
Night Of Love

What a joke. She has fallen in love... For years Alicia Shaw has had a crush on Blade Waya, only really knowing him through her window. He is evasive and on a mission to find what he lost. While in Phoenix, AZ things get heated with a local gang. Scorching hot, they find out so many hidden secrets. Their lives intertwine in more ways than one, once she discovers who and what they are.

Constance_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter Three

I stare back at myself in the reflection of the window of my car, tucking my stray hair out of sight.

Driving home alone buzzed is illegal, the roads lit up by street lights and headlights. Then went with an attractive biker to the Motel 7 he is currently staying at. A person in my state honestly shouldn't be driving. I probably had too much to drink. Completely worried even though I only had half a glass of a Shirley temple and a few sips of beer. That honestly shouldn't mess me up in any way. I don't feel as though it did, but I will wake up to the consequences of tonight. I for sure know the pain of drinking, after the age of twenty-one it starts to affect us even more. As soon as I get home, I stumble out of my car, nervous that someone from our gated community is going to call on me.

Everyone always calls me a lightweight when it comes to drinking. But I have always been clumsy in the dark. Walking inside my house is dark, so I can strip out the slightly sweaty club clothes from tonight. Putting on some simple trashy clothes, I throw them on to walk around the house. I force myself to eat some precut vegetables and then I reach into my fridge to grab a bottle of water. Opening it, I walk to my bedroom kicking off my boots on the way, I place my bottle on my bedside table. Earlier I had forgotten to check the mail, so I go and walk quickly outside to the mailbox. The hand-painted mailbox has a pair of doves painted on it along with my brother's handprints from when they were younger.

I look around the whole neighborhood, noticing my neighbor's lights on at this time of night. It is pretty late, the air is cool and crisp. As cool as it can be toward the end of summer in Phoenix.

I walk a bit closer to his gorgeous house. My house puts his home to shame, his house is more modern and he doesn't have a roof that needs to be fixed and mismatched curtains.

Walking right to the edge of my plants, right where he has his elegant black fence. I look for his truck in the driveway, that is where my sexy neighbor parks his truck every day. I see a mask similar to the ones we all wore to the bar on the ground, maybe I dropped mine.

Remembering it is on the floor of my car, he must have been there too, perhaps Blade knows the mystery man, he is British as well. He has occupied that home there for at least three years. He lived here when I moved in. But we have only ever said a few words here and there. The one time we talked was about him being adopted and it was at a neighborhood garage sale I can't say no to a good sale these days.

I have my reasons to keep to myself. Work keeps me busy most of the time.

Bending over to pick up the mask. It is too dark to see what it looks like. I can sort of feel the details with my hands. It's very high-quality silk, ours were most likely from a party city.

Blade seems like a fine man, so I am going to ring the doorbell and give it to him, but maybe I should tomorrow. But then I will forget. I am normally a forgetful person.

But Blade is a different type of person. He has shoulder-length hair and is tall, probably around 6'1, lean, and has impressive arms. Well, he is a very fine man, he takes care of himself and even goes on shirtless runs. Sometimes, while reading a book I observe those. Not like a creepy stalkers, but I do take a peek.

I walk up to the door and for a second I am hesitant to ring the doorbell or knock. What could be the harm of knocking? I ask myself and I stand there as confidently as possible, after years of not showing my fear it's easy to put that behind me.

Knock, Knock, Knock, the sounds of my knuckles hitting the door bothers me. Stepping back I wait for a response.

The door is an angel white color with a black handle and doorknob. When the door finally opens in what seems like seconds. I stand there awkwardly with my arms folded over my chest.

It's the man from the bar, he must have chopped off his gorgeous long hair. Blade. He looks like a completely different person.

"You must have dropped this-" I say as he folds his arms together, now leaning on the door frame.

"It's my dance partner, sorry for leaving so quickly," he says as he accepts the mask, and our finger brush and I feel a very pleasant sensation. A chill goes through my fingers as if a static shock hit me. I turn around to leave feeling stunned by tonight's events with my neighbor. He had kissed me.

"Would you like to come inside for some tea or coffee?" he asks. The whole time I have lived here, I have never stepped one foot into his house, so how the heck would I say no? Maybe Blade will explain why he left so quickly. But then again Blade could be like my stepfather, at night is when the real demons come out and his drunken habits hit him just as he abuses my mama.

