
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Thành thị
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114 Chs

Sixteen: A code

Sixteen: A code

The blind on Monalissa's eyes was removed. The room she opened her eyes to was quite overwhelming. It was a stark contrast to the Alpha gardens she had come to the previous day. She looked around.

The place was bound with walls, really high walls. There was an iron door at the entrance and there was nothing else. Her mind wheels began to turn. She was... could she be in an underground basement? Just as her mind was still trying to fathom her ordeal, she heard the door open. Two hefty men walked in. They were quite bulky and bald as well each giving off an intimidating vibe. They each had a whip in their hands. Monalissa balled her hands into fists. She looked at them without showing any emotions in her face.

One of the men grabbed her hands and tied it up ignoring her fruitless struggle. Tears burned her eyes as she imagined what that whip would be used for. It was pure torture. She knew it best.

She heard the door creak open and two more men walked in. This time, it was Ezekiel and Kim. Kim was leading the way. When Ezekiel was in her line of view, she glared at him.

"Why're you doing this too? I didn't cause any trouble today", her voice was loud and sounded rude but there were some streaks of pleading in it.

Ezekiel smirked and shrugged as he took the seat that Kim had set for him.

"Who sent you there that day?"

Monalissa smirked. Wham! The whip landed on her back. She gasped.

"For any question you answer rudely, you receive a whipping".

"So tell me walker, who was it? "

"I don't know. I was just sent by my superior".

Wham! She gasped again. The whip was painful. It was tearing her up from within.

"You don't want to talk right? I'm giving you a chance".

She smirked. "If you wanted to give me a chance, you won't be doing it now".

"I would give it to you when I see fit. Do you know? The person you killed was my one and only family in this world. My beloved brother. You shut the light in my life, Walker"

He paused and took a deep breath. "Killing your guild doesn't still justify anything. None of the lives of your worthless fellow can be compared to the life of Christopher".

Monalissa cringed. So that was it? She looked at him. His fists were balled and he was glaring at her. His gaze would have killed her if gazes could kill.

"I can't justify my act. But, I was just doing what I was told. I couldn't question my superior".

Ezekiel glared at her. "Christopher was the best man in the world. No one could replace him. No one at all. Not even your damned self".

Monalissa teared up. Why? Why did it turn out like this? She didn't want to apologize. She didn't see any wrong in whatever happened. Though she was apologetic towards him for his brother's death, he also cleared her family. The one she had come to know.

"You also cleared my family too. Aren't we even then?"

" Whip!"

One of that men handed him the whip. He took it and walked towards her. Each step he took made Monalissa jittery. She'd never been so scared. She looked up at him not wanting to bend her head.

Wham! Wham!! Wham!!!

The whips landed on her back. She fell to the floor. It was so cold. Ezekiel looked at her with no emotions. His face was even expressionless.

More from the whips came, tearing her dress and her skin. Monalissa shuddered. It was insanely painful.

At some point, Ezekiel stopped whipping her. He looked at Kim giving him a signal. Kim nodded slightly and walked to an area in the room. He pressed a button on the wall and a control switch popped out. He clicked on a button and turned to his boss.

Monalissa was groaning. The pain was just too much. Was he this cruel? She was wrong. She knew she was and she was going to atone for her sins but this...he should rather kill her. While she was still in her sea of thoughts, she felt the temperature increase. Even the floor was also warm. She thought it was a good thing till the floor got hotter. She tried standing but was kicked back to the floor by him.

She looked at him. He was looking at her from above and in a condescending manner.

The temperature was increased to the first maximum. Kim and the other men were already sweating. Ezekiel didn't react at all. He was just looking at Monalissa who was looking back at him with raw hatred.

"Didn't I tell you that this is the only thing that you can do from now on? You're as useless as ever, Walker".

Monalissa could feel the whip wounds on her back festering due to the heat. It was so hot and painful. This was really the devil!

"You'd better not think of escaping. You can't run anywhere. Even if you do, I would still find you and punish you severely".

"If you could do that, why haven't found the person that sent me? "

Ezekiel smirked. He stooped down to meet her eye level. He grabbed her chin.

"You...are already a lead to that person. Perhaps, they already know that I have you. So, tell me, who was it?"

"It hurts. It hurts like crazy".

"Then talk".

"My superior said that it was, an order to kill Christopher Don. When I asked further, she revealed that the customer's name was written in a code".

After she had said that, she passed out.