
Chapter 130

The room he showed her into was large and airy with a big window that looked out over the rolling pastureland. The bed was a huge four-poster and like the rest of the furniture looked to be made of rich, intricately carved wood.

"All the furniture in the house is made from Ponderosa pine," Logan said when he saw her studying it. "There's a man in town who makes it although you have to order it way ahead of time. When I first bought this place the stuff that was in it was a disgrace. About the only thing in good shape was what was left of the cattle. I slept on the floor in a sleeping bag for a good long while."

"Everything is beautiful." She ran her hand along one of the bedposts, feeling its satiny finish. "You can tell he takes a lot of care with this."

"The bathroom's through that door." He pointed. "I'm sure Eve, John's wife, has it well stocked with towels and whatever else you might need. Do you have an alarm? We'll need to get an early start."