
Night 02:10 (Naughty pt.3)

Outside the girls apartment, Clayton's can still heard their screams of joy "they're so noisy! It's just a kiss, is it really a big deal? Geez!" then he go outside and found his car wasn't there, "hmmm...maybe it still at that bitch company parking lot! But forget it already, that car is old and I really need to buy a new one!" he's murmuring to himself and call a taxi to pick him up, he tells his address to the driver and then go straight to his apartment, after pays off the driver he goes to his apartment and found a notes on the table, he picked it up and read it. It's from Kylie, he told him that he already leave Clayton's apartment because he didn't come back for almost 5 days long so he thought Clayton's leaving him behind, it only makes Clayton depressed and sad but he can't cry somehow the pain is too deep making him falls down to his knees and after that he opens his refrigerator and took some bottles of beer, he drinks it until he got drunk to forget everything happen to him lately, he's been betrayed by his first partner, he lost his car and finally his first love leaving him behind because he's coma for 5 days straight.

At noon, he found himself drowned in alcohol and suddenly his phone ringing again, he ignored it a while but the call didn't stop so he picked it up finally

"Hello? Who izzit?"

"Clayboy! So I was right this is your phone number! I just want to make sure I got the right number!" it was from Selina, she was really happy that she got the correct number then after a few minutes of silence, Selina notice that he's in bad mood and sad "are you ok? Are you sad?" after hearing someone care for him, tears start falling from his eyes

"No...(crying)...I'm broken right...now" he cried and broken, Selina said to him "owwww, you poor thing I'm sorry to hear that, guess what we'll go to your apartment right now to comfort you, so can you give us your location?"

"It's 375th Cloverfield Street, blue building at second floor, room number 25 with an old brown door" he said to her happily, "ok! We'll be there, pronto!!" five minutes later, he heard someone knocking on his door and opened it, Selina, Amber, Jessica and Hawyoung give him a smile then Clayton let them in and they did and surprised that his apartment is still neat but not clean because he just drank some beer to get drunk and his old clothes been thrown to his bed

"You haven't eaten something for 5 days ,right? Well, I'm gonna start cooking just for both of us!" Hawyoung said to him and start cooking for their lunch, "thanks I really appreciated it" then Clayton give him a kiss on her forehead, she's blushing because the man she also love was giving him the second kiss

"HEY! Not fair! I want it too!!" Amber's pouting her mouth then she ran to Clayton and she hugged him, he smiles a bit then pat her head finally kissed her forehead too. The others still enjoy watching thd news on TV, it's about the mass murder in Mahogany Commercial District and Clayton guessed it's about the Corleone Ironworks Company turned out he was wrong, the 201st Almtree Street wasn't the first one, there are more the first massacre took place at 98th Forestmallow Avenue at the Draught's Pharmacy, second at 42nd Pallmarsh Street at the Han-Soo-Young's Industrial plant that made mannequin for clothing, third 333rd Flourberry Street near the Fountain Lake there's a drug house that made Purple Dranks and sold it as a normal soda to kids and teenagers, fourth at 70th Toadbaker Street especially at the red coloured building, they found some high schooler girls been forced to prostitution went home back to their families but the gangs met their maker, and finally the last one at 201st Almtree Street the Corleone Ironworks Company the highest kill count between the other four, victims wound were varied some of them were slashed or shot the other were found with some broken bones or burnt to crisp. The newscaster keeps on inform their viewers and finally he asked Detective Reynolds, she found some blood that doesn't match with any of the victim on the fifth floor after a minutes of interviews, the newscaster start interviews Hailie when Clayton can hear her voice he's gone silence then he walk straight to the TV and pulled it off then throw it away from the window, then he's screaming for anger he picked up his mask and his fire axe then he walk straight to the door, but before he can reach it someone stopping him, it was Amber and Jessica

"LET ME GO!! IMMA GONNA KILL THAT TWO-TIMING BITCH!!!" he struggles from their grip

"Anger doesn't gonna help you! You'll lose, you can't match her strength right now!!" Jessica pulls of his arm

"SHE'S WEAKEN RIGHT NOW!! SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY BODYGUARD WITH HER!!!" he still persistance and struggles from their grasp

