
NICOLE [Gifted Series#1]

Left in the world with nothing apart from a little hope to find her mate without knowing what the future has installed for her. Being rejected and abused by the one who was supposed to love and cherish her forever, thinking that she'll spend the rest of her life wolfless and lonely. Empty and heartbroken, she ran away and for good this time. with all hope lost and trying to forget her mate alongside the feeling of rejection, what happens when she finds out she has a second chance mate and not just one but two freaking mates? Not knowing the kind of power that resides in her, Nicole the once wolfless who was labeled as a freak and as a murderer is freaked out when she finds out her first power is freaking healing. With series of events happening one after another and powers growing deep within her. will she succeed? will her trust issues get the better of her stopping her from getting things done or not? will she survive the tests and trials she'll be facing? will she be getting a happy ever after or not? find out more as you follow Nicole on this journey of hers. All Rights Reserved. This is all my idea and imagination. cover from canva and Pinterest

MissAlexis · Thanh xuân
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16 Chs

It Hurt's

Recap: I Damien Jayden Christopher Ross Alpha of Brightmoon pack reject you Nicole Avaline Jacobs as my mate and Luna. You don't deserve to be my luna you worthless wolfless piece of trash" Damien said to Nicole, eyes filled with disgust. He turned around about to leave but was stopped by the small voice which was a little bit above a whisper.

"It's fine, I Nicole Avaline Jacobs accept your rejection Alpha Damien Jayden Christopher Ross of Brightmoon pack."She said making him freeze on spot, he did not expect that he really didn't think the soft bullied naive-looking girl will accept it because he knew how long she waited for her mate as well.


He gave a head nod and strode out without looking back, her acceptance was disturbing him so he told himself he needs a distraction, he sat on the couch he was on before and Chole was on his leg with a smuge smile as she turned to look in Nicole's direction.

Nicole went back to Derrick and Anisa casting a glance at where Damien was seeing as he held Chole by the waist as she sat on his leg, as if sensing her gaze Damien looked up meeting her eyes, smirking as he sucked on Chole's neck still holding her gaze Nicole quickly looked away feeling a lump grow in throat, she left for her room before anyone could see she was about to cry{ Derrick and Anisa}.

Unknown to Nicole Derrick already sensed her dull mood and pain, he frowned as he watched her leave holding back Anisa who was about to chase Nicole, he looked in Damien's direction seeing him happily laughing and joking around as if nothing happened made him want to hit Damien till he's at the bridge of death.

He knew she would find her mate today and seeing Damien walk up to her without his poises or not ignoring her like usual made him suspect he was her mate he confirmed it once he sensed her dull and sad mood as she came out after Damien.He just wish he was her mate instead, he hated those that bullied Nicole to the core but he hated himself most as he couldn't stand up or fight for her without fear.

Nicole's p.o.v:

After what happened I couldn't stop crying, sometimes I usually cry because of the loneliness and pain I go through as the lowest of all omegas, and being an omega isn't this usually bad or have the lowest levels it's just only in this pack, and I'm the only one with such a rank but I eventually got used to it.

I have just two people in my life, they're almost like my friends but I don't wanna go there yet, one which is the head of the omega's daughter and she's just a few years older than me, even though apart from Anisa he speaks to me even though he was asked not to, Anisa still hasn't found her mate yet and Derrick either.

Speaking of mates, I heard and was always told how you're is supposed to love you, cherish you, adore, and care for you even if the world is against you he/she would stand by you and always have your back because that's how the goddess has made and destined things to be.

She pairs you with the one you're meant to love and care about, your one true love as it's already been pre-destined.

I remember when mom would read me stories about mates every time before I go to bed every day, I remember the touch and sound of her soft hands and her angelic voice whenever she pats my head and sings me to sleep or when she had styled my hair for school.

I remember her sweet scent how she smelt like fresh batch of cookies and lavender, and dad, his big rough hands that would always tickle me or that held me on the first day of school when I was scared, and his scent, he smelled just like freshly made coffee.

My brothers, I missed them all. It's already midnight and I can't stop crying, they would have been here to celebrate my birthday with me not just mine but Nicolas's as well.

We would have both been eating our favorite cake, Nicolas would have found his mate today and Jackson would have come home with his, he would have been delta or head of the trackers team in the pack, he never wanted the beta's position.

He and dad had agreed that giving Nicolas the position was the best even though nick always declined a lot he still would have been beta as his best friend was the alpha's son after all.

