
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · Thành thị
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63 Chs

Forty-nine. Who are you,Walker

Forty-nine. Who are you,Walker

Ezekiel and Monalissa returned to the ward later that night. Monalissa was already feeling tired after a long time outside. The doctor that was to attend to her was already waiting.

"Doctor", Monalissa called when they arrived at the ward.

"Miss Mona, hope you enjoyed the evening breeze?"

"Yes doctor", she replied with a smile.

Monalissa moved towards the bed to lay on it but Ezekiel took her unaware in his arms and placed her on the bed. She gasped when she felt the weightlessness. Ezekiel sent her a smile that he wasn't used to, keeping her mum. It was as if he had said, "Let's act this till the end".

The doctor smiled at their lovey-dovey nature and quickly administered the medication to allow them their space.

After he was done, he bade her a goodnight and left. Monalissa lay on the bed with her gaze on Ezekiel. Ezekiel caught her look on him. He furrowed his brows slightly.

"What's it?", he asked coldly.

She shook her head but didn't take his eyes off him. Ezekiel started feeling somehow. He hadn't felt nerved under someone else's gaze but Walker's own was keeping him on edge. What did she want? He couldn't fathom what the gaze meant and this was a first for him.

"Thank you master", Monalissa said after a while.

"Don't thank me", he said and moved towards the couch.

"I know. It's not like I want to but i just felt really happy these period. For taking care of me, allowing my friends to come over...thanks a lot. And for the ice cream too".

"That doesn't lighten your punishment ".

"I know". As if she remembered something, she said, "Master, that code...I remember it".

Ezekiel's eyes widened. "Say it"

Monalissa was about to talk when his cellphone rang. It was from Camille. Ezekiel furrowed his brows. Was she that fast in finding info's these days?

He picked up the call. "Yes?"

"Boss, could you come over to the Realm? Your presence is needed". Her voice didn't sound tensed or urgent but Ezekiel knew that it was of importance. He looked at Monalissa who was also looking at him.

"Is there a problem master?"

Ezekiel sighed. He needed to leave for the Realm. He stood from the couch and walked towards the bed. "Walker, the code...when I get back you should tell me".

"Are you going somewhere master?"

"Yes", he said. "Find out a lot by the time I come back".


"I will be back in three days" he said.

"Ok", said.

Ezekiel frowned. Ok? Was that all? She wasn't going to say something else? He didn't know what he wanted her to say but the 'ok' wasn't satisfying. She wouldn't miss her master? He didn't know why but he wanted her to miss him. Because he was going to... strangely.

Without warning, he took her lips, crushing it with his own. She responded with apt. As the kiss messed up her senses, she subconsciously raised her hands and wound them round his neck. Ezekiel stilled visibly halting her as well. She withdrew her hands and bowed her head in apology.

However to her surprise, he took her hands and kept them around his neck and with no effort, lifted her off the bed and set her on his legs, her legs wrapping his torso.

"Master", she call as she was surprised. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting and why was he even acting like this towards her? "Is this also a part of the acting?", she asked.

Ezekiel arched a brow. "Maybe ", he replied and took her lips again. As always, he was rough with her and Monalissa was also getting used to it. She responded trying to meet up with his pace. He was good!, her naughty mind screamed.

"Do what you wanted to do", she heard his cold voice which was hoarse from desire. The voice was a turn on for Monalissa as her hands found their way from his neck to his chest, making him tremble with want.

Monalissa was also surprised. She wondered where she had learnt this part from or maybe it was something so natural to do. Her hands caressed his chest through the shirt he wore going to the sides to feel his taut muscles.

Ezekiel's mind was blown off at her touch which was doing so many things to him. Who are you Walker? Who are you that you can make me react like this towards you? To make me want you in a way that I find it sickening?

His hands went up from under the hospital blouse she was wearing getting hold of her peaches. He squeezed them hardly earnings a sharp moan from her. Her nipples were pointed with desire and ache for his touch. She wanted him! She really did! The knowledge of this made Ezekiel trail kisses from her mouth to her neck nibbling tightly on them.

"Ah", she moaned. She gripped his neck tightly her fingers tangling with his large mass of raven black hair. This sound was like a spark that made Ezekiel move from her neck to her chest. Monalissa was panting and aching, tears filling her eyes. She wanted more. This feeling was so mind-blowing that she couldn't contain it.

As if fueled by something he can't tell, he ripped her blouse off, scattering the buttons on the floor. The ripping sound and the sound of the buttons hitting the tiled floor, jolted her eyes open.

She gasped and suddenly dread filled her. What was he going to do...