
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
114 Chs

Forty-three. Look at me!

Forty-three. Look at me!

Monalissa heaved a deep sigh and lay back down. She had something she wanted to tell him. She didn't know what it was but she felt that it was related to him. She had seen it in the span of these three days she had slept but it was still vague. She couldn't pinpoint it but she knew that it was about him.

Some minutes later, Ezekiel came back with the doctor. The male doctor flashed Monalissa a happy smile which Monalissa returned.

"Finally awake?"

"Yes", she said, her smile widening.

"You gave us quite the scare", the doctor said as he wrote down something on his notepad.

"So sorry about that. Thanks for saving me doctor", she appreciated. Ezekiel watched the happy conversation with a frown.

How does she get on their good side? How are they so sweet to her? Vexed at their conversation, he stepped forward and interrupted them.

"How's she?", he asked, taking the doctor's eyes off her.

"Oh...sir, though your wife gave us quite the scare, she's doing really well now".

Monalissa's mind went blank. Wife? Wife?! She shot Ezekiel a look who didn't want to care about what she was thinking at the moment as he focused on the doctor.

"Ok. So, when will she be discharged?"

"If she progresses positively, then she will leave in a week".

Ezekiel looked at Monalissa who also looked back at him. Her brows were furrowed with the thought of being his wife clear in her mind.

"Mona", the doctor called distracting the duo from their stare down. The doctor who mistook the stare down as an exchange of lovely gazes, smiled broadly.

"Yes doctor?", Monalissa replied.

"Do well to recover properly. Don't think too much about anything. Your husband is here. He's been here since the moment you were brought here and even donated blood when you were short of it. He really loves you. Do well to recover and go home".

Monalissa looked at the doctor for a while before giving him a stiff smile. "Yes doctor".

Ezekiel was also tongue-tied at the blabber mouth who was clothed in scrubs and a white lab coat. He didn't expect that the doctor would talk so much. He couldn't even open his mouth. He was too embarrassed to face Monalissa.

"I will leave now", the doctor said and left. The ward fell into silence. Only the sound of their quiet breathing could be heard.

After what seemed like ages, someone finally spoke.

"You heard what the doctor said right?", Ezekiel said trying his best not to sound awkward.

"You hate me. You despise me. You want me dead. Why would you do all of that?", Monalissa asked, without looking up at him.

"You want to know why?", he asked with a smirk. Thanks to her attitude, he wasn't feeling awkward anymore.

Monalissa looked up at him. Her hazel orbs clashing with his icy blue ones. "Yeah. Because I know how much you hate me. You could use every means to kill me. Why let me live? And make me suffer?!", she said, her voice raised.

Ezekiel arched a brow. He had seen different sides of Walker lately. Her cries, vulnerable side, cute side...and even this side where she showed him her hatred for him. But did she really hate him? He noticed that there were two balls of liquid rolling down her eyes. She was crying? But why?

He took three steps towards her, closing their gaps. He lowered his body to her level and reached forward for her lips.

However, Monalissa turned the other side. Ezekiel gave a dry chuckle. "Hey Walker, look at me".

Monalissa was unmoved and kept looking the other side. Pissed by her actions, he grabbed her jaw and turned her to face him. "I said look at me!", he said but the words cam out in a whisper.

He was clenching her jaw tightly but she didn't want to tell him that she was hurting. She hated him. Even more now.

Ignoring her attitude, he took her lips, forcefully and wantonly. His tongue reached for hers but realized that her lips were sealed.

"Open up", he demanded huskily.

Monalissa didn't oblige. He chuckled. Coldly. And deadly but Monalissa wasn't moved. This wasn't the first time she'd seen him that way...

Seeing how adamant she was, he took her lips and bit down hard on them bruising them.

"Ah", Monalissa whimpered causing her mouth to finally open. Ezekiel smiled within at the liberty she had granted. Her lips combined with the taste of her blood was driving him to the edge. He delved in deeper and deeper, sucking and relishing the taste of this cherry lips.

After what seemed like eternity, he calmed down, releasing her lips which were now swollen. The sight of the swollen lips ignited a spark in him but he tried his best and had it quenched. Was she always this alluring? He looked into her eyes.

"I'm not done punishing you yet, so, you cannot die. I get to say when you die or live, Walker".

Monalissa bit down on her lips to stop the cry that was dancing on her lips. She knew what he was doing. Ezekiel Don would never let any chance of reminding her of her miserable state pass. He always wanted to let her know that he was her master. And she always gets to do what he says.