I missed them so very much, I missed hearing Jackson's music first thing in the morning when I woke up well except for my alarm clock, I missed Nicolas barging into my room to annoy me or vice versa, I missed mom and dad, I missed all of them so very much I don't know but I kinda missed the old Lucia the one who was once my best friend even though it was an act or whatever.

I feel so lost right now I have no one to talk to even if Anisa and Derrick are here they wouldn't understand and I didn't want to ruin Anisa's image of what she thinks about mates I cried some more.

I needed a hug right now, I needed to be in my mom's arms with her telling me okay, it's going to be okay, I don't deserve it or I'll be better off without him, it was just a dream, it's all gone now, but she isn't here and I'm all alone again.

"Ahhhh" I screamed in pain' WTF what's that? why does my chest hurt? it hurts so much 'It felt like my heart was being pulled out, Suddenly I felt cold air whistle past me, but the windows are closed right?.

"who's there?" I asked lowly as I tried to stand up to look at where the wind came from

"Nicole, Child"I hear a soft melodious voice call out,f**k I'm getting scared first the wind and now the strange voice, goddess help me.

"Now, now don't be scared, just turn around and follow my voice okay," it said again, 'yeah right, only a crazy person will listen to such a sweet voice that could lead to their doom. hmh"I thought sarcastically.

Before I knew what happened next I saw darkness cloud my vision for a while then it cleared up and I saw myself in this really beautiful place like a garden or it seems more like a forest, feeling amazed by what I saw I seemed to have forgotten the pain in my chest and the strange melodious voice that appeared in my room.

"Stop looking around child, you've gotten what you longed for that others have. Just move forward and pick your choice" Since it couldn't get me to follow it's a goddamn decision it brought me here huh. I heard that same stupid melodious voice just keep appearing and disappearing. f**k! where did it come from again?

'Show yourself coward stop hiding, also stop trying to be mysterious okay? I'm not scared of you now take me back"I ranted as I looked around for anybody, great I can't find a single thing not even a rabbit making me seem like I'm crazy enough talking to myself.

"Stop cursing child, and I am by no chance a coward, just go forward"The voice sounded a little frustrated at the end of its statement.' well get frustrated 'cause that's how I feel right now.umm I'll just check out what it was nagging about maybe it'll finally let me out' I thought.

As I walked further down a clear path I saw three beautiful well-kept wolves either drinking from this sparkly lake or sitting by it, woah is this what the voice said to see? Sensing my presence I saw all three wolves look up elegantly as they arranged themselves in a neat line. why the heck are they doing that I thought my footsteps were light damn.

"Choose one of the three to be your wolf," The voice said again, wait what I thought we were born with our wolf's why do I have to choose mine, you know what never mind I'll just follow through with it.

So I walked off to the three extremely beautiful wolves, one was this spotless golden brown, and the second one was a pure black like midnight black, both look amazing and cute but they didn't catch my attention enough like the spotless snowy white wolf beside them. She looks so quiet yet elegant.

I walked up to it rubbing its soft fur, damn it soooo soft feels like it was made of silk and feathers, d*mn I could sleep on it. I'll come back little white, I whispered softly before walking off to the other two. Soon I came back to the white wolf as promised then I heard that godforsaken melodious voice call out again.

"I see you've taken a liking to little white, why don't you just pick her then," It said, ok who told "it" I liked little white anyway it's not like I wasn't gonna choose little white in the first place, I do feel some sort of strange connection to it.

"Ok, I pick little white, now can I go back and continue crying please," I said to no one in particular then felt little white nudge me with her big head before whimpering dully. Soon I felt my vision begin to cloud with darkness and as you know it folks the darkness loves me.




I forced my eyelids open because it feels so heavy, I felt a wave of dizziness overwhelm me as I stood up, take it from me never And I mean never ever rush to stand up when you were once asleep or sitting cause you'll get dizzy and you'll feel like your whole world is spinning.

'Hey stay still I still wanna sleep ok'

I heard another voice making me freeze in shock, what's wrong with strange voices talking to me 'go find another victim' I wanted to say but as I looked around for where it was coming from I realized that I'm back in my room/attic. How on earth did I get here?

"Stop thinking too much and just stay still ok I'm still hurt from what that b*st*rd did"

I heard the voice say again bringing me back to reality and the possibility of a ghost being in this room with me, I mean there's a good chance it could be a ghost.

"Who's that?" I asked stupidly, just to be clear if it answered back saying it was a ghost then I don't know what I'll do.

'In your head idiot,' I heard the voice say again as I began to feel my headache.

"Oh, my conscience? If so why didn't I know you talked and where have you been, is it the land of conscience?" I asked.

