
Chapter 11: Blocking the Master

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"What does this mean?" Shi Guanming put on the pants with uneven legs and couldn't be more uncomfortable, "Are all the clothes they gave us defective?"

Kuang Hongyi felt the material of his clothes and glanced at everyone's attire, his face suddenly changed a moment later, "Not good! These people are using us as substitutes!"

Xu Su was the first to catch on, "You mean this family is using us to fend off a disaster?"

Kuang Hongyi's face turned unsightly as he nodded and looked grimly outside, his voice lowered accordingly, "Damn it, I should have realized sooner. These people are calling us Blessing Guests."

Shi Guanming was already scared out of his wits, and now he was even more terrified, his voice trembling as he asked: "Everyone, what are you talking about, can you... can you make it clearer?"

Kuang Hongyi ignored him and turned to the others, "Do you still remember how the invitation in the script was written?"

"Feng Mansion invited us to attend a ceremony. The details weren't mentioned, only that there will be a substantial reward after the event," Yang Xiao spoke first.

"These bastards just want us to be their human shields, scapegoats!" Kuang Hongyi took a deep breath before calming down to explain to everyone, "Blessing Guests, also known as Gracious Guests, that's the nice way to put it. Less flatteringly, they're called Settle Guests, and commonly in the folk they are referred to as Protector Lords, meaning those hired by the host to help ward off disasters and repel evil spirits."

"Not just anyone can perform the role of Protector. The more handsome and healthy absolutely cannot do it. Those who are naturally disabled or deformed are the best candidates, or those who have suffered great calamities. In short, you have to be lacking in some respects, otherwise your life force isn't enough to suppress those things."

"Protectors make side money, it's a profession within the dark trades. These people are known within ten miles to be tough as nails, fearless of heaven and earth, daring to dig up graves and knock on coffin lids in the dead of night, making their living off this eerie sort of wealth."

"Usually, the host encounters troubles or something sinister, attracting unclean things, then they'll call in a Protector to check it out."

"For minor issues, a Protector simply takes a glance, curses fiercely at an empty house, and hacks the door with a sharp blade twice to break the household's evil energy and that's considered success. But when facing real tricky matters, it becomes a matter of life and death. Certain intractable familial curses require a Protector to wear the clothes of the host family, acting as a family member and living in their house, everything—from dress to daily routines—mirroring the host family's style, so that the malevolent spirits mistake the Protector for the family member and transfer all their malice onto the Protector."

"However, this isn't normally done, since Protectors aren't fools. Those who practice this trade know their own limits. There's money that can be earned with life, but it can't be spent if you're dead."

Kuang Hongyi just finished explaining this when, combined with the clothes everyone held, the situation became very clear—they were being used by the Feng Family as scapegoats.

Upon hearing this, Su Tingting shuddered, her face turned deathly pale, and she could hardly stand steady, her voice laced with sobbing, "Then... since we know now, let's not wear these clothes anymore. Let's run, the farther the better, right? Then we can avoid it?"

Shi Dali shook his head and said in a muffled voice, "It's not that simple. If we don't wear them, then the mission can't proceed, and we will never be able to find the crucial clues to leave this place."

Each person's clothing had their birth dates and times written on them. After everyone gathered to study them, they quickly concluded that these dates and times belonged to people from three generations.

Among them, Shi Dali's piece belonged to the oldest, which, if not guessed wrong, was Old Master Feng's. Following that was Kuang Hongyi's piece, which belonged to Master Feng, and next in line were Yang Xiao, Ke Long, and Shi Guanming. They were of the same generation, presumably the third generation of the Feng Family, that is, Master Feng's three sons.

Next came Xu Su and Su Tingting, who were also categorized as part of the Feng Family's third generation. This point baffled Kuang Hongyi for a long time; he couldn't understand it. Logically speaking, in ancient times, women had lower status and shouldn't qualify to be included among the third generation of the Feng Family, even if they were the daughters-in-law of the Feng Family.

"It's not them, it's the bloodline in their wombs," Yang Xiao suddenly said. "They are pregnant, and they haven't given birth yet."

Kuang Hongyi was startled and then nodded repeatedly, "Right, you're correct, this must be the only explanation!"

Now, their mission became a bit clearer: their identity was that of 'Disaster-Averters', who had come to Feng Mansion to avert disaster for the family of seven.

"Damn it, averting disaster is one thing, but can't they give us better clothes? With these pants, one leg longer than the other, I won't even be able to run quickly if something happens." Ke Long fiddled with the legs of his pants, trying to make himself more comfortable.

"I'm afraid that will be difficult. There is a saying about Disaster-Averters that living in the host's home does not only block misfortune, but also absorbs the Qi of the household. The longer you stay, the more you resemble the host you are impersonating. This phenomenon is said to be rather mysterious. Over time, not only will the servants struggle to tell the difference, but even you may come to regard yourself as the real master. Therefore, some distinctive items are necessary to remind you."

"This ill-fitting clothing serves as a constant reminder that you are not the master of this house; you're just a schemer lured in by silver, a low-status Disaster-Averter."

"Fuck capitalism!" Ke Long cursed.

"What does this have to do with capitalists? If you don't like money, if you value your life, you don't have to come. No one tied you up with a rope and dragged you here," Xu Su retorted.

It was clear that by now, everyone had adapted to their roles. Shi Guanming and Su Tingting had also changed into their clothes: one with sleeves too long, another with a missing piece of their skirt. They all looked somewhat indescribably comical.

The time of burning a stick of incense had long passed, and there was still no sign of activity at the door. The sun had already set halfway, suggesting that Master Feng was not going to come.

Previously, the old maidservant implied that Master Feng's second son had died; hence, the White Lantern hanging outside the manor was likely prepared for him.

The group went outside together, and just as they stepped out of the courtyard, they encountered a team of Protectors carrying wooden sticks. However, upon hearing that they were Blessing Guests who had come to the mansion, the burly Protectors suddenly lost their confidence, making excuses and suggesting they find someone else to lead the way.

At that moment, a somewhat dark-skinned maid happened to pass by. The head Protector barked at her to come over and lead them to the rear courtyard and the ghastly estate.

The maid's reaction was much like the Protectors', staunchly refusing. But with the head Protector glaring fiercely and issuing harsh words, she had no choice but to agree. The head Protector handed a lantern to the maid with a meaningful remark, "Make it quick and come back fast; it's going to be dark soon!"

Upon hearing this, the maid did not dare delay and led everyone swiftly into the depths of the mansion. Despite her hurried pace, the path she took grew increasingly secluded. After passing an abandoned courtyard, Yang Xiao suddenly had a sense of déjà vu: the stone slabs on the ground, the brick wall next to them.

Not far from the brick wall was a stone well, sealed shut with a large millstone completely covering the mouth.