
NieR Automata: Life's Meaning

In the face of the impending extinction of the human race, initiatives such as Project Gestalt and Project Snow White were believed by those involved to be the key to humanity's salvation. There were many more like it, all making use of the mysterious energy known as maso along with other elements foreign to their dimension. Project APEX, or the Augmented Progression of Evolutionary Xenobiology, was a privately funded venture that took a far different approach. Instead of using elements not native to the dimension Earth resided in, researchers attempted to synthesis a human carrying artificial genes derived from native biological material that displayed an innate resistance to maso. Humanity was wiped out long before any could see the result of the experiment but that didn't mean it never bore fruit. Abruptly awakened from a lifelong slumber with nothing but an AI as company, the young man born from the experiment takes on the name Apex and emerges from an underground lab unsure of what the future holds. *** art by...huh, I think the original artist might've taken down their account or the information I have is outdated so I'm not sure how to credit it. I'll just put my trust in the reddit post and say its from a X(twitter) user formerly known as @09_Ziezzzzz. Allegedly. Update Schedule? When I can/feel like it. New term got me swamped with work. Shameless plug for those who want to read ahead and or want to support me more. (patreon. com/ ContradictionCentral)

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32 Chs

Something to Look Forward to (Popola's P.O.V)

Popola arose with a yawn, sheets falling away as she stretched, her half-lidded eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness of the bedroom. She half-expected Devola to beside her but the right side of the large bed was empty and the door to the bedroom cracked open. It was distant but soft tunes wafted into the room. She was up early again and already plucking at her guitar by the sound of things.

Popola smiled as she stood up.

It wasn't long ago that Devola spent most days sleeping in and rarely touching that instrument of hers. Now she was at it everyday, ready to deal with whatever was in store for them. It was a nice change of pace all thanks to their new friend.

She left the room, parts of the old cabin creaking beneath her feet. Curtains were already pulled aside, sunlight illuminating the rest of the place. Other than the hallway leading to the bathroom, which was more for show than anything else, and the bedroom she'd just come from, the main room made up everything else, acting as living room, dinning room, and kitchen all in one. Other than the furniture, like the bathroom, just about everything else was for decoration.

The boxes they'd be loading into the truck were already sorted and prepped once they were ready to go alongside lidded metal canisters of fresh water pulled from the distant river.

While convenient, that left her at a bit of a loss. Normally she'd spend the early morning handling all that then watering the garden before leaving. Why did Devola suddenly take it upon herself to do this?

Opening the front door, Popola joined Devola out on the porch, the latter seated on the worn steps with her guitar in hand. Alone.

"Apex hasn't arrived yet?" Popola asked.

"Not yet." Devola said without looking back. She didn't take her eyes away from the forest for a moment, clearly expectant. Considering he'd come every morning since their first meeting it was strange for him not to be here yet.

"He is rather odd." Popola said as she joined her sister on the steps. They hadn't taken the time to truly talk about their new friend. "I've never seen or heard of a model by that name."

"Maybe he's a new model?" Devola offered.

"Maybe…" That was unlikely and they both knew it. New models didn't just pop up. There was always the possibility that he was what remained of an older generation model that few knew of but it still didn't explain everything.

They waited on Apex for quite some time before Popola went off to water the garden. Not long after that she began loading up the truck, Devola reluctantly following her lead.

There was plenty Popola wanted to bring up. To point out. None more important than the damage their new friend had likely sustained to his memories but in the end she didn't.

"I'm sure he's just busy." Popola said as they loaded the final pair of boxes. "He'll be by to visit again." Devola gave a subdued nod, one more glance shot towards the forest line before she got in the truck.

Popola couldn't help but do the same, that reassurance meant for herself just as much as it was for Devola. It hadn't been long but having Apex around was a breath of fresh air.

No one else treated them the way he did.

-Route A, No. 006-

The blinding sun shined down on them through the many holes above. The air was as stale as it was dry. Crumbling buildings surrounded them.

Loud clinks filled the air as another group of resistance fighters passed them, some more injured than others. They tossed broken and rusted parts haphazardly into the boxes around Popola and Devola, heedless of the signs that said what belonged where. Rarely, the more damaged among them demanded scans and snatched the repaired parts they'd brought back from the cabin, all revolted by the idea that they had to subject themselves to their assistance. The rest either glared down at them or ignored their existence entirely as they headed deeper into the alleyways between the crumbling buildings where The Resistance Camp was hidden.

She and Devola weren't allowed back there. Never would be. And so, once they handed over the water to those responsible for dispensing it, they sat outside camp, their equipment set up within one of the crumbling buildings and their truck hidden.