'Nope, but your wolf. The name's Avaline, you can call me Ava' The voice-sorry of my wolf Ava said.

Wait, what! I got my wolf, I guess it wasn't a dream, after all, I thought as I began to recall everything that happened yesterday right from decorating the house for the party to hearing the strange melodious voice and then seeing the wolves and darkness clouding my vision oh and when Damien marked another She-wolf. It hurts like h**l even if he rejected me.

"I'm sorry Ava, our mate rejected us because I wasn't good enough," I said as tears starts pouring from my eyes.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter besides I know my human is better than he could imagine. I mean that's why this baddie is with ya. He's the one missing out."

"Although it still hurts it's gonna get better hopefully, we'll be happy with no boy problems" I hear Ava say, I could feel it in her voice how hard she was tryna be positive but she was hurting more than I do because his wolf also marked and accepted another.

"But *sob*still *sob*I'm*sob* sorry," I said while crying.

"Stop being such a crybaby, okay, cry ain't gonna solve anything," Ava said with an eye roll.

"Besides you're better than the whore he chooses over us, and when we leave this godforsaken place we're gonna start over and be f**king happy without a stupid mate or boy"

I should leave this place, if I still stay here I know I'll be hurting both me and Ava, they wouldn't stop showing off most especially Chole.

"What a whore, can't believe she dares bully you.... nahh I believe it's only because of that a**hole ex-mate of ours that's backing her. What a joke"

"Well don't worry I'm here now and we'll be fine. Let me see who's gonna touch us*scoffs*"

I shook my head at her behavior and nodded I no longer have anything to wait for or do with this pack, I might as well leave.

" Yeah, that's the spirit girl, now let's get the h**l out of this h**l hole of a pack," Ava said with a wide grin and went to sit at the back of my head. I know she's trying to stay positive but it just hurts me even more.

I gathered a few clean clothes I had and the dress Anisa had given me earlier and put them into my worn-out backpack then snuck into my old room surprisingly some of the picture frames were still there and intact.

I took each one of them containing different memory I placed them carefully into my bag, then searched for anything valuable that chole hasn't taken yet I opened the walking closet, this room was meant to be given to chole since she became beta's daughter but surprisingly they didn't give her and just left it vacant for some reason.

I bent down, moved a board below the shoe rack, and took the emergency backpack mom had hidden there a long time ago when I was 14, she said " honey this is for emergency purposes only don't touch or open it until the time is right okay" and I just forgot about it.

I know you might be wondering why I never took it earlier, well you see I was banned from entering here my old room and they have guards watching this very room 24/7 so I can't come here and just forget about it until this moment.

I took the backpack and placed the floorboard back in its place and left like I was never here, damn I'm really lucky today aren't I, I thought as I placed both letters I had written for both Anisa and Derrick on my bed, I knew when Anisa comes to wake me up to starts my chores she would see it and I would've been long gone.

I went back to my old room quietly and carefully not to wake up the hungover guards who were sleeping downstairs I know they aren't guarding this room because they are all drunk from last night's party .

I opened the window and peered down to see how far I will be jumping but from what I'm seeing right now I would probably break all my bones or worse die if I jump and I and height aren't on mutual terms.

Ava just shook her head in disagreement ' jump, we have to get out of here, it's now or never, and even if you get hurt it would be only just a little and you'd heal more quickly than a human, you've got me okay so jump before the guard inside wakes up dummy' she said.

I opened the window a little bit more then placed one foot out first then I started to panic okay nic you got this you just need to place your second foot out and then jump out it's not that hard now is it, I pet-talked myself whereas ava just sighed, I placed my second foot out the window and looked down searching for any guards and that was my mistake cause I felt dizzy instantly when I saw the distance from where I was to the ground, 'okay you've got this, on the count of three I told myself as I closed my eyes sure enough ava was counting and took a deep breath then jumped as soon as it reached three, it took all my will power not to scream and fear of waking the guards or catching the attention of the ones doing board patrol and those that didn't live in the pack house.

Once I landed properly on the ground I checked my body for any sign of injury but I only found a scratch on my knees and palms, I stood up and dusted my palms on my blue sweatshirt and dusted the dirt off my worn-out black shorts, I hid behind a bush not far away from where I landed, I checked both ways for any sign of guards/ warriors, seeing none I speed towards the southern border and ran into the forest, sure enough, I stopped when I noticed how far I had gotten. I'm finally free, I left. Goodbye suckers.

who else is happy Nic finally got her wolf?

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byeee pixies

love vee

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