
Nights like these

Dream always seemed so bubbly and happy, No one has ever seen him different. Well except himself, No one thinks about the many sacrifices he has to make to be happy. He was perfectly content with his online persona until one day. George and sapnap surprise him with a few others including themselves were coming to meet him. - - This book is based off the song Nights like these by pigeon pits

Godnoblade · Người nổi tiếng
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - The meet

WARNING - This book contains a graphic description of Self-harm and other Self-Destructive behaviours. (Cutting, Smoking, Starvation, etc.)

I awoke at the crack of dawn by the obnoxious ringing projecting from my phone. I let out a groan before ducking my head under my covers desperately wishing this was a dream. Eventually when the alarm didn't stop I emerged from the warmth of the duvet. I looked at my phone instantly getting blinded. Once I could see again I saw it was 5 am.

"Jesus" I mumbled before getting out of bed walking over to my washroom. I hooked my phone up to my speaker and put on my playlist starting the shower. I didn't want to show up all sweaty and disgusting. I stepped into the scalding hot water letting it run down my face. I Quickly washed myself stepping out of the shower. I didn't have that much time to spare seeing their

The flight is supposed to come around 6.

I wrap a towel around my hips before walking back to my room opening my closet. I looked around before spotting an oversized black turtleneck. I grab it off the hanger with a pair of black ripped mom jeans. Looking through my drawer I took a white belt and leather gloves. I grabbed a few other things and tried my best to look somewhat presentable. I ran a comb through my thin hair parting it down the middle. I stared at myself in my mirror. I didn't look that bad but the dramatic eye bags plaguing my face made me look seconds away from death.

I sighed running a hand through my slightly damp hair. Before giving myself one last disappointed Look I left the bathroom heading to my front door. I let out one last sigh before grabbing my keys and slipping on my shoes. I grabbed the doorknob hesitantly and quickly left for my car.

Starting up the engine I plug my phone into the aux playing whatever was on my playlist. Soon enough the airport came into vision, Slowly I got through the long line of cars and found a parking spot near the front. I looked at my phone and saw the time was 5:56. I speed walk up to the entrance and text Sapnap and George to see what terminal they would be in. George ended up having to take an overlay to Texas so they just met up and got on the same flight. I fiddled around with my phone case anxiously waiting for one of them to respond.

After what felt like forever I felt my phone vibrate. My eyes darted down to the notification seeing they were in D-2. Picking up my pace I start heading over to the bag claim in their terminal. My eyes darted around the place desperately trying to find a distraction. Once I came back to reality I found myself already at my destination.

Pushing my way through the crowd of people I find myself leaning against the back wall picking at my nails. My anxiety was all over the place. What if they thought I was disgusting, What if they hated me, What if they did this just to hurt me. I rub my temple furrowing my brows. I look back towards the door that the 2 would be coming from. I start to see groups of people file through. My head perks up desperately trying to find them.

Eventually, I saw A tired looking George and a giddy sapnap. I decided to wait for them to get their bags before walking over to them. I mentally prepare myself taking deep breaths desperately trying to subside the pit forming in my stomach. I finally compose myself and start making my way over to the pair. They were looking in the opposite direction as I was so I decided that I might as well just scare them. I quietly pace over to behind them before throwing my arms over both of their shoulders sticking my head between their own.

I yell a quick hello startling the both of them. They seem to take a minute to realize I'm not some random skinny kid trying to make friends.

"OH! DREAM!" George nearly yells leaving me wheezing. I manage to compose myself before letting out a small "Tadaa" with jazz hands for dramatic effect. Sapnap just punches me on the shoulder with a small chuckle. George is just staring at me in shock. "Uh- So.." I stutter instantly, getting anxious again.

"You look a lot different than I thought you would." George mumbles. I giggle in response " What am I too hot for you to handle~." I say sarcastically earning another punch in the arm yet from George. We all just chat for a few minutes until I hear my phone ringing from my pocket. I grab it seeing that Karl was calling me. I quickly pick up trying to not let it ring out.

"Hello?" I manage to say before hearing him yell from the other end.

"I'M HERE IDIOT WHERE ARE YOU". I bat my eyes before regaining my composure.

"Okay okay, What terminal are you in". I sigh rubbing my temple.

"UHH A-3"

I hum before hanging up on him telling the other two that we need to go over to get him. They both give short responses and start following me over to where Karl is. It was a short and silent walk over. They both seemed tired so I didn't bother them too much.

Once we got to the terminal I could instantly find Karl just standing near the entrance.

"OY IDIOT" I yell out waving my arms, making myself visible. He looks up quickly grabbing his bag and walking over. Sapnap seems particularly excited to see him.

We all chat for a little slowly making our way to my car. Karl and Sapnap seemed awfully friendly with each other. I shrugged it off unlocking my car opening the trunk. There wasn't much room for the 3 bags but it will do. I motion for one of them to pass me their bag still looking towards the trunk.

Eventually, everything is packed up and I slam down the trunk roof. I let out a sigh before turning around facing these three who had been goofing around.

"Alright get in,". George got into the passenger leaving Sap and Karl for the back, I let out a sigh before making my way to the driver's side. I open the door to see the three already fussing to each other. I let out a small chuckle before climbing in and starting my car.

The drive isn't all too long but it felt like forever. My anxiety was swirling with 'What-ifs'. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel slowly drowning out the babbling surrounding me with my thoughts. Eventually, I snapped back into reality to George staring at me concerned. I gave him a reassuring smile and looked back at the road.

I spot my house along the road as anxiety overtakes my body. I try my best to stay composed seeing that I already had George concerned about me. I park along the street and open my door. I take in a deep breath and plaster the happy mask back onto my face. I stride over to the trunk grabbing out bags handing them to whoever they belonged to.

Once everyone had their things I slammed the trunk roof walking up to my door. My hands were nearly shaking at this point. I unlocked the door and opened it with a little hesitation. The three shuffled in behind me and placed their bags right by the entrance. I closed the door leaning on it with a sigh.

"Well where is everyone sleeping, I have a guest room that can fit 2 people and the other can stay on the couch or with me,". I explain waiting for responses. Sap instantly chimes in saying he takes the guest bed and Karl quickly follows. I raise an eyebrow noticing how clingy they are to each other.

George responds by saying he doesn't care where he sleeps. I stand back up walking over to where my stairs are motioning for the 3 to follow. Everyone seems tired including me so It's best to just hang out later in the day. I opened the guest room making sure it was still perfect before letting Sap and Karl in.

They both collapse onto the bed without a word. I chuckle in response, closing the door behind me. I look to George who looks seconds away from passing out. I'm guessing that means he hadn't managed to sleep on the flight.

I practically drag George over to my room showing him, He hummed in agreement before instantly taking my bed. I let out a small smile before walking over to my window. I had left the pack of smokes laying out in the open. My eyes widen as I quickly hide them. George seems to have passed out. I let out a sigh of relief before leaving my room. I slide down sitting on the floor right outside my room. Bringing my knees to my chest I lay my head down with a sigh.

That went better than I expected. My mind is still racing as I somehow fall into a very uncomfortable sleep.

Please contact me if you have any further concerns. I would really appreciate It :).

Discord - Godnoblade#1905

Email - Bugs3lf@gmail.com

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