Once everyone passed them Popola rose up and began resorting the damaged parts into the boxes they belonged in. She knew better than to do so in front of the others; she'd be lucky if one of them didn't strike her for the perceived disrespect.

Not that she didn't deserve it.

Normally Devola was quick to help but she sat on the thin piece of fabric they spread across the ground in a sort of daze, more downcast than usual. She decided to let her be. Its not like Popola didn't feel the same; talking with Apex was more often than not the highlight of her day. She couldn't remember the last time she had a proper conversation with anyone beyond Devola before he came along.

This was the…she wouldn't say negative but rather the consequence of meeting him.

It was far easier to accept penance when everything was bleak. In the end, even if almost none would speak with them, they always had each other and while staying in that cabin was dangerous with all the machines around it, the place was their own little safe place they fixed up with their own hands. But now they had someone who treated them like anyone else. It was hard not to think of that.

Footsteps filled the air and Popola quickly returned to her seat at Devola's side looking at the ground as another group passed. More insults, glares, and demands. They sat through it all, another hard day spent beneath the burning sun.

It was what she deserved.

-Route A, No. 006-

The drive home was quiet.

One of countless quiet rides but there was something different about this one. An oppressive tension that had nothing to do with today's work.

"I'm sure we'll see him again." Popola said getting a hum from Devola. She shifted away from the passenger side window she'd been leaning against, scooting into the empty middle seat and dropping her head onto Popola's shoulder.

"Do you think…what if the machines got him?" Devola whispered. It was strange to not only see her subdued but more uncertain. Devola usually had a bit of a fire that many led to her saying things many might find disrespectful but had been consciously keeping that at bay around Apex. Likely not wanting to ward him off.

"That's unlikely." Popola said, truly believing that. Apex wore fur around his waist and by the looks of things, had been surviving in the forest on his own for some time though unlike them he got around on foot. One person could avoid most machines in dense greenery like this as long as they were smart, and Apex struck her as smart.

Devola hummed back. "I'm sorry I didn't help you much today."

"Don't worry about it." Popola assured her as bits of their cabin became visible through the trees ahead. "But you will be getting an extra box of parts to fix up."

"I guess that's fair." Devola said with a slight smile. Silence returned but at least the tension had lessened. As they cleared the forest line and entered the clearing their home laid claim to, it all but vanished.

Apex sat on the steps of the porch, completely and utterly butchering one of the tunes Devola had been trying to teach him. He lowered the guitar and waved to them with a smile. Devola, who'd shot up from her shoulder returned the wave, a shine returned to her eyes.

Popola stopped the truck early and nodded to her sister. Devola was quick to exit the car, trying to contain her excitement but a pep to her step betraying her. She watched through the window as the two began talking before Devola started demonstrating the proper way to play to him. There were more tears in his already tattered pants and fresh rips in the fur around his waist suggesting a run in with the machines.

They should get his permission to scan him. Maintenance was the entire reason others tolerated their existence in the first place. But if they did that, they'd discover the damage she suspected interfered with his memories. Why else would anyone treat them this way? Everyone knew of their models, no matter how few of them remained, and no one in the know would show such kindness.

Popola couldn't but smile as the two of them laughed over another of his butchered attempts before starting the truck back up and parking.

Maybe it was a lie, their entire relationship built off the fact that they were taking advantage of the fact that he never asked for repairs, allowing them to neglect their duties, but it was a bright spot and Devola needed one. She needed one.

One day they would have to do what they meant to and when that day came, he wouldn't look at them the same. Until then, their new odd friend gave them something to look forward to.

Bit of a shorter one but my mind really wouldn't let this go. Felt like context would be nice to help frame the girls and their attitudes. But just as our fellow reader Binge_Reader69 suggested, I see myself doing another one like this once they realize Apex is human. Maybe switch it up and use Devola when I get there? We shall see.

I feel bad for the twins just overlooking this chapter but this should serve as big sign of things to come. Like I said in my disclaimers, where ever i made them, I'm keeping the general themes and backstories showed in the game/anime and whatnot with my own twists here and there. LIke the two not being allowed in camp and carrying out dangerous supply runs no one else wants to. Fits the story I'm trying to tell and still stays true to how they're treated in game.

Though in the end I'm a feel-good wholesome kind of guy so I doubt I can bring myself to write a tragedy. Happy endings for everyone!

Hope the chapter still offered entertainment despite its size. I still can't get over how much support you guys I showing. Didn't think much of this story when I was brainstorming it. Then again, I didn't expect to be fleshing it out so much since this literally started as an excuse to write some very not pg-13 scenes about all the android women in this game....

Life has a weird way of working out.

TheContradictioncreators' thoughts