
Chapter 18: The Seventh Day After Death

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Everyone's heart skipped a beat, "What happened?"

"The troupe's boat capsized while crossing the river; all were aboard, just about ten miles from here at the Old Bull Bay Ferry Crossing."

"When did this occur?"

"Not long after that woman drowned."

First, the lead actress of the troupe, who was also Master Bai's daughter, drowned to death. Right on its heels, the entire Bai Family Troupe perished similarly by drowning. Anyone with sense could see that something was amiss.

Though it was clear, under such circumstances, no one dared to speak openly. To have managed such a vast estate in these chaotic times, Master Feng's family was likely not a lineage of good Samaritans.

Master Feng's health seemed not too well, and after a few more exchanges, he showed signs of fatigue. Seeing this, Steward Liu called over some servants and maids to help Master Feng to the inner hall for a rest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the master has been overly worried about the Second Young Master's situation. If there are matters to address, please ask me," Steward Liu sighed softly. "Truth be told, our Master's health is declining day by day, all because of that incident. He doesn't even sleep well at night."

Yang Xiao: "Hmm."

"Please follow me, and you'll understand," said Steward Liu, his face usually grim, showed a rare hint of genuine emotion as he led the group to the other side of the hall, which from the outside looked like a bedroom.

A Bagua Mirror was embedded above the bedroom door, its ancient bronze surface slightly dusty, but the design was rustic and the shape well-defined, clearly a most uncommon artifact.

Upon opening the door, it indeed revealed a bedroom with an ornately carved wooden bed sitting diagonally across from it. The bed curtains were drawn, partially concealing someone lying within.

After receiving a nod from Steward Liu, they dared to approach and slowly lifted the curtains. The sight inside surprised them all; lying on the bed was a paper effigy!

The effigy was covered with a thick embroidered quilt and even rested on a wooden pillow. All the bedding was arranged as it would be for a living person, and what was more, the paper effigy closely resembled Master Feng. Making a paper person for a living person was highly taboo!

"Faking death?" Yang Xiao glanced at the features of the paper effigy and discerned a clue.

Hearing this, Steward Liu turned around and nodded at Yang Xiao, "You are correct. That woman was too fierce. We've sought many sorcerers and Taoist priests, but to no avail, leaving us no choice but this desperate measure."

Shi Dali stared at Steward Liu and spoke in a grave tone, "Don't you know that this method can harm the living person's fortune?"

"We can't worry about that now; the master's life is at stake," Steward Liu bowed to the group with an earnest expression. "Ladies and gentlemen, now that you've accepted the Feng Family's silver, please do your utmost. Resolve this woman's issue at the earliest, and my Feng Family will surely reward you handsomely afterward. It will also be a meritorious deed for all of you."

They had heard such words many times; none felt any particular sentiment. They didn't care about merits, they only wished to survive.

"Steward Liu, how much longer can this paper effigy serve as a decoy?" Kuang Hongyi asked the crucial question.

Steward Liu held up three fingers, "Three days, at most."

The arrangement in the bedroom was quite eerie, with a sachet embroidered with a fierce ghost hanging on the left side of the wooden bed, and a pair of rusty old scissors with a broken blade on the right side. By the bed, there stood a pair of red satin embroidered shoes, but the tips of the shoes were chopped off by a sharp weapon, their whereabouts unknown.

Taking a step back, in the center of the room on a square table, copper coins were arranged with incense candles into a bizarre pattern that looked like some kind of talisman formation for driving away evil spirits.

A silver wire hung from the ceiling beam with a bell hanging at its end. The bell was covered in a layer of verdigris and was an uncommon square shape. Ever since they had entered the room, the bell would occasionally shake slightly, but it made no sound whatsoever.

Staring at the bell, Yang Xiao's expression became pensive; he had seen something similar in an old book he had found at a second-hand book stall.

Such bells were called "coffin bells" and were quite rare, typically hung on a corner of a coffin suspended by a silver thread. It was rumored that tomb robbers, upon encountering such coffins, would not disturb them. After all, ordinary deceased who were well regarded did not use these; they were usually used for those who died with great resentment or whose bodies were not intact.

It was said that these bells were extremely sinister, with souls of unborn infants sealed inside by secret methods, and then sealed again with corpse wax.

This type of bell would normally not ring. It would only make a sound when it sensed the malevolent aura of aggrieved spirits or fierce ghosts, and from inside, the piercing cries of an infant would be heard.

After staying for a while longer, everyone left the courtyard and stood outside in the broad daylight, basking in the sun, feeling as if they had come back to life. The spookiness that filled the arranged bedroom contrasted starkly with the world outside—it was as if they were in two entirely different worlds.

After giving a few more reminders, Steward Liu allowed them to wander around the manor freely and said it was alright if they wished to leave the estate. However, he insisted they must return before sunset.

Moreover, they were to be accompanied by the manor's servants whenever they went outside. The reason Steward Liu provided was that there were military disasters happening outside, with too many refugees, and he was concerned for their safety.

After saying all this, Steward Liu left. The group exchanged glances before leaving the courtyard to find a secluded spot.

Now that they were alone and could speak freely, Kuang Hongyi was the first to speak, ensuring no one was eavesdropping, "What do you all think?"

Ke Long scoffed, "Isn't it obvious? The people from the theatre troupe came here to perform, but then the most beautiful leading role dies of drowning. And it doesn't stop there; next thing you know, the whole troupe is wiped out. Perfect, there are no witnesses left, leaving you nowhere to start your investigation."

"Does this explanation make sense to you? Master Feng took a fancy to Xi Yao from the Bai Family Troupe and lured her over under the pretext of a performance. But Xi Yao, being strong-willed, refused to submit, leading to Master Feng killing her in a fit of anger. It's also possible that Xi Yao threw herself into the lake to avoid dishonor. At that time, the rest of the Bai Family Troupe was also in the manor. Fearing that the incident would tarnish his reputation, Master Feng, in a 'might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb' moment..." Xu Su lifted his hand, making a throat-slitting motion, "And then claimed that there was a shipwreck."

This was a fairly conventional speculation, yet Shi Dali shook his head, "I don't think so. Don't forget, this is Old Master Feng's seven-day memorial. The ancients valued propriety highly, and the Feng Family, being a significant household locally, would not do something so improper during such an important time."

"Heh, you can never be sure. There are many wolves in sheep's clothing out there, and do you understand the phrase 'inebriation leads to depravity'? This is exactly what those capitalists would indulge in," Ke Long sneered.

Yang Xiao noticed he seemed to hold a deep antagonism towards capitalists, perhaps due to his personal experience. According to what Ke Long had mentioned before, his father was apparently a factory owner.

After a moment of silence, Kuang Hongyi spoke up again, "I agree with Elder Brother Shi's view. After all, it is Old Master Feng's seven-day memorial service. Also, if Master Feng truly only desired to take Xi Yao for himself, there would be no need to invite the entire theatre troupe; that would just create more trouble."