permission and deliver her to her house when you both are done watching" said by his father.

giggled and replied, "Sure, like I would do something stupid by letting her go home alone at night."

"Noisy old people, I keep doubting what Ashley saw from you. you're just an average man. She's such a beautiful girl. Why would she settle for a guy like you?" A girl at age 16 came out from her room name Stacy.

their father chuckled, "Even your sister is doubting you, son."

"Shut up now, just admit that I'm handsome and cool for her to like me,"

"You're making me puke here" As she turns on the tv.

"Now, now you two, don't fight too much. I'll be leaving now, I'm late for work,"

"Good luck."

"Be careful at work"

He gets his bag and gets inside his pickup truck.

On the tv, [ Middle East terrorists have a massive attack on the country, the government is now dealing with this problem ]

"Be home immediately after school. The terrorists might attack here," Tommy said, being strict to his sister

"You might be stupid yet still strict, The terrorists won't attack here, and if it does, the military will immediately do something."

"Just do as I say."

"Fine" they both eat their breakfast and go to school.

In the school, "I'll be going then," his sister said.

"Good luck at school,"

"You too,"

Ashley sneaks up to him, "You two are still close as ever."

"No were not," He denied

She smiled, "Heh, okay then, It is what you said."

Her friends came, "Hey, are you two still going to keep flirting? we're gonna be late."

"Bye then, see you after school," she smiled and said, her Goodbye.""

"Yeah, see you,"

After school, Tommy was waiting for Ashley at the gate with his sister. Ashley came late. "I'm sorry I'm late, our teacher got overtime it's getting annoying."

"Don't worry about it, Miss Ashley, we just got here," Stacy said with respect to Ashley

"Is that so?" she replied. "Yeah, we also just got here, " Tommy said, still a liar, I see. Both your classes were finished 30 minutes ago. "Okay then, shall we go?"

They got on the bus and went straight to Tommy's house with Ashley and his sister, they start doing their thing, Stacy did her homework, and Ashley made the lunch, and Tommy watch some tv.

on the tv news was still the outbreak from the war that the terrorists coused, [ The Territories have now cease their attack with the massive lose they gain from the military...] "So a terrorists really did attack our country," Ashley came to the living room.

"Oh? you didn't know?" Tommy asked

"You know I don't watch news," Ashley replied

"You should still be updated for important news such as this, right?"

"Well, I did hear it from my father in the morning to come home early or just sleep here instead because of the terrorists attack"

"I see, it's good to have a policeman father, huh?"

Stacy came out from her room, "Are you two done yet? I'm hungry, " she said, leaning on the door at her room

"Let's eat, then shall we?" Ashley suggested

They eat their lunch and watch some movie in the living room, Hours passed by, and it's already night as the three are focused on the tv. Suddenly, the tv went black.

"What happened?" Ashley asked

Tommy stood up to check the tv. "I don't know, let me check it," but before he could go to the tv, their phone vibrated rapidly, and the siren sounded.

The tv and the phone flashed an emergency warning, [ Warning, this is not a drill, a massive outbreak is happening to the country. no, the whole world we advise to stay at home at all cost and don't every ] this keep repeating.

tons of helicopters have been going to the city, Tommy looked at their window, and their neighbors outside don't know what to do.

Her sister, who is scared, asked, "Is this because of the attack of the terrorist?" Ashley, who is hugging her trying to comfort her, doesn't know what to say.

"Let's all calm down, okay? I also don't know what's going on, but we should stay inside our house as the government said, " saying that while locking all the doors and windows of their house.

Tommy went to his father's room and looked for something. "It should be here somewhere, oh found it, I'm grateful that I asked Dad to teach me how to use these." What tommy have been searching for was these guns, Shotgun, sniper rifle, and revolter.

their father was soldier in the past but had no choice but to leave because of an injury at his hand, his left hand got numb because he was shot on the left hand shoulder, he choose to leave because it was a better option for him as he can't shoot gun properly.

In the past years, his father got into hunting, which is why he had these guns.

Tommy went back to the living room armed with weapons, "I know this is confusing and get you two unctuous at the same time, but if the terrorists did invade I need you these to protect you to, also it's better for us to hide in the room not here"

The two have no choice but to follow what Tommy said, Tommy locked the door, Ashley and Stacy were on the bed, and Tommy went to them

"Here." He gave the gun to her. "Just for protection, take it." Ashley nodded

Tommt looks at his phone for information. "What the hell is going on?" he said the social media have been crazy.

[ Has anyone know what's going on? ]

[ Run Run!!! ]

[ Everyone doesn't panic as the government can handle this ]

everyone has different posts, but no further information about what's going on. Things got quiet outside, which is suspicious.

They heard the door being unlocked from the front, Tommy signals them to not make noise. "Get down, Go under the bed," he whispered, The two quietly went down under the bed.

The door got unlocked, They knew a man got in. All of them are nervous, their hurt pumping like crazy, Tommy shake his head and pointed the shotgun to the room's door and ready it.

The man who got inside tries to open the door but is locked. Unknowingly, the door got opened. "Don't move, or I'll shoot," Tommy said, trying to act calmly to the situation.

"Tommy? Is that you? where's your sister and Ashley?" he asked

"Dad?" Tommy said with relief

"Dad?" Stacy said and rushed towards him, "Daddy!" She shouted and hugged her.

