

Kjonathan_1083 · Kỳ huyễn
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My Family

3years later

A beautiful moderate tall girl is hiding behind a tree giggling blue eyes like a lake even though her clothes were cheap and simple , her shortly trimmed hair and dirty body ,her beauty could not hidden

"I have found every one but not Kira , were could she be hiding " a boy about 11 years moving in the garden said " Kira aunt Abbey is looking for you " "What , is she " Kira blabbed out forgetting she's meant to be hiding " Founded You " Mark shouted " but you cheated " Kira said with an angry look " but what did l do " mark said with arms out to show that he did not know what she meant " you lair , you said that aunt Abbey is calling me ,you lying cheat " Kira said with rag in her blue eyes

"Actually she is , she's in her office with some people , I think you are getting adopted " a girl with long black silky hair and brown eye confirmed with excitement in her tone . She is a year older than Kira and Kira's best friend. "So you better freshen up "

A women and her husband were discussing with mother and by mother I mean the head of the orphanage .

So Kira walked in "mother you wanted to talk to me " Kira asked fearfully . the adoption process was legal but Kira was sacred of leaving all her behind "Yes , Kira meet Mr and Mrs landerwood .

once they heard my name they turned at the speed of light with huge smiles on their face's " She's beautiful Kira not so! " Mr landerwood said ( Dad) "Yes , she's is and also a very gentle obedient and smart girl " " Yes she's the one " mum with tears filling her eyes after they signed paper work got my finger print for thing l didn't understand any way she told me not to bring any thing cos they every thing l need but l still carried my bear which Nuus gave so l can fill better . l visited nuus a lot since my accident

I then said bye to all my friends and promised to visit you

"Sir" I was quickly cut and he said "you can call me dad " I still did not want to call him dad but "Dad " see it still fells weird to call him that " Can we stop at SWD hospital I want to say bye to my friend? " "OK ,but can we meet this friend of yours ?" " Yes you will like her she is funny and tall Ooo and she has the funniest name nuus " my now mum giggled cos of my excitement " Yes, she does have a funny name , and we can also get ice cream while we do you like that " Kira couldn't wait and she was happy to have a family .

From the hospital they headed home was a two story , 3 bath ,5 bedroom home Kira loved it so much that she couldn't stop starring at the house " Do you love it this is were you will be living " mum asked knowing the answer "it's so big " Kira said not even blinking "don't worry you won't be alone, you will have a brother and sister to all ways be your friends and they said you like puppies so we got you one " mum said trying to not to scare Kira and like that Kira's face lit up like a bulb Kira loved dogs they used to have one

" A sister , brother and even a puppy am so excited l might l might" Kira couldn't even talk " So tells go in in and meet them OK " Kira was carried from her seat and taken in the house looked even more beautiful from the in side ( aren't all houses ) ,it spacious , with a merger TV the biggest one Kira had every seen , couch for a king ,huge transparent glass tables with a glass wall letting in light , a swimming pool in the back yired this place is a min mansion that's because their farther is the best chief in the hole of New York and mother a famous blogger and writer

Kira was so excited

" Alvin they are here hurry up " a loud girlish voice was had "coming " a person who mast be Alvin said

"OK Kira meet your brother and sister Alvin and Talia " OK that was weird for complete strangers to call me part of their family "OK my name is Talia and this is my brother Alvin as you can see he is not the best at keeping time " she tried to say it in the most polite "my name is Kira and it is nice to meet you " well was as polite as could be " hey my name Alvin it's nice to meet you " a boy about 3 years older than me said while running down the stairs any ,we eventually got very close , we even went to the same school we slept in the same bed want I am sacred (I and Talia ) , we were all into sports , Talia was a cheerleader apparently that is also a sport , Alvin in rage bay and I tennis well my mum said she loves athletes and bad loved washing games ,I guess that how the meet

l had it all a normal life , a loving family the most beautiful home and well my dog at least I can say it lasted

( not Edited)