
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Thành thị
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114 Chs

Seven: The girl in Cee country

Seven:The girl in Cee country

It was evening at the Alpha company. Ezekiel was done with work and was about leaving when he received a call. It was from his friend Michael. He was inviting him for a swim with the ladies. Ezekiel was going to refuse but Michael fueled his desire when he said that he had a message on the person he was looking for.

Ezekiel pulled up at La Vida pools. That was just how rich the enterprise was. He went to the swimsuit arena to get his swimsuit. When he was done with the purchase, he dressed up to join Michael.

Michael was surrounded by ladies about four of them. When he sighted Ezekiel's presence, he made his presence known to the ladies. Two of them walked to welcome him. However, Ezekiel gave them the cold shoulder. He wasn't into ladies like them.

But you do it with Kayla almost every minute! His alter ego spoke.

I'm just trying to please her! He retorted.

Whatever! He imagined his alter ego say to him.

Michael chuckled.

One of the women went forward to Ezekiel and handed him a pack of cigarettes which he took and she lighted it up for him.

Ezekiel began smoking. "What's your deal Mike?"

"That issue you told me about"

" Did get anything? "

"She was abducted on her twelfth birthday".

" And? "

" Her family was actually downcast over the news but, they got over it when they adopted a daughter".

Ezekiel took a deep draw from his cigarette. Where are you Lily?

Lily and him were childhood sweethearts. While they were so young, she had saved him when he was in his adversity. If not for her, he would have died. He wondered if she was still alive?

"Why do you still worry about her? You have Kayla now by your side don't you?"

" Did you find out where she was taken to?"

It was as if Michael never spoke. Michael facepalmed.

" It's been such a long time Zeke. She might be dead!"


Ezekiel splashed the water in anger and glared at Michael. " Is that all you've got? "

"Zeke, this happened a long time ago and she might have even forgotten you. Forget her"

" I can't ", was the hoarse reply.

Michael heaved a sigh and faced his entertainer.

"Where did you find her parents?"

"They stay at Sky city, in Cee country".

Ezekiel nodded and kept taking draws till his cigarette was exhausted.

Everyone was saying the same thing. That she was dead. But, he didn't want to believe them. Even if she was dead, he wanted to see her corpse and send her off. His cellphone rang and he saw that it was Kim.

"Yes", he said when he picked up the call.

" Sir, there's a problem at the factory".

There was a hint of urgency in his voice.

"What's it?"

"Mr. Kaiser was stabbed. It's quite critical".

Ezekiel sighed." How did you handle it? "

"I took him to the medical centre in the facility".

" Who did it? "

" It's... Monalissa ".

[At the factory]

That evening, Monalissa was exhausted after she had transported those thirty bags of cement. She walked to the dorm where she was assigned. She was staying alone in the room and so was every other person. Ezekiel saw to it.

She was adapting to the place when a knock came on her door. She arched a brow and wondered who it might be. When she opened the door, a person clad in the same dress as her stood before her. She was petite and looked a bit fragile but she was still pretty. Her doe-like eyes were dewy as she looked at Monalissa in the face.

"Is there a problem?" , Monalissa asked.

" You're hurt. I came to give you this", she said and handed her a balm bottle. Monalissa looked at the girl's fair palm that was holding the bottle.

"I'm fine. Take it back". Monalissa tried closing the door but the girl held it still.

"Your injury might get infected. You should use this".

Monalissa was about to say something when another guest joined them. It was non other than the factory's manager, Mr. Kaiser. He was with two guards. He looked at the two girls and arched a brow. The other girl was already inside Monalissa's room and was standing beside her. They looked at the manager.

Mr. Kaiser signalled his men and they dragged the other girl away leaving only Monalissa with him.

The man stepped inside the room. Monalissa moved to the side. She hated the sight of the man. While she was watching him, a sudden push sent her into the room and the door was locked from outside. Her heart turned cold at the despicable plan the man had mapped out for her.

The man chuckled. "Monalissa, you should behave".

He turned to look at her. Fatigue was written all over her face but it didn't hide the allure that it held. His heart had been filled with fantasies of her since the morning she came. He wanted her. And he must have her!

He advanced towards her his dentition exposed giving him a greasy look. Monalissa wanted to puke. She looked at him with visible disgust. He tried grabbing her hand however, she evaded. She wouldn't let him touch her.

The man was angry. He hated her uptight attitude. He wanted her to scramble for his favor since she had no one to run to.

"How dare you play pure? Do it when I say it. Come here!" Driven by his wave of lust, he grabbed her arm. Monalissa widened her eyes. She wouldn't let him have her way. At that moment, she remembered the hairpin on her hair. Without wasting time, she grabbed it and...Stump!

She drove the hairpin into his chest. Mr Kaiser was too shocked to react. His grip loosened on the girl's arm and he fell backwards. She walked forward and took the hairpin out leaving the blood to splutter like fountain.

The door was opened and one of the administrator saw the scene in the room. She screamed and dialed the Kim. Monalissa squinted her eyes as she tried to unravel the scheme that has been playing around her since she entered this place.

She cursed the devil that put her to this. An ear-piercing sound was heard. Monalissa made it out to be the ambulance but she was surprised when she saw Kim, the devil's assistant.

Mr Kaiser was wheeled into the ambulance while Monalissa was held captive by the bodyguards that came with Kim. The whole staff at the factory were out watching the scene unfold. Some were laughing while some had no expressions.

Sarah had a smirk on her face when she saw Monalissa being held captive but she turned somber when she realized that her backer was gone.

The girl that had come to her room also stood there and watched the scene. She clutched the balm bottle in her hand tightly. She gave Monalissa a thumbs up in her heart for subduing that beast of a man.

Monalissa saw Kim return after a phone call. She wondered what her fate would tell. She saw him give the bodyguards signal and they bundled her into the car.

Oh no! Were they taking her to the devil?!