Their dad lift Stacy up, "I'm glad all of you are okay."

"Dad, what's going on? have the terrorists invaded?" Tommy asked, Ashley went beside Tommy.

"I also don't know, but I'm sure that this wasn't caused by a terrorists but instead something else, something more terrifying. We should pack our things immediately and leave!"

Their father said, and they quickly packed their things, some clothes and something important to them, their father get all the food from their pastry and refrigerator they put it all in the pickup truck and get in.

"Are you worried?" Tommy asked Ashley

"Yeah... I hope mom and dad are safe, " Ashley said worriedly

"Don't worry, as we are about to go to them right now, now get in!" They get inside the pickup truck and drive to the road.

There's not many cars out there since not many know what's going on and the government adviced them to stay inside, many only know that the terrorists attack and it's already enough the reason for them to stay at home.

As they kept going to the streets, they noticed a military checkpoint ahead, For an old military as their father, this is good news to them.

Their father stopped the vehicle and got out, "Stay here, I'll ask these soldiers what's going on." The military checkpoint was contained with only two soldiers yet still heavily armed with rifle. Roger showed them his I.D., and they saluted him.

"Wow, father is really a great man, doesn't he?" Stacy brags even in the situation

"Yeah, your father is a great man," Ashley replied

"Now, can I ask what's going on? have the terrorists attacked?"

"No sir, what we know is that this is not cause by terrorists."

"As expected, well then, thank you for your time,"

"It's nice meeting you too, sir." Roger gets in the vehicle. "They also don't know what's going on." They passed the checkpoint, As soon as they passed the checkpoint, they still haven't gone far ahead he saw something from the side mirror.

The two soldiers were talking to a woman trying to warn her, "Ma'am please cooperate with us, please stay inside your house as we are facing an emergency crisis" Roger saw this and stopped the vehicle.

He stepped in the commotion, "What's going on?" He asked "Well this woman here won't listen and stay at home. "

"Ma'am, please listen to us." The soldier keeps approaching her, but she seems weird she was just standing there, not moving a flinch.

When the soldier finally got to her and touched her, she suddenly bitten him. "AHHH!! FCK! FCK! MA'AM, what is wrong with you!?" Suddenly, the women pushed the soldier down and bite his neck, "Oh shit!" The other solder said and quickly reacted to the situation.

He pointed the gun and shot on the ground. "Place your hands on the ground! Now!"

In the pickup truck, they heard the gun fire, "I'll look at what's going on. Just stay here, okay? I'll be back"

The women rushed at the soldier, He opened fire as he had no choice, "Fck fck fck! If only you place your hand on the ground!" He was about to go to his buddy when the women stand up even after being shot.

"What the..."

"Shoot!" Roger shouted, The soldier constantly shot the woman but was able to rush at him and bite him on his neck, "Shit!" Roger quickly ran away, but the women caught up to him and pushed him into the ground.

Roger used his right hand to push her head away to avoid being bitten, Tommy saw this and rushed to his father using the shotgun he smacked the head of the woman, "Dad, Are you okay?" "Shot it! Now!" He shouted Tommy aimed and fired at the woman's head.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Dad! I killed a person! I fcking killed her!" Tommy panicked

His father stood up and held his head, "Look at me, okay? everything is going to be fine, okay? that girl is no human, she bite the two soldiers there, we have no choice undertand? if you haven't killed her, she will kill your sister and Ashley. Okay?"

Tommy accepts the reality and nodded crying with tears. The two soldiers stand, and their father noticed this, he get the shutgon from Tommy and face them.

The soldiers rushed at him, and he calmy shot them on the head, "See, son? this is now the reality for us, we both have killed those things, I would take responsibility for your actions so don't ever think twice about killing them because they will kill your love ones do you want that?"

Tommy shook his head, "Good, now help me take their guns." they took their guns while taking the guns. A police car rushed to the site, Tommy and his father stood up and pointed their guns.

The police get out of the car. "Roger!? Is that you!? Where's my daughter!?" He asked worriedly. He is not the only one in the car but also his wife, "Please tell me my daughter is safe"

Ashley got out the pickup truck. "Mom? Dad?"

"Ashley? thank god you're okay." Her father said

Ashley rushed to them, and hugged them both. "It was thanks to Mr Roger and Tommy that we are still alive... If it wasn't for them I may not..."

"It's okay now, You're safe we're here" her dather said as Ashley cried to them.

"Rex, tell me what's going on," Roger asked, (Rex the name of Ashley's father and Carol the name of his wife)

Rex saw the corpses on the road, "The city was done for, it's a good thing you killed these things, even my partner turned like them when he got bit"

"So there are more like these in the city?" Roger asked

"Yeah, it was a massive outbreak that even the government didn't know, Why did they suddenly appeared and how do they appear? it was all over the world. The military is currently dealing with the situation, but I'll doubt that it will succeed"

"I see... So what should we do?" Roger asked

All of them were in silence, "How about we go somewhere far away from any settlements? like the mountains, there are almost no people there, meaning they might not also be there"

"Hmmm, that's a good idea, let's should go there." Rex said

And so was going there a good idea for them? for an outbreak, they don't have any idea what's going on was it still worth it? The story now begins