

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Chapter 16: Despair

After such a high-intensity thrilling battle, Yasso's own physical exertion is also great. The most important thing is to use the power of the light God twice, completely depleting his already small mental strength, and now walking is a little difficult.

As Andre said, in his current state, there is only one dead end to face the Ghost Beast King.

If it hadn't been for the night hunter to seriously injure the Ghost Beast King first, if it hadn't been for Andre to kill the Ghost Beast King with his life, even if he had the remnant power of the God of Light, it would still be impossible to be the opponent of the Ghost Beast King.

This is the mythical monster that has descended on this world.

This is the strength of the "A-level" monster.

The rain fell on his cheeks, he stepped on the blood depression step by step, and staggered towards Andre's body.

He walked to Andre's body and sat down slowly.

"I told you a long time ago that heroes are not so easy to be." Yaso looked at Andre, who was already cold, and muttered to himself, "You are betting your life here, how many people know about it?"

"Do you know?Now, the city center, a few miles away, is still feasting."

"They are singing in KTV, they are enjoying food, they are having sex in the hotel, they are eating popcorn in the cinema..."

"..... No one will remember you!"

But you can only die here silently.

They wouldn't know that in the pouring rain, a man had slain a mythical creature with a knife. He didn't know if he could enjoy himself heartlessly and happily, knowing that someone had sacrificed their life for them.

""Is it really worth it like this?"

Yaso stared at Andre's pale face, as if waiting for his answer.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be unable to speak again.

Yaso continued: "Do you think I am afraid of death?......You are wrong, I am not afraid of death at all."

"I have tried to end my life countless times in the dark, but the light has saved me again and again."

"The light that saved me is not the so-called 'beings' who are running around for desire in the city and complaining about the injustice of the world!"

"…...it's my family."

Yaso raised his head, looked up at the dark night sky, and slowly spoke.:

"All beings have never cared about me, so why should I use my life to protect this 'all beings'?

"That's why, I don't want to be a night hunter."

Yaso turned his head, his gaze fell on the low room in the heavy rain, and a little confusion appeared in his eyes.

"But, as a person, I can't owe others the most."

"You saved my world,What can I... do for you?"

Yasso paused, then added, "I know your night hunters have good welfare. Even if you die, the wife and children in your family will get the best care, let alone the future. The Night Hunter will surely arrange for you...."

"You are not short of money, and I have no money either.Then, how can I repay your great favor this day?"

Yaso sat there in a daze, and after a while, he turned his head to look at the low room in the distance....

In the rain, his fists slowly clenched,

Let go weakly again.

As if he had made up his mind, he propped the ground with a knife, stood up with difficulty, and muttered to himself.:

"I, Yaso, have only been guilty of two people in my life. Mei, who has been running for me for ten years, is all I have.

The other one is you, You saved my world,

In exchange,I will guard your world for you."

"This deal... is it fair?"

Yaso looked down at Andre in the pool of blood, he just lay there quietly, as if asleep.

"Since you don't object, then it's settled!"


"Taylor!I'm already in the old residential area, where is Andre?!"

In the heavy rain, a woman drenched in a dark red cloak stood in the street, carrying a long black box behind her, bending over and gasping for breath.

"In the open space outside the two buildings in front of you." Taylor's voice came from the headset, he paused, his voice a little depressed, "Deanna...you have to be prepared.""

"What preparations?"

"We lost contact with him a few minutes ago, and Andre's heraldic positioning hasn't moved for several minutes..."

Deanna's pupils suddenly contracted, her body trembled slightly, and then she shot out like a sharp arrow, galloping towards the front!

"Don't talk nonsense!!Maybe, maybe he's just tired..." Deanna gritted her teeth, her voice already crying.


"Don't talk!!"Deanna roared.

"Deanna!Andre's coat of arms has moved!"

As soon as these words came out, a light suddenly appeared in Deanna's eyes!

"I knew it, I knew it... he didn't die so easily!Where is he?"

"He is moving slowly, he...is getting closer and closer to you."

Deanna was taken aback, stopped subconsciously, and her eyes fell on the corner not far away.

The dull sound of thunder echoed in the clouds in the distance, and the rain was like a pouring curtain of water, obscuring her sight.

Vaguely, a figure walked slowly from the rain.

That's a young man,

He was carrying a knife behind him,

He held the lifeless body of a man in his trembling hand.

Exhausted, he stopped, his strength drained, and he let out a heart-wrenching roar.

Deanna saw this and ran over immediately.

When she saw Andre's body covered in wounds.

The tears could not be held back any longer.

Yaso looked at her, not knowing how to comfort her.

Several of his teammates from the Night Hunter also stood nearby and watched.

They seemed to anticipate that something like this might happen, but when the truth appeared in the eyes, all of them could not accept it.

I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful. Yaso said.

Yaso tells them that Andrei alone killed the Ghost Beast King.

Tyler and another teammate walked over and took Andre's body from behind Yaso.

Another girl in the group came over and comforted Deanna.

No one spoke.

Despair overcame him as he gazed upon a heartbreaking sight.

Not far from him lay another lifeless form.

As Yasso stood there in shock, there seemed to him something familiar about the clothes of the man lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

His legs felt weak and he dared not go any further.



It couldn't be!

His brain felt as if it were suffocating, unable to comprehend the tragedy before him.

Because the man lying in the blood was wearing the exact same clothes that Mei was wearing today.

It couldn't be Mei!

Yaso inserted the straight knife into the ground, facing a single direction, and knelt down. The anguish washed over him as he confirmed the truth that lay in the rain.

It was Mei who lay there, lifeless and cold.

Mei's lifeless body lay there in the rain, her once lively eyes now dull and vacant. Her clothes were torn and stained with mud and blood, a stark contrast to the vibrant young woman she had been.

Her neck and chest were cut with sharp objects, and blood was mixed with rain on the ground.

Her eyes were open with an unconvincing look.

The eyes expressed unwillingness.

She hadn't expected anything like this to happen, and she hadn't had time to celebrate Yaso.

She didn't want to die like this.

The raindrops mixed with her blood, forming a macabre puddle around her. Her hair, once flowing with life, now clung to her face in a matted mess. The gash on her chest was a gruesome sight, a deep, gaping wound that told a horrifying story of her final moments.

As Yaso knelt beside her, his hands trembling, he couldn't help but imagine the terror she must have felt, the pain she endured, and the final moments of her life. The rain seemed to weep with him, as if sharing in the sorrow and horror of the scene.

He whispered her name, tears mixing with the rain, a painful lament for a life cut short in such a tragic and terrifying manner.


Five dark night hunters stood behind Yaso, one of them carried Andre's body and looked at Yaso blankly.

Yaso knelt in the rain, drops of water falling down the tips of his hair, moistening his eyes.

He leaned down and knocked his head heavily, his forehead against the ground for a long time before slowly lifting it up.

He stood up slowly, took a final look at the low room, and pulled out the straight knife on the ground....

He stood up, picked up Mei's body, turned and left.
