

Drew leads a sad life. He is bullied because of his appearance and has no friends. One day when he comes home from school and goes to sleep, he gets an invitation to be part of a front. The NightmareFront A guild whose mission is to fight the nightmares of the people. Will Drew manage to escape his miserable life?

7vishaq · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

NightmareFront Chapter 4

The room we saw was devastated, with chairs, tables and brushes scattered around the room. Directly in front of us lay Hanna and in front of her a man. He wore a black suit and held in his hand a long silver scythe. He leaned forward towards the girl and spread his mouth open. It looked creepy, his mouth showing a long row of teeth.

"HEY." Screamed Justin loudly.

The vampire or whatever this monster was turned around and looked at us with its dark red eyes.

His gaze stayed on Lilly. "Hmm yummy, I guess I'll have that one for dessert." he said in a deep raspy voice, pointing his bony finder at Lilly.

"You'll have to get past me first." said Justin loudly. You could feel his murderousness. The quiet Justin I actually knew seemed to have changed.

"I've waited a long time to finally get into the dream world!" he called out in anticipation

"You there" he said looking at me "Don't interfere, this is my fight understand?"

"O-Ok" I stuttered

Justin sprinted towards the monster and slashed at its left side with his huge sword. The vampire expertly jumped to the side.

"Come on Drew go to the girl." Shouted Lilly to me. Lilly also seemed not to be the same anymore. She was shaking all over

I ran to the girl.

"Go away leave me alone." She screeched fearfully.

"It's all right," I said. "We are on your side"

I stood protectively in front of her and held my sword in front of me with my hands.

Lilly had also started to join in the fight between Justin and the vampire. While Justin's sword and the vampire's scythe crossed, Lilly jumped in from the sides and stabbed with her knives.

Justin looked like a berserker, furiously slashing at the vampire.

"Come on Drew get them out of here."

"But what about you guys?"

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine!" Lilly shouted back at me

I turned back to the girl. and looked at her.

"It's going to be okay, you just have to take my hand ok?"

I heard a sobbing "yes".

I took her hand and we started to walk out of the room together.

"ARHH" Screamed the vampire and slashed his sword in our direction.

Justin jumped in between and blocked the blow. "Forget it, you'll have to get past me first for that."

I grabbed her hand even tighter and ran out of the room.

"Drew can you hear me?"

I held my sword defensively in front of me

"Who's there?" i yelled

"Remember the big main room with all the computers? I'm one of the guys who works there. My job is to help the Soldiers, you guys fight the Nightmares."

"I don't know if I can believe that." I replied

"You have to."

"... ok what should I do?"

"Well to your left is a staircase run down it and you'll be right in the school yard."

I did as instructed and ran down the stairs. When I reached the courtyard, I stopped. I'm not as fat as I was in reality, but my body has to get used to so much walking.

The girl seemed to feel the same as me. She was panting heavily.

"Shit, Drew we have a problem."

"What's wrong?" I said, still breathing heavily.

"Apparently another vampire showed up."

He shouldn't have even told me that, because the thing was about 50 yards away from me.

"Shit, what am I supposed to do now?"

"You need to stall for time. Lilly and Justin are currently still fighting the other vampire. They can come to your and the dreamer's aid if you manage to survive."

"Bloody hell, I don't even have any combat experience, let alone training."

"You little bastard." It was the same rough and deep voice I had heard just a few minutes ago.

"You and your friends did a good job on my big brother. You're going to pay for that."

"Uh, how about we sit down and discuss this first?" I said hopefully.

"Die!!!!." Screamed this something and sprinted towards me.

And I seriously thought I could escape my miserable life. Nothing had changed. Nothing had changed at all. I was still powerless.

I felt the scythe cutting into my flesh. It felt like I was in a computer game and my HP bar was decreasing. From green to yellow and finally to red.

The force of his blow knocked me several feet away. I looked down at myself. A huge wound was gaping at my stomach, blood was pouring out. I spat blood

I heard a high-pitched female screech, "AHHHHH."

I slowly turned around. There she was again lying on the ground and again one of those disgusting critters was on top of her.

Just like the other vampire, his long teeth could be seen through his wide drawn grin.

"Drew, get on your feet. Otherwise she'll die and the dream will stop." I heard the voice in my head

What more can I do? Without training, I don't stand a chance against that thing anyway.

In front of me lay my sword. It must have been thrown out of my hand during the blow.

I tried to stand up. My legs were shaking, my vision was blurred. I could not see properly. I walked toward my sword.

"Oho not dead yet?" Asked the vampire, amused.

I knelt down and took the sword in my hands.

"fucking shit, i don't give up that easy. I'VE BEEN GIVEN A CHANCE TO ESCAPE MY MISERABLE LIFE AND I'M GOING TO TAKE IT!" I screamed

Tears streamed down my face.

I took a deep breath and concentrated. My legs and arms were calm and my breathing had calmed down.

I started to run

It seemed to me that everything was happening in slow motion. I jumped high. Very high, high enough to be above him. He made a puzzled face. I sensed that something was different. I let my eyes wander upward, flames were forming around my sword. They were fiery red.

I let the sword whiz from top to bottom. I saw it slide from his shoulder once sideways through his body.

His black suit, no his whole body was split into 2 halves.

I was no longer in slow motion, time was running normally again. I landed with both feet on the ground. In front of me was the vampire, both halves of his body were in front of me.

"DREEEEW" I heard a female voice.

I turned around. Justin and Lilly were running towards me.

"Oh Hey..." That's as far as I could talk.

I was falling over.