"Even so, she still strong! Not only at strength, but political and also law! She's an elite of course the cabinet and goverment gonna support her and law is always at her side, DON'T BE STUPID!!" Amber grab his lower body to preventing him do anything stupid

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT RULES AND LAW!! FUCK DA LAW AND FUCK THIS GODDAMN WAR!!! FUCK YOU ADDAMS, BERTRAYIN' YO OWN COUNTRY JUST FOR-!!" before he can finish his swearing and anger, Amber punched his belly and he's down on his knees. Clayton's out cold for almost half hour Amber punched him through his guts pretty hard, after that he woke up and regain his consciousness and saw the girls stands in front of him look at him with a serious face

"So? What should I do right now? Apologized to the neighbour or...?" he asked to them

"No need for that, Clayboy" Selina sat down at his bed "we already settles that up, all you need is to listen to us. While you were out cold, we thought that we need to be more open to you so I thought you need to know our secret

"Like what?" he asked

"Do you ever heard 'Mahorose Blink' ?" Hawyoung asked him, he replied with confused expression on his face "no I didn't, what kind of name is that?" then Amber gave him a smile and replied "that's our team called, Mahorose was an abbreviation between Mahogany and Rosewood and Blink because we work faster than anyone before someone called 'Whide Smiley' appeared"

"Why I never heard your team's name at any news ?" he asked them

"The news were about letting you know about us, because after we done with our job we always gave last messages to them, but before you can heard it you already threw the TV out from the window!" Jessica said to him

"So I guess, I'm not the first person who has been contacted by the company, that makes sense...and also you girls didn't have time to put message at Hailie body because she's gone and you can't take her off guard because I'm with her, so the fact you can't killed her is because I'm the one who destroyed everything..." he gave them a conclusion then he bent his body to the Mahorose and apologize to them, they already forgave him by letting them go inside his apartment and do his chores, after that settled Hawyoung's dinner is done and they start eating, it was delicious

"I thought American people doesn't like Korean homemade food!" Hawyoung surprised after watching Clayton eats and ask for second, he only replies "I'm not one of them" he gave her a smile and she giggled a bit then both of them staring each other causing Hawyoung blushed a little, while the others also staring at both of them because somehow it's weird, Clayton and Hawyoung not really that close they barely knew each other, the first time he met her at the company and the second at her apartment.

After finish their lunch, Clayton, Selina, Jessica, Amber and Hawyoung phone are ringing and both of them answer the call

"Howdy do cowboy!! It's from Uncle Wellington's Steak, we served the best chargrilled steak since 1923 right now we're short handed at delivery boy, the payment already sent to your account but if any of you finish the job first, we'll give you extra!! Our address at 707th Soothing Berry Street, Saint Bronco Downtown"


"All of you got the same phone call, right?" Amber asked to them, "hell yeah!!" Selina replied, "same here" Hawyoung replied too, "you don't need to ask! we're on the same job" Jessica gave them the conclusion, while they discussed their startegies Clayton looks not very happy at all about his job, because this job not fulfilling his deeds

"You still thinking about revenge on her aren'cha?! I told you to let it go, you can get your revenge when the time is right!" Amber said to him

"No, it's not about her, it's...nothing big really" he replied to her and finally preparing for himself, this time he only carry his fire axe and Winchester then after everything ready he put his mask on and outside he remembers that he don't have a car right now, the Blinks offer him a ride but he refuse their offers and choose to catch a bus to Blueberry Station then he arrives at Brown Station, the station in Saint Bronco after that he didn't go to his mission instead to an old workshop the place looks dilapidated like his apartment, inside he saw old men cutting some steel and the other welding steel to each other he approach them then asked "can I borrow your tools for minutes, sir?" the oldman with welding tools replies "sure thing, young man, you can borrow everything in here this place will close sometime soon anyways"

"Thank you" Clayton replied to him, then he drop his bag and pull out his fire axe and Winchester then starts working out by cutting and welding the steel, and after 30 minutes long he finally finish it, a fire axe that can turn into a gun and also had hidden bayonet (referencing from Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, but the axe is now a fire axe)

"Well, this looks great, I can finish this job with this beauty!" he thinks fot himself, then before he get out he pays the owner and said his goodbye to them, they didn't think someone in this god awful states still paid them.

(AUTHOR NOTE: Hey, guys sorry for not uploading this chapter, it's a hectic day and some shit happens)