"Tea sounds amazing, to be fair," I say and he moves out of the way to let me in. I could be walking into a house with a man just like my stepfather.

"So you are the solar power girl of town?" he mutters as I enter a hallway that leads to a large living room and a kitchen. My house runs on solar energy most of the time since we are in one of the sunniest states. In his living room, there are two leather couches, a big bean bag chair, a coffee table, and a wall tv. A bookcase sits on a wall by itself. I am stunned by how clean everything is.

"Sit down wherever you may like," he says, and I do. The big bean bag chair is calling my name. A normal person would probably choose the couch. But the bean bag chair looks way more comfortable. I go and sit on it, probably having a Cheshire cat grin as I do so.

"What kind of tea would you like?" I don't know the options he has, so I have to ask him about what he's got.

"What kind do you have?" I curl into a ball in the chair and wait for him to respond.

"Black, green tea, I have some weird herbal tea my sister insists on having," he says as he turns on his electric kettle. I am watching him through the doorway, the view is very pleasing. He is now wearing a white tank top that shows off his reddish-brown creamy-looking skin. He is a few shades darker than my skin. If he were a foundation created by a brand, they would call his skin tone caramel. My skin is more olive skin toned and would be called a donut. What is up with naming foundations like that? All the darker shades are named after food. But come on, do better. My brain wanders off to a rant I always have when picking out my foundation.

"Sugar, honey, oat milk?" He expects me to answer while he is opening up his smart fridge. All I can't think about is why lighter shades are not named that.

"Black tea with a splash of oat milk," I answered, looking around at his blank walls. All except one painting of a constellation. Looks like the libra constellation. I am a Gemini. I hardly know anything about horoscopes, but my best friend has always been obsessed with them.

"Are you a libra?" I ask as I get up from the bean bag chair. I stand up and walk to the kitchen where he is preparing everything. He has got a pretty amazing setup in this kitchen. As a girl who can cook, but doesn't like to cook, I am in awe of the baking supplies. I enjoy baking. It is something I do with my mama quite often.

"Yes, my sister is obsessed with that stuff, so she painted it for me," he explains and gives me a charming half-smile.

"What's your sign?" he asks as he pours the water from the electric kettle into two matte black mugs. He turns to me and a bit of steam blows in my face.

"I am a Gemini, June 11th baby," I say looking directly into his eyes even though he is in the kitchen.

"I will talk to my sister and see how compatible we are with whimsical ways of Zodiac signs." We both laugh as he says that, and I look into his eyes and see so much kindness. Last time, I saw this in someone. It didn't work out and he haunts me now.

"I don't know if I believe in that," I explain as I nibble on my bottom lip.

"It hasn't been proven to me, yet," he mumbles as he opens a drawer and pulls out two spoons. I am impressed he keeps the dishes done. I have a few in the sink at my place from my breakfast, I do my chores, but I am pretty forgetful at times. I had oats and vegan yogurt. I stick to a mostly plant-based diet. Until it comes to my Mama, I am not going to force my Mama to change traditional food. I can change it for myself at home. But making food for me and my three younger brothers is challenging. She got married to my stepdad when I was fourteen. He is a good guy. My brothers on the other hand are all annoying little shits. I love them though, even though they are little troublemakers. They have their stellar moments.

"You looked rather comfortable on that bean bag chair." He interrupts my thoughts as he pours in oat milk.

"Yes sir, I haven't sat on one of these babies since high school English classes." He hands me the mug of hot tea.

I accept it graciously and the aroma coming from the tea smells incredible.

It's really hot, so I wince a little as soon as my hand touches the mug.

"So, other than being a girl whose house runs on the sun's kiss. What do you do for a living?" He asks as he chucks out the tea bags.

"Well, Blade I am a receptionist at a veterinarian clinic, I grow my vegetables, so I garden. I am a proud vegetarian most of the time," I explain as I take a sip of the tea. It is very strong so I regret not asking for some sugar or something.

"Oh, I see," he says, taking a large sip of his drink, and looking directly at me. The menace, he took something so hot and drank it.

"What do you do for a living?" I ask, looking him up and down, finally getting to see more than what I have seen through the window.

He looks like he is thinking about what to say.

"I work for my family's company. I run shipping facilities in the states. With the help of my big sister who refuses any huge acts of leadership." He rolls his eyes talking about his sister.

