
Chapter 186

Harley Shaw was damn glad to see the line shack come into sight. He'd been riding fences all day, stopping when he needed to in order to mend breaks in the barbed wire. They'd be moving some of the cattle into this pasture tomorrow and they couldn't afford for any of them to get loose. Or worse, get caught on torn wire and injure themselves. Cattle weren't as smart as some people thought.

He'd stopped earlier near a tiny stream, giving his horse a chance to rest and drink, while he sat beneath a tree and ate his lunch. Most of the hands didn't like riding fences by themselves but Harley had learned long ago to be comfortable with his own company. He didn't need to make conversation or laugh at anyone's bad jokes. He could eat where and when he wanted and work at his own pace. After twenty-five years of ranching, he pretty much had his patterns set.