
Night 01:40 (Penetrate)

After going back from the groceries store, both of them not going straight back home instead they go to the real Cookies and Cream Café and buy their most favourite menu, the Cookies & Cream Latte. While enjoying their drinks the other customers start staring to both of them, Clayton knows that they're staring at Kylie but he didn't even care, how come they didn't! a boy that look like a goddess, dark blonde hair, blushing skin and marbled blue eyes

"Clay?" Kylie asked him

"Yes, Kei?"

"Am I really that beautiful? Because people start staring at me" he whispered to him

"Don't mind them too much, they're just envious" he replied to him

After finish paying for their food, then they're leaving the café after a minutes walking on the street they were stopped by some street punks, one of them holding a knife. Clayton knew that they were asking for his money and wanted to rape Kylie

"Give me all yo money an' leave the gal 'ere, we want a little taste of her!" the punk with the knife threatening Clayton, he answered him with silence, and suddenly he throws a punch to the punk stomach causing him coughing up blood

"I'll make yo regret doin' that to ma brotha'! I'll kill yo ass rite 'ere!" the muscular with tanned skin throws a punch at him, he dodged it easily and to counter it he kick the punk in his rib bone causing some crack, after finishing the other two Clayton stares down at the last punk

"Hhhhiiiiii...don't come near me ya fuckin' monsta! I gotta gun ya know!!!" he said it while pointing his gun at him

"You think your puny gun can scare me? I don't think so, BITCH!!" after said that, he jumps at him and slamming his head to the ground causing blood start flowing from the punk dead body, after seeing that both of them going back to their apartment.

Inside their apartment, both of them start take a shower together and Clayton's staring at Kylie for a while the start kissing him passionately after a while they broke their kiss , get dressed and start doing their own chores. Kylie washing their dirtu clothes while Clayton's answering his phone call

"Hiya,there! This is from Inukami Manufacturing Co.Ltd we're short handed right now so we can't handle a gas leaks near the Blueberry Station at 103th Bell Street the payment will be sent to your account after you finish the job. We hope for the best!"


"This job doesn't give me the time when to start and also the payment will be sent to my account if I finish it, that mean this job can be taken by another worker. This means someone already been contacted by the company, I'm not alone anymore!" he thinks to himself

After finishes his laundry, Kylie start cooking their dinner and Clayton's preparing his tools again and his mask

* 30 minutes later

While they're enjoying their food, Clayton start talking to him

"My job...I'm not alone anymore...someone is already been contacted by the company..."

Kylie replies to him, "Clay , I know it's hard but you must focus to your job and finish it what they gave you, watch yourself and always be careful"

"Thanks, Kei that means a lot to me!" he replied to him and then kissed his forehead making him smile a bit

After being encouraged by his fianceé, Clayton give a goodbye kiss to him, start up his car and go staright to 103th Bell Street, when he arrives there someone's motorbike has already parked there and when he enter the building, he's surprised that most of the guards had been killed and cause of the dead is slashed through their organs

"The cut is to deep for a knife, even my combat knife can't cut this deep" he examines the dead guard wounds, then he go straight to the second floor and saw someone wearing a motorbike helmet with cat ears and it colors are blue and green, the killer carries a 28 inch katana and there's blood dripping from it's blade after cleaning the blade from its victim blood, the killer notice Clayton's presence and look back at him

"Do you works for them?" the killer asked him, "it's female voice" he's saying on his own mind

"No, I don't, my reason came to here is the same as you, Miss" Clayton replies to her

"My my what a nice gentleman, guess you and I are in the same reason then!" she answer him while opening her helmet revealing her beautiful tanned face and long wavy amber coloured hair

From her makeup itself, she is definitely an elite woman, Clayton's can smell her perfume it must be the expensive one, she had the body of porn star and face like a model, she's wearing a tight leather jacket revealing her Double D ample breasts and for the pants she wears a leggings that tightly pressed against her curvy hips and buttocks

"Oh! I almost forgot, since we are partners in crime we need to introduce ourselves, name's Hailie Corleone nice to meetcha' !!" she offers a handshake with a wide grin on her face, but he refuse to do it and introduce himself "Clayton. And I hope I don't see each other again, I don't like noisy people like you"

"Ehhh!!! Why not? Aren't we on the same purpose?! And I'm not noisy ya know!!"

"God! Your shouting is hurting my ears, do me a favour and shut your mouth while working!!" he replies to her angrily leaving her alone and going to the third floor of the building

"Hey! Wait for me! Don't leave a lady behind!"

Clayton starts killing the guards by taking surprise on them, when he thinks the room is clear someone jumps on him with a broken piece of glass, but before the guards can kill him Hailie slashed the guard with her katana

"See? I can watch your back, you need me and I need you too, Clay"

"Just don't let me down and don't you dare call me Clay!" he answer her and start walking with her to the final floor, there they meet the owner of the building and he start shooting with his gun Hailie cut through all his bullets until he run out of ammo, he starts threatening her, "you think you can get away from this?! This building is full of camera every action you pull will be recorded and once I press this button it'll send to the police, but wait minute, the recording there are two of you before entering this room. Where's the other one?! ANSWER ME!!!" he is demanding an answer from her, but suddenly the lights go out a minutes later the lights back on and when the owner checking the video it's gone, suddenly Clayton putting his knife on the owner neck, he start sweating not because the air temperature.

"Ok...ok...ok what do you want from me?! Money? I can give you all, I'm a businessman ok? I have family too!!" he's begging for his life

When the owner says about family and business, Hailie jump to his desk and pointing her katana to his neck

"HOW DARE YOU CALLED THIS LOAD OF CRAP A BUSINESS!! SELLING DRUGS TO KIDS, WEAPONS TO CRIMINALS!! YOU DESERVE NOTHING BUT A PAINFUL DEATH!!" she scream to him, then Clayton calming her down "don't let your anger takes you, Hailie! Besides he says something about his family, I think they worth visiting"

"NOOOO!!" PLEASE SPARE THEM!!! My family don't deserve this, the person you must kill is me not my wife and kids!" he begs to them, then Hailie kick him in his face and some blood spurts on Hailie's boots "SHUT UP! Your blood don't even worth tarnish my sword!" then she tells Clayton, "he's all yours" then Clayton pulls his Winchester and blows the owner's head clean off

"How about the payment ? Did you get it ?" Clayton ask her about the contract payment

"Yeah...I'm gonna split the payment fifty-fifty" she start negotiate to him

"Make it seventy-thirty, then we have a deal"

"Too rich for my blood, make it sixty-forty also I can give you my service..." she starts seducing him by holding his arm and pressing her tits on them

"Deal! But, can you put the service on hold?"

"Ok! I'll be waiting for you when you're ready, here's my phone number. Hope we can work like this again!" she kissed him in his cheek "my hero", then both of them go ride their own vehicles. While driving his car back to his apartment he murmuring to himself while touching his cheek that been kissed by Hailie "women..."