"Any other hobbies you don't tell anyone about?" he asks, looking me up and down. A devilish smile appears in his mouth.

"Oh, I have a playroom. You know, BDSM. Maybe one day I will show you my whip." I give him a quick wink and toss my hair, and then I almost start laughing as I say this because the look on his face is priceless. He looks like he is questioning his whole existence. He kind of looks like he's having an existential crisis. Giggles erupt and I start laughing, like full-belly laughing. I set my cup down and fell into the big bean bag chair.

"You should see the look on your face." I keep giggling and he looks at me with a tiny bit of a smile.

"I am kidding," I say and he finally laughs a bit at it.

"You went all Christan Gray on me for a moment." He lends me his hand and pulls me up. I look into his gorgeous brown eyes. The sexual tension between us is pretty thick. Then he pulls me into a kiss. Our kiss is just as magical as before. He lifts me and carries me up the stairs. The whole time our lips never part. I wrap my legs around him. He is exceptionally strong and fit, his muscles flex as he holds me closer.

He tosses me on the bed, gently.

"Do you want to do this?" He asks for my consent before continuing. I shake my head and lean back into him for a kiss. His lips taste like the tea we just had. They are as soft as the petals of a flower and he is a really good kisser. This is even better than the one I got at the bar. A million fireworks erupt around us.

"Yes," I say, breaking from the kiss, and running my hand down his chest.

I hold onto him by the loose bit of shirt around his stomach.

We are quickly surrounded by our clothing and he goes and lays down. He took both of our clothes off in seconds. I crawl over to him as if I forgot I know how to get up and walk.

He lifts my legs over him to where I straddle him. My hair is loose. It is long and way past my butt, it is dark brown. It is hanging forward, hiding my face from his view, except for my brown eyes, which I am holding shut very tight. I am being careful about his cock, leaving it alone so far. He is laying on his back and I have him pinned to the bed. My thighs are around his waist as he kisses and sucks on my neck. Which will probably leave a mark. Oh, my co-workers and best friend are going to have a field day, if they see that.

I push my anxiety away. It would be a lot easier for him to take charge and be in my place, he seems more confident than me, but I aim to please. I have to forget about that. Worry. Some of the best lovemaking could be with me on top, using him as a dildo, taking my sweet ass time as he enters my folds. He starts slow, I hold him in for a second, and then I pick up the pace. He holds on to my ass, assisting me at the moment.

One thing I love is that he just aligned our nipples and they rubbed against each other. Mine are hard pebbles and he knew what it would do to me, I can see it in his eyes. I didn't know how good it would feel to do that. In an ideal world, he would do everything I have ever wanted to be done to my body. There is too much I want to try. So taking charge and playing out my fantasy for one night seems like a dream.

I drag my hair up into a ponytail. Kiss me. I think to myself, anguished because I wasn't going to, he knew too so he leans into my lips and kisses them ever so tenderly. I then lightly bite his shoulder as I spread my legs. I lower myself more. I brush my breasts across his face. I want him to take one of my nipples into his mouth, either one. He seems desperate, the way he is on the edge wanting to take control. I want him to get as much of one of my nipples into his mouth as he could. My vagina is throbbing as he finally latches onto one of my nipples. My head tosses back as he applies a little bit of pressure with his tongue swirling.

He drives himself harder into me. I moan with pleasure and frustration as I help him drive both of us to the end. A warm sensation starts and my insides quiver, I climax right away digging into his shoulders, shattering around him as he rubs my sensitive bud.

He kept on going, harder and harder. He pushes my knees up higher. He seems almost there and so am I, again.

And then the knot at the root of his cock dissolved in fire, melting.

He cries out my name a few times as he cums.

"Alicia. Alicia. Alicia." His hips buckle as he finishes, never stopping his strides into me.

Then, I whimper as I try to say something. I am trying to tell him to stop. I am going to come a second time and I want him to stop. We disengage, trembling in each other's arms. He looks at me like I am the only girl in the world. He slides closer to where I am laying and kisses my cheek.

"You are amazing," he says with starry eyes. I look at them and see light. My heart is thumping loud, it's been years since I have slept with a man. My friend even told me cobwebs should be building up down there.

"So were you," I say, snuggling into his warm chest.

He takes a heavy breath and my eyes grow extremely tired. I yawn and the next thing I know the whole room goes dark.