
Chapter 26


"Mommy are you cheating?" I look up to find the matching deep green eyes that reflect as my own.

Adrianna stands there with her small fist balled on her hip that is jutted out just a tad bit. Her foot is tapping as her other hand extends with its palm out.

"Why would you think I'm cheatin' honey clam?"

"Because your voice goes like that when you lie, and you always make up those goofy nicknames when you're doing something bad." I roll my eyes at the fact that I just called out by my almost four-year-old.

"Adrianna, mommies aren't allowed to cheat. It's located in our DNA." I smirk when her little lips push out in annoyance.

If I had a nickel for every time my daughter made this face I would be a millionaire. I don't know who taught it to her, but she gets away with mostly everything because of it.

"Then how come you have some of the good cards behind you?" I laugh then reach behind me and grab the small paper cards.