

I woke up surrounded by a blinding light

Everywhere I looked I could only see white

Nothing else

Just an absence of life

As my eyes adjusted to the absence of color I then found my self in an unknown place. I was in a white long hallway that looks to go on forever. If you were to look down the hall every once in a while you could make out benches along the walls.

I stayed in the hall where I was for a moment contemplating If I should move forward or stay where I had awoken. With my surroundings all looking the same, I wasn't sure if It would be a good idea to move around much as I wouldn't be able to tell where I had started once I start to wander around.

I felt so stupid I should have thought of this before now

It dawned on me that I could just use something to mark where I am currently and make my way back. The question now is what could I use to be a marker. With nothing around me, I could only think of using something that's already on me. I checked my clothing to see if I had anything in my pockets but to no avail they were empty.

Taking off my shirt or my pants were definitely out of the question so the only other thing I could think of was my shoes.

As I took my shoes off I braced for the unknown texture of the floor. Once my foot touched the floor I felt the cold and slick laminated tile, I had never been so happy to not wear socks as I know if I had I would probably slip some time during my up incoming adventure.

soon enough I found my self walking down the endless white hallway.

Every once in a while to my displeasure my eyes would start to play tricks on me. As I kept walking I keep seeing in the distance a blip of color, and no matter how long I keep going the blip never appears to get closer. In case it was a person a few times I called out to the blip hoping to hear a voice answer me but all I got back was complete silence.

Since I had been wandering for quite some time I had started to get discouraged

What if this just goes on forever?

Will I be here forever?

Why am I here?

Does anyone know I'm here?

Is anyone looking for me?


Who am I kidding no one would come for me!

It's not like I know anyone well enough to be more than an afterthought.

Just as I started to feel like all was lost I noticed something different in the part of the hallway in front of me. Up ahead had more chairs and benches all close together along with fans spread out periodically on the ceiling creating nice air flow in this part of the hallway.

I had decided that I had been walking now for quite some time and thought it would be good to take a break. Just before I had decided to sit down I looked a bit further down the hall and saw the blip.

This blip was rocking back and forth on one of the benches.

The blip was a woman.

She had black hair the length of around someone's collar bone in her face and wearing a hospital gown.

I made the decision to approach her carefully trying not to scare her.

"Excuse me Ma'am are you alright, do you need some help? " I asked as I crouched down to attempt to be around eye level.

Once she heard my voice she practically jumped out off the bench in surprise and started to mutter incoherent things. Once I got a look at her face I jumped back in surprise and started to back away from her.

The woman had no eyes they looked like they had been gouged out. All that was left of them was the black bloody eye sockets staring at me. Tears of blood were coming from the holes where her eyes used to be, running down her pale face, dripping onto her gown and the floor.

As she continued rocking she started to scratch her arms causing them to bleed while her muttering started to get louder and understandable.

She kept repeating








As she repeated she got louder and louder till it got to the point of being a scream

With her looking at me she starts to stand up on the bench and just started repeating



Like a mantra.

She starts to wander near the edge of the bench getting dangerously close to the ceiling fan her mantra becoming a shrill scream.

As she continues to scream she slowly started to lose her balance and started to fall forwards.

Just as I was getting out of the shock I had been in due to her appearance I notice how close she is to the fan and rush to get up to help steady her. Unluckily I had gotten up too late.

I had just taken my second step towards her when it happened.

She had fallen forwards and without any hesitation, from the fan, it cut her head off.

As her head came apart from her body part of her hair had gotten caught on the blades of the fan, and spun her bleeding screeching head around the hallway as her body fell on top of me.

Her head continued to go around screeching until she sounded like a banshee.

As I held her lifeless body the walls began to rumble and crack. In just mear seconds the hallway shattered like glass.

As it shattered I started to fall through the floor and quickly found my self being weighed down and surrounded by darkness. I did everything I could to try and move but my body just wouldn't comply. It took minutes but felt like hours before I could get my body to move.

As I was getting control of my body back I did my best to get whatever that had been weighing me down off of me. Once I started to get it off I felt something weird.

Softness and warmth.

Once I got it off I noticed what it was.

A blanket.

I look over and see a red light saying

3:42 AM

It was a dream

A horrible Nightmare