
Night King

Which is the greatest conquerer? Love or Revenge?

Ariesinwinter · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Woman from the woods

The wedding ceremony had begun. I was getting married.

I'd be lying if I said I followed anything that happened during the ceremony. The happy cheers and jubilation of the people sounded far away in my mind. The only thought running haywire in my head was; 'Who is this man?'

Sitting on a throne of his own was a tall chivalrous man, swirling a silver cup in his hands. Despite the frigid aura surrounding him, his posture radiated hypnotizing beauty meant to charm and spellbind any pair of eyes that fell on him. His beauty was unmatched yet, his face was devoid of any emotion.

I was bewitched. I had met many Kings and noble men on many occasions but I had never seen one of calibre before. He was a sight to behold. I had read a lot of stories since I was little and in those stories, all the good looking, out of the world beautiful men were from hell.

"Are you too from hell?" I muttered under my breath in a way that I even couldn't hear myself speak.

He heard it. He leaned in, pink lips a little too close to my ear.

Now I had attracted some unwanted attention; one I was trying to avoid the whole time. "What makes you think that? Do you really want to know where I'm from?" He gave an amused laugh. His voice was as sweet as caramel and his laugh played in my head over and over like a broken tape.

Before I knew, it was time for the presentation of gifts to the bride. Me! One by one, Lords, noble men and women were in line, presenting their gifts to me. I looked at each one of them with a polite smile, not really caring about what they had to offer. The only thing I wanted to see at that moment was what my husband had to offer.

My husband.

The word sounded so foreign in my head. I was married.

Soon, there was no one in front of me and I couldn't remember a single gift offered to me. Now, it was his turn. He stood, everyone doing same after; even my father.

"May I?" He stretched out his arm, fingers waiting for mine to intertwine. I felt a wave of electric current jolt my fingers when our skin touched. His milky smooth skin was just as soft as the clouds were.

What in the world was that? I swallowed hard, hoping he didn't notice my wobbly hands and feet. Slowly, he led me outside, everyone else following behind nosily.

I was getting nervous with every step I took with him. I couldn't tell if it was from fear of the unknown or because he was holding my hands like it was fragile glassware. Getting to the large wooden doors took less than two minutes but to me, it felt like eternity.

Finally, after a long time, we were outside and so was everyone. There was loud muttering among the crowd. Guess, I wasn't the only one who was curious and impatient. From afar, I saw a petite man walk the most beautiful white horse I had ever seen closer.

He bowed deeply upon arriving, his eyes never leaving the ground. "It's beautiful." I hesitated, turned and looked at him. His smile was warm, urging me to go on. My feet moved on their own accord, taking me to the beautiful piece right in front of me.

It was gorgeous.

"I'm glad you like it." He stepped closer, taking my hand and guiding it over the horse's face. I didn't realise a small smile dancing on my face until that woman appeared. It was her. The woman from the woods. She wore a dark green gown that hugged her body tightly with a cape flowing behind her.

She looked at me the same way she did that night. Even though it was dark, I could never mistake that face for another.

Those same eyes. It was really her. The smile I had disappeared immediately as my face went pale. Why did she have that effect on me? Even my husband, the Night King, didn't have such an effect on me even though I was scared to meet him from the beginning.

What